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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
A perfect live action adaptation of the Disney classic
10 September 2023
Signed up to Disney+ trial for The Little Mermaid live action adaptation of the animated classic. Why all that negative fuss? It's a fantastic film! Halle Bailey is beautiful and extremely talented, plus the whole cast delivered all the expected Disney Magic. Lots of familiar faces and politics aside; great casting. Halle and team 100% did an amazing job under the tremendous political pressure to deliver a true to original story (nb Disney) and as usual Melissa McCarthy didn't disappoint! She was perfect; I admit I had my initial reservations before watching but from the first moment, she was brilliant! Politics aside; surface opinion, a solid 10/10 from me. Well deserved. My only criticism is that Ariel's hair wasn't as red as it could have been; and that's it.
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Immanence (2022)
Watch with an open mind
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the film and reading the reviews I feel some reviews are a little harsh. The basic premise of this film are good, the acting isn't Hollywood but also not awful. I find a lot of films are watched with that in expectation, so immediately a disappointment.

Watch with an open mind. If you really assess this, it is neither religious nor extraterrestrial. It feels like an additional twist could have been added, it did finish abruptly, and so much more of a story could have been told.

I think this deserves more than a 50% because it is watchable, and scary enough. It all depends what you want from it. It's a budget film and does well enough in that respect.
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What a magical journey
4 April 2023
I didnt think i was going to enjoy this as much as i did! What a pleasant surprise.

The music alone in this story is truly mesmerising. One of the most heartfelt films I have seen in a long time. Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton are a great duo and make the story really come to life.

The film is not all about effects and action, it is a story of love, longing, honesty, and spirit. I felt so relaxed and calm afterwards. It was definitely worth the watch. Loved the pictures on the wall of the house. Not a spoiler, just an observation. It had the right balance of question versus answer and keeps the viewer engaged.

I have nothing more to say than a big satisfied sigh. I felt like the story came full circle with ease and there were no gaping holes in the plot.

It is a long but soft recollection of how two spirits can engage with each other. Subtle hints throughout. Loved it.
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Don't Blink (2014)
When a tree falls but nobody sees it, does it make a noise?
2 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The answer to this film is only clear once the real situation is hinted at. Pay attention because this film wants you to think long and hard about the possibilities. The exciting thing is how it makes you theorise and try to work out a logical explanation based on the situation at the time... I've loved reading all the theories. I found a lot of the poor reviews on here are largely critics of a non-substantial answer, and unclear ending. On that basis this film appears poor. I agree. And is why i scored this 8 instead of 9. However, I love what I call "low budget no budget" filming, where the viewer is forced to watch again to make sense for the "aaaahhhh" moment. This film is not quite at that calibre, but nonetheless has spawned some interesting theories.


To understand this premise, one needs to be open to the acceptance of our physical world being more than what we can see. Unfortunately there is a huge omittance throughout the film, one could argue this is both beneficial and annoying at the same time. Think Schrodinger. Is all I'm going to say on that. It was my opinion the storyline was about more than aliens or evil. What struck me throughout was the fact they did blink. And people didn't go away. So, why? What was the catalyst?

Doctor who episode "BLINK" is likely a big influence for this film. It shares an obvious plot but also a less obvious one.

I went searching for answers and was pleasantly greeted with one YouTube entry from a guy who supposedly contacted the director, Travis Oates, for answers. He was not disappointed. I say supposedly because I haven't yet checked out the breadcrumb trail but this most closely supported my existing theory. Kidding. I had no clue which is why I looked it up. But I did agree with the final scenes theory; it was (supposedly) exactly what I thought. Nobody in her immediate surroundings disappeared; the big clue was the radio. In fact that was the biggest clue; because why would someone 100miles away disappear? Answer: they didn't. The final victim did. She was catapulted out of one dimension into the next.

Big spoiler... I need to watch again to look for clues of the reported "experiment gone wrong" which slowly loaded visitors to the area with enough matter to render them universally irrelevant... matter which is observed is present but when it isn't observed, no longer exists. Doesn't really explain the reappearance of the first guy who disappeared, knocking at the door. The fact the young girl knew when it was her time was intriguing, demonstrating that we are all atoms and some are more in tune with theirs, is a real thing.

The one thing I feel this film lacked; even at the end is that it wasn't explored enough. Which is why I need to follow that breadcrumb trail to see if that was in fact the reason, or if the film truly was just open ended. Clever. Trust no-one LOL.

Recommendation Another great example of this genre of filmmaking is "Coherence". You will need to watch that one more than once, and also watch the 'making of' footage afterwards (not before) to feel the film. It's GENIUS! I felt "Don't Blink"could have been similar had there been some more clues...
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Not an action survival...
31 July 2022
...if that is what you are expecting.

I notice a lot of reviews are based upon that kind of expectation. If that is what you're looking for thisbis not for you. If you are able to stay open minded and unbiased, this is a great story that deals with a plethora of topics including rebirth, self discovery, and the flashbacks are needed in order to set the scene of mental torture leading to lack of self worth and reevaluation of one's life choices. This is not an action packed horror/thriller, it is a slow but meaningful exploration of human nature and spirutual survival.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Pleasantly surprised
31 July 2022
Not going to lie, I was going to give up at ep2 but read some reviews and decided to carry on. So glad I did! Stick with it is all I can say. Oh, that and the programme basically touched on something I've been saying since I was about 10 years old.

I'd like to add that I am agnostic bordering on atheist so initially this felt a little preachy. However. Whatever your religious belief, do stick with it. The exploration of faith and the human condition are tactfully and cleverly addressed.

It is a very different kind of programme.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Not a zombie genre fan, but...
16 July 2022
All Netflix subscribers moan about "we want more new content give us more new content" so Netflix provides new content. To be fair, it is worth remembering this was filmed during a pandemic... expect less, be more satisfied :) I have learned to have low expectations for most things now, but I have watched some really great low budget films on Netflix.

I am not a resident evil fan persay, zombie movies tend to bore me. They all feel the same; that is my personal preference. But I like to give new material a go. Which is why I watched this.

I quite enjoyed the more personal storyline with a well placed background to the reason for the zombie invasion. This series is an veritable gold mine for conspiracists!

All in all, not terrible. It isn't something I could recommend if you are a die-hard Resident Evil fan because it appears to be far from the original storyline. Is it a prequel? As a standalone reboot? Maybe. More story than action, and a little predictable, (but what isn't, these days?).

These are all the reasons I feel a 5 is a reasonable score. I think it deserves more than just 1 but isn't really gripping enough fore more than 5. Watch this, but go into it with the knowledge its been produced during a pandemic, is probably low budget, and the storyline has to span multiple episodes. Lower your expectations and watch it at face value and you may find it watchable...
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A must-have on your watch list!
12 March 2022
I have never been disappointed with Ryan Reynolds... even Green Lantern was fun... but hat definitely deserved the 3rd wall. This film was funny and enjoyable, the kid in it was quite frankly a mini-Ryan. Spot on. I would definitely recommend as a light action family film. Will be watching this again!
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400 Days (2015)
Wouldn't watch again, but would recommend to give it a try
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...not going to lie, I did watch to the end of the credits hoping for a reveal. Those stakes... were they what caused the "sunlight"? My take on this is that she was in on this, the injections were fake as she never had one, the first 2 months were likely legit, the rest pre planned. The stabby parts were props which is why the bad guy stepped away and was later "stabbed" in the back and couldn't push harder on the rubber knife. The light was sunlight. OR... there was a planned protection hence the recorded congrats message OR the congrats message was recorded when the surface learned of the earth's fate. Too many possibilities. Wouldn't watch again, but would recommend to give it a try. The ending was too vague IMHO but I don't like films with no closure. I'd prefer an alternate ending option.
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Venom (2018)
26 April 2020
The humour. It was perfect. Quick retorts and great action. Loved it.
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Aladdin (2019)
Good film, very funny and charming
26 April 2020
On the whole a really enjoyable film. However the casting for Jafar was; underwhelming. Great actpr but I felt he was far too softly spoken and "clean" for the role. Will Smith as the genie was OK, he captured the zany part well. Would watch again.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Don't over think it; enjoy the art
21 February 2020
Taken at face value, this film was everything I was expecting. In a positive light. OK so it wasn't award winning but these days I fear a lot of people are expecting far too much. No, it wasn't immersive, no it wasn't "fresh" but it was entertaining and colourful and it did make some very valid points. It was girl power without the flowery/overbearing feminine charm. I love the character of Harley Quinn portrayed. She's messed up but her journey has been cruel and heartbreaking. This came across well. I can see how this was almost a Deadpool vibe, and there was a good balance of fun then shock then fun then shock. I enjoyed it, albeit a little gory in places. Would definitely watch again.
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Brightburn (2019)
A crash landing of a film
2 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a whole, this film sounded like it had potential and I was really excited to see it. The effects were great, and the boy really played his part well. Unfortunately though, I felt let down by the lack of depth and character/relationship building. I'll be honest, not a film I'd watch again. But worth a watch regardless.

Spoiler part: finding a non-westernised, non-feelgood ending kind of redeemed the film for me. There was a point with the mother where I rolled my eyes; it would have been too easy. The closing credit footage was interesting. However, I feel it could have been incorporated into the film more to make it about his antics and not just the family. I feel it needed to be a mirror of Superman with one adversary trying to bring him down. Instead it was filled with realisations followed swiftly by their deaths.
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Time Trap (2017)
A must for time warp junkies
27 May 2019
This is a must see for time warp enthusiasts! It wasn't quite what I expected, but was peppered with great ideas, and good acting. I felt it was a little amateurish in the writing, but kept me interested throughout. The effects were as decent as they needed to be, it was a believable dialogue, and the characters were strong enough to make the story work.
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Advertised tomorrow; saw it yesterday....
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In all honesty, this was one of those films that requires a face-value approach. The cameo of Michael J Fox and all the Back to the Future references (some very subtle) were a great addition. I enjoyed the new cast and morals behind the story. It was interesting but could have used a bit more work. All in all a neat little story. I think it deserves no less than a 7.
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Best Xmas film in years! #Believe
23 November 2018
I was blown away by this film. I don't usually do anything Xmas until December but this caught my eye. I was ready for a run of the mill Xmas movie which I could have on in the background. Kurt Russell was a big reason I gave it a go. Boy was I surprised! The humour was spot on, the story was great, the feels were there. Honestly, I felt like a kid again with that magical heart flutter and excitement at --the prospect of-- being a believer. I did shed a tear or two, and I'm not embarrassed to admit it. But I also had many many giggles. Will definitely watch again. The elves were cute and had great personality, I loved the interaction, and fairytale feel they offered. The reindeer were spot on and so beautifully mastered.

This was beautifully written and masterfully brought to life. It had all the elements of a decent, well thought about, family film. The effects were superb and if I had been to the cinema to see it on the big screen, I would not have been disappointed.

Well done Netflix, you really excelled with this one. Especially with the casting. It's going to get another watch before Xmas!

I have to go now and write my letter to Santa. Merry Christmas! X
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Pandora (2016)
Incredibly well done and immersive.
11 September 2018
This story obviously extremely pertinent and has been tastefully done. Whilst a lengthy film, it doesn't feel like it. It is packed from start to finish with full emotion and human endurance. Moving and courageous, it's definitely one to watch, if not at least to remind us that we are so hung up on making life easy that we forget how to live. Solid 9.
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"Boom goes the dynamite"
11 September 2018
This film is comical and beautifully ridiculous. The humour is spot on and gritty. I am surprised the overall score given on IMDB but I think lately people seem to expect far too much from films. The characters are engaging and, dare I say it, 'loveable'. At face value this film is busy, fiesty, action packed and loud. It wasn't quite what I expected but it certainly didn't fail to please. Heartily recommend this as an easy watcher for when you need a giggle and don't want to concentrate too hard...
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Independence Day 2 - of 1
1 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In a way this whole review is probably to be considered spoiler-ed - sorry

I was very excited to see this film but was rather disappointed to sit through what seemed to be an Independence Day 'reboot'. It was fab to see all the old actors leading to a great nostalgic experience but the 'banter' was old and recycled.

The film wasn't altogether disappointing - Whilst the story-line was rather bland and repetitive of ID1, the effects were superb. **SPOILER** The Sphere was a great idea and I felt it truly added depth to the story - but they did not explore that story enough. it would have been better for that to have been integrated more deeply and for it to have been a stronger focus for the story.

It is my opinion they should have left it where it was 20 years ago - there was no real breakthrough for story-line; I found the interactions weak, and the technology leap in 20 years a little difficult to believe.

This film would be perfect for someone who had not seen the first film. For me there was way too much familiarity and duplication for it to be a sequel. I feel that it was largely a cry for nostalgia. But I would watch it again - definitely.
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Mother Nature unleashes her most discreet attack but humankind's lust for profit raises the question; do we really know what we are doing?
1 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have been putting off watching this for a while due to star ratings but I don't usually let them get the better of me. This time, I waited and started watching last night. I have to say that I was more than a little disappointed.

The effects were mediocre although something I would expect for a 'Sunday afternoon film'. It was an interesting concept and the reasons for the LA-based devastation were a little far-fetched however the idea behind it was sound. It felt like they were trying too hard to give it a Blockbuster feel.

Acting was OK. Little quips were giggle-worthy and this was not altogether a worthless use of my time - however, I can't say I would watch it again.

Spoilers: The (obligatory) dog survives - *phew*
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The Mourning (2015)
What it's really about
26 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Overall the film was an 'OK', the 5 is for the "I see what they could have been doing there" factor. There was decent build-up, acting was OK but not especially something to write home about. I presume it was low budget and they did well on that score. People expect way too much these days however I do think there was some lazy writing involved. It should have followed through.

SPOILERS IN THIS POST!!! I think largely it was an amateur (in the real sense - I am not being derogatory) attempt at being mysterious with the classic shocker 'deep breath' at the end. Re the title it could simply be the case of an out of body experience and a final goodbye (way too obvious though) In my opinion this is the story: Aaron is sent off to war and in the process of being shot happens to be in the right place at the right time. By some twist of fate he is ripped out of existence in his 'proper' time line just as the bullet enters his body and ends up catapulted to his future time line where he wouldn't have existed anyway. Thought: he never actually leaves the spot where he was shot. Every day that passes is just mere microseconds on the war-ground. Therefore, his wound reopening is actually time catching up with him in real-time - his own time. For Aaron, 20years did not pass. He merely blinked. Human energy is so great that the ones around him share in his journey; blonde lady is actually correct. It's telepathic wavelengths. But not the alien kind.

The visions of really low budget green hue are in fact soldiers scurrying around the battlefield caught in the time fracture with Aaron, but unaware of the anomaly as they are far enough away - possibly his friend who left him behind? Blonde lady: She is the Mulder and Scully conspiracy theorist who clumsily goes about trying to set the world straight. Basically of no benefit to the story line other than set seeds of doubt. She is just trying to prove her theories true. And they are. To some extent. She's just a little cuckoo.

When Aaron awoke at the end - it would have been nice to have had a better hint at his surrounding area. e.g. is he waking up on the ground while he is being shot in his original time? or was he in fact transported to another planet? Was his friend's guilt such that there was a rift that became unstable and sucked him right through? I think he was unable to speak because the microseconds which were passing took their time to catch up with his higher brain functions. (I think I thought about all this waaaaay too much!). We were never really invited to witness his demise so the 'wake up' was a little odd.

ANOTHER VIEW The leaf with blood - reincarnation? After all - the human spirit has always carried an air of mystery. Maybe the tree and the river are all linked. When he died on the battlefront, he was reborn a sapling. His physical embodiment was just a reflection of the remnant energy; a bit like the Dr Who regeneration. Hence the short lifespan. Unfortunately, the sapling was always injured and would not have survived. Hence, Aaron's eventual demise. Re absorbed into the earth.

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Stranded (V) (2013)
Wow this film was......
24 October 2013
Well, it wasn't all that bad. There's always "UFO" (or Alien Uprising as it seems to be called too). The acting in "Stranded" was far better than in the other film. I wish I could say I watched these for comedy value but I felt violated by the lack of ... well... everything. Apart from Christian Slater. He's hot. Not a great actor. But I can tolerate him.

Now I have to go shower to rid me of the *bluuuurgh* feeling I seem to have adopted whilst staring at the screen for what seemed an eternity (Oh, only 35 minutes in? Thought I'd been here for 3 hours).

Having said all that, I think this film is one of those "pop it on in the background" kind of films (which is what I ended up doing) as it isn't exactly gripping; a little deja-vu; Predictable but I was half expecting that (did you see what I did there? *groan*)...
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