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5 Reviews
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Impact (2009)
Passable Entertainment For A Rainy Day
8 April 2023
For a made for TV movie, it wasn't all that bad. Apart from the cheesy effects and bad acting, a good way to kill an afternoon while waiting for something better to come on. The worst part of this was the father. What lousy acting. No emotion or warmth. Much potential for a genuinely good story but much better suited to the big screen. The two leads were obviously hired for their looks, not their acting skills. Better actors would have made this a much better film. Despite this, suspend all belief and give it a shot. There is much worse out there. At least there's the beautiful Natasha Hentstridge to look at.
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18 November 2021
Just another bad B-movie that goes nowhere. The writing is pretty lame, as is the acting. Semi-entertaining, though. Good premise, just bad delivery. Expected just little bit more.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Dubbing is horrible
27 May 2020
While this is a great show, the dubbed dialogue sounds stiff and like it's being read directly off of the page. It no way matches the actors expressions and makes it sound like a community theater production. Otherwise, an excellent premise with head turning twists that will make you think or go crazy.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
What A Mess
26 March 2020
As entertaining as The Stranger was, I found it cluttered with too many threads between subplots that it made my head spin.
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Satisfaction (1988)
21 October 2018
A teenybopper feel good film that has dated badly. Horrible acting and even more horrible soundtrack.
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