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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Basically an expanded, more precise of Fatman & little boy
17 November 2023
A much detailed movie about the development of the atomic age, with all the same characters and more. 3 hours long, but for those who are interested in history and not just a standard length movie drama, it's well done and interesting, I never felt the desire to leave my seat. However, watch it on the biggest screen possible, as I initially watched it on a 55" LCD TV, but later on a 12' projectioned screen, and the impact was obviously vastly different. I suppose that those who find it tedious were home viewers who were watching it on smaller screens in well lit rooms. There will be always much to be said, for watching movies in actual theaters, or at least, HOME theaters with huge screens. Resolution doesn't matter much; I showed this on my routine Saturday 'movie night', on the giant white side of my garage, and numerous neighbors stopped by to enjoy the 'drive in movie' experience, bringing their lawn chairs to enjoy the show. Oh, no one left early, even though many weren't either cinemaphiles or specifically interested in history, but they did appreciate the popcorn machine in my garage, and the fridge with free soda. Wonderful movie.
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The Rookie (2018– )
Mediocre police procedures, lots of stupid people doing stupid things
23 October 2023
Interesting police drama, Nathan does his best to portray a middle aged man starting a second career as a cop. The biggest problem is, the cops in the show don't follow correct procedures, and it's easily apparent that the show is designed to entertain the adolescent minds that think comic books make great movies. Lots of violent interactions, i.e., the gang that couldn't shoot straight seems to be the criminals in every shoot 'em up episode. As in, the whole mob of gunmen who can't hit a single cop, despite them all having submachine guns. And no one gets hit by a single bullet? Really? But than you have cops doing things just as ignorant, ignoring procedure and then getting hurt because of it. Is this supposed to make criminals think this is how real law enforcement works? Gee, I hope so.

As is common, what we see here is mostly stupid people doing stupid things. If that is what you are looking for, well then this show is for you. Our 5th and 6th grade kids and their friends love it. The adults, not so much; and it's not the violence that's upsetting, it's the incredible ignorance and foolishness of the supposedly adult, educated officers in the show.
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Line of Fire (2003–2005)
Terrific, intrigue, suspense, great complicated characters.
2 May 2023
Catch seeing this one wherever you can, you won't be disappointed. Shows both sides of the law enforcement, and the criminal enterprise, in detail about how each person has to deal with all the complications that they must face every day of their lives. Watching this well over a decade after it was broadcast, all I can wonder, is in what world does a series like this escape the notice of all the networks? Only 13 episodes? This was easily as good as the Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and Better Call Saul. Top notch stories, deep character development, everything anyone could ask for except comedy relief. All I can guess, is that it was placed in the wrong time slot by foolish executives, against other shows that were already established, in the hopes of drawing viewers away, and when it didn't happen, they abandoned it to try something else, instead of putting it in a better spot. And what of the other options? How do all the terribly written other shows wind up keeping their time slot when something like this gets discarded.
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Cute little time waster, but easily forgettable
8 February 2023
Story lines terrible. Dialogue horrific. Cute people, well, check, but that's about it. Like so many 'chic flick' shows, it starts off with a flawed premise that men choose wives based on being able to show them off to their friends and brag about 'what he's caught' as a mate. Unfortunately, that's a female specific behavior, such as how women automatically ask each other 'what does he do' for a job when a friend brings up a new boyfriend.

Men don't care what a woman does for a living (or even if she works at all) as long as she doesn't spend all his money. Men also don't care what others think about their mates; men choose the women they do, because they want to have sex with them, that's it. He doesn't care what other people think, as long as he get turned on just by the sight of her.

The rest of the show revolves around how women interpret the world around them, and so about half the population will find it appealing for the eye candy, but not much else. Doesn't seem to be very realistic either. But turn the sound off, and watch the pretty people.
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Not terrible, but not good either
5 August 2022
If you want to watch an updated Romeo and Juliet, watch the original West Side Story. This version is just, well, not that great. I rate movies on how many times I get up to do something else, then subtract that from ten (to fit IMDB's rating system). A good film will be a ten down to maybe 8 depending on how many times I have to go to the bathroom. Less means there's a problem. The fact that I kept wanting to do something else rather than watch this film, tells all. Oh, the acting is good. Of course. I mean, I can't tell great actors from 'just good' ones. Bad is Chuck Norris. Leo and Clare do a great a job as possible with this material. But it just doesn't work (I've seen the play with actors doing the whole old English thing, for comparison). Do yourself a favor, and watch something else.
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In Plain Sight: Duplicate Bridge (2009)
Season 2, Episode 7
Top notch, perhaps best of the series
22 March 2022
I'm not a professional critic, nor a tremendous judge of acting skills or the writing of screenplays. But this is one of the best showings of writing, that I've seen in a long time, right up there with the best that have ever been made. Frederick Weller at his best.
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tries to be everything for everyone, ends up being not much for anyone
12 March 2022
Like many movies and TV shows of today, this is a mish mash of several storylines, alternating between them with no explanation. In trying to be a romance, then an action flick, then a spy story, then sci-fi, it winds up being no good at any of them. It would be nice if the produicers could pick a genre, AND BE GOOD AT IT. Instead, we get a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and they expect the audience to be happy with a quarter of what they want to see, and otherwise just hang there watching other stuff that they didn't want to watch. Another sorry 21st century production trying to maximize it's audience, and winding up satisfying, none. Better off watching some 1940's film noir which actually has a decent story that moves right along without so many breaks to tell a different story.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
Exactly how stupid is the target audience for this?
12 February 2022
I got started binge watching this with my GF; What amazed me was the constant out takes during the show, to explain the plot to the viewers. Well, I guess it does explain the explosion of stupid people in the U. S. these days. They really have to explain the plot every few minutes? OMG. Without those, the plot is decently entertaining. But with them? Add commercials and it would be impossible to watch for any length of time. Just another show where the dad is a complete moron, the mom is the smart one, and the kids are smarter than both of them.
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The Fall Guy (1981–1986)
Great if you're 13 years old
7 February 2022
I remember watching this when I was in primary and jr high; it was terrific. Then I started watching it in reruns as an adult, and boy, what a letdown. Let's just say that it was terrific when I was a kid, much like so many other shows. But it loses a lot, when it basically comes down to watching dumb people doing dumb things. You know, the type of stuff where you think to yourself, 'What kind of an idiot would do that?' Yes, It's great if you like such things starring people who specialize in doing things preceded by 'Hold my beer, watch this'. Dumb and dumber. Lots of sophomoric humor, if that's what you enjoy. On the up side, it will keep your middle school nephew entertained quite well.
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C-16: FBI (1997–1998)
cursed with bad time slots, but good drama
23 January 2022
ABC dropped this in against NBC's 'must watch thursday' lineup of Friends and Just shoot me in the fall, and then into the saturday 8 pm night slot in the summer when everyone is still outside enjoying the weather. Basically, they killed it before even giving it a chance.

Good interesting crime drama with a good cast, should have been put in different time slots against lesser shows, and it would have lasted for about six or seven years. Only 13 episodes. Catch it on youtube or late night rerun channels.
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Women disappointed that their prince turned out to be just an ordinary guy
2 January 2022
Like many other relationship shows and movies, the sex is perpetuated to be adequate when it lasts only a minute or two; no wonder this is why men believe that's all women ever want or need. Women grow up being told that they are princesses, and should wait for their prince to come, sweep them off their feet, and provide them with a wonderful life and remain faithful to them forever, and always make them feel adored and special. Never are they able to understand or accept that what they want out of the relationship is different from what men want. What does he get? He gets to spend his life working and if he's lucky, have sex when she deems to let him. Basically, just more tales about how women are disappointed in the men in their lives due to great, and unrealistic expectations.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Almost unwatchable; don't waste your time
14 September 2021
I've seen these actors in other shows/movies, so it's not them. It's the writing of this series which is terrible. The lack of thought that the characters exhibit, is astounding. If you have an IQ of 80 or are under 14 years old, you may enjoy this show. But for adults, it's just another 'stupid people doing stupid things'. You will constantly be asking yourself, 'why is she doing this, when it's clearly the idiotic thing to do?' Absolutely foolish mistakes that would get any killer caught, or killed. Same with the agents hunting her, so many mistakes that it just gets tiring, wondering what law enforcement training school any of these people went to. Maybe the same one that Maxwell Smart did. It's that dumb. As an example, if you thought Blair Witch project was a good movie, you will enjoy this. Otherwise, don't waste your time, unless you have brain damage so severe, that you are unable to out think a ten year old.
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Nice little thriller
10 September 2021
Found it on utube, had to locate the eng subs on opensubtitles org. Timed perfectly, allowed this non french speaking merkin to enjoy a terrific murder mystery on a saturday afternoon. Enjoy yourself, indulge in some foreign b&w films with great plots instead of the nonsensical blow everything up stuff being put out today. This one has a real plot, one that will keep you guessing until the end.
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Doc Martin (2004–2022)
'Becker', only this time in a seaside town
11 July 2021
When I started watching this, it seemed eerily familiar.

Ah, that's it, a curmudgeonly brilliant doctor, for some reason who transferred himself to a tiny private practice filled with quirky patients.

Exactly like 'Becker', starring Ted Danson, which played in the states back in '99 for six years. Thankfully, no laugh track added, and lots of filming done in the countryside, which was nice.

Decent, amusing show, though; I enjoyed watching it. But Martin's irritating demeanor starts to wear on the nerves after a while, so don't look forward to binging in for more than a few episodes.
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The Conjuring (2013)
Stupid people, doing stupid things
13 June 2021
Decent, nice Halloween scary movie for kids. Otherwise, just another where we have a lot of 'stupid people, doing stupid things' movie. You know, like poking the sleeping monster with a stick, or where each character splits up from a group to go hunt the killer alone, type stuff. So if you're okay with that type of thing, and get off on jump scares, you'll enjoy this. But it's not for the intelligent folks. I won't add spoilers, but now you know what to expect here.
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Payne (1999)
Lightning doesn't strike twice.
28 May 2021
One of the problems with remaking a previous hit, is that it sutomatically invites comparisons. They tried to do everything exactly the same; same type of building, same type of characters, same type of situations, and here, Payne falls short. No surprise at all. It's not that Payne's actors are poor, but they aren't the originals, nor have the comedic timing of the originals. On it's own, not a terrible show. It has it's funny moments, such as when Mo responded to Payne's sentence 'We're going to make love now', and then the pause, 'So get out', and Mo said 'thank you for finishing the sentence'. Like many other shows, this one fails mostly do to poor casting. Larroquette can't do 'Fawlty'. He's funny, but he can't be that character. And once you've seen Cleese at it, well, perhaps no one else can. JoBeth Williams? Nope, nope nope. Not right for the character. Rick Batalla did well as Mo, but the rest were awful. The only hope is, no one will try to duplicate Fawlty Towers again. It's been 22 years now, and hopefully we'll never see that mistake tried again. Five/ten stars, because it's watchable. But that's about it. The commercials in this American version just rips apart any continuity in what little comedy there is in the show.
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Stories of the Century (1954–1955)
Nice nostalgia, but mostly mediocre acting
13 February 2021
I'll be up front here; I can't discern great, oscar winning acting from just plain good acting. So I'm not claiming to be an expert on the craft, but I CAN tell terrible acting from the decent stuff. Now, I grew up watching this show, and so was excited to find it on youtube to recapture some of milk, and sat down to watch a few episodes. I should have watched some Maverick episodes instead. Ugh. Just like the marionettes, claymation, and puppets, it hasn't aged well. Perhaps Chuck Norris grew up watching these, too, and that's what he patterned his acting after, because some of these actors are terrible. Still, it's worth a watch, if just to remember what fun it was when we were kids, to watch the westerns that we wanted to believe, were realistic examples of what life was long ago. But don't expect too much; enjoy it for what it is. Five out of ten stars.
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Terrific! Not a dull moment.
20 May 2020
I went to look for lists of great G rated movies for children, and was shocked that this wasn't on it. It's basically one of the best animated movies ever made. Great story, wonderful characters, good music, there's nothing it lacks. So to find it rated 7.6 by the IMDB faithful, shocked me. Watch this movie. Buy it when you can. You and your children, and grandchildren, will watch it over, and over again, as we have.
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Don't waste your time.... absolute trash. Cartoons are better.
15 May 2020
This film remains proof of how much 'Chuck Norris' quality acting was common in the 1930's. Every actor seems to be reading his lines off of a teleprompter, never having seen them on a script before. I watched this decades after seeing the 1941 version. All I can say, is I've seen better acting in primary school plays. I can't imagine a movie studio exec watching the dailies and allowing this tripe to continue to be made. I'm guessing that the studio owed some sort of favor to a director, producer or actor. I guess it might have been a good matinee for school children, though.... or perhaps people that thought Blair Witch movies enjoyable.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
More stupid people doing stupid things
6 May 2020
I won't give away anything, but lets just say this is just another movie where you will find behavior like poking the sleeping monster with a stick, or people splitting up to search for a serial killer out in the woods. However, if you enjoy that type of thing, then this is the show for you. I don't know where they find the audiences for this tripe; kindergarten, maybe? The actors do a fine job with the horrible story that they have to present. All are generally attractive enough, get away with all sorts of adolescent acting out behavior demonstrating stupidity, so maybe that's it, all the knuckleheads out there living vicariously through these characters. Like beavis and butthead, teen boys will be talking about how they are so great by emulating the behavior of these characters for a long time.
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Ghost Hunters (2004– )
At least they'll always have plumbing to go back to....
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The show is for entertainment purposes only, you might be better served by watching professionally made ghost movies; there is NO scientifically collected data shown in this show. When I initially heard about the Ghost Hunters TV show, I had high hopes. Here, supposedly, were a team of scientifically minded people, who also supposedly had their own personal experiences with paranormal events, which spurred them on to follow up with a team of intestigators and scientific data collection, in order to prove or disprove people's claims of hauntings. Instead, we get a bumbling group of amatuers that never learn from their mistakes, and worse, get outed by ex cast members for embellishing, and even faking, their data. During season one, I could understand their lack of understanding on why it is necessary to show that a phenomenon is being shown from multiple angles to record that the data collected isn't being faked, and that the event isn't being tampered with by someone outside the view of the camera. But over the entire series, then NEVER corrected this. We still have single camera shots, supposedly having 'evidence' of a haunting, all on the word of the person recording the video that it's legit. Sorry, ghost hunters, science doesn't work that way. And why are all the investigations done in pitch black? When real people see ghosts, they see them in the daytime, or in electrically lit places. So that's the type of environment that you should be looking for ghosts. I mean really, looking for shadows in the dark? Ridiculous. It's a great show for 9 year olds that don't know any better. The episodes are along the lines of old, cheesy haunted house movies; which, BTW, are better than this show at giving you the thrills and chills that you expect from discovering ghosts. This 2019 reboot is no better.
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This is the real 'Springtime for Hitler'. Terrible
12 April 2020
Having grown up watching the TV show on which this is supposed to be based on, I cannot imagine how anyone could come up with a plot like this one. The original had two good actors with good story writing. This movie seems to have been written by someone who has never written anything beyond his 3rd grade 'what I did on my summer vacation' assignment, who is on drugs, and who was forced to write a screenplay or his bookie would break his legs.
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Episodes (2011–2017)
Every character is a jerk.
7 April 2020
I tried, I really tried to watch this. GF insisted it was going to be nice. Nope. Like so many other shows these days, every character is a dispicable jerk. I won't go into details and ruin the show for anyone reading this, but you wouldn't want any of these people as friends or co-workers. I'm not sure why anyone would want to watch this.
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Slanted results, entertainment, not science.
17 March 2020
The tests are poorly chosen, the test groups also poorly chosen, and the attempts to make the 'contestants' on equal standing is ludicrous. Watch for fun, though. Probably good for 10 though 15 age groups to keep them busy on a rainy afternoon.
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The Institute (2017)
Almost completely unwatchable.
15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Non spoiler part: First, if at home, you'll need a soundproof room; most of the speech is at whisper or mumble level, so you have to turn the volume way up to hear it. Then, when the women screaming reach 110 decibels, you'll have neighbors pounding on your door to see if you've just killed your wife, mother, sister, or daughter. I consider the quality of a movie, as being how much you enjoy watching it. In this one's case, I kept pausing it and getting up to do something else, anything else. The story is dreary, the dialogue terrible, and the plot plods along at snail speed. Spoiler:

But I managed to watch the whole thing, and the spoiler is that the abuse, of human trafficing by selling female patients to the rich who controlled the place, at this mental institution went on until 2009 when the place was finally shut down. Yes, the rich and powerful people who run America still buy and sell people. Slavery still goes on.
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