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The Frozen Ground (2013)
Was only going to watch half before bedtime, but had to play through to the end as I just needed to know that Hansen was caught. I believe this movie is pretty close to actual event, which I'm a big fan of. The performances by Cage, Cusak, and Hudgens were spectacular! Especially Hudgens, really think her portrayal of Cindy Paulson should have received formal recognition. Though not one that I'll add to my Repeatable Collection, one well worth the see, especially if you love movies based on real life!
Catching Faith (2015)
You feel like you need to carry this for the director!
Clearly the most unentertaining movie I have ever seen! Not once did I feel connected to one or the carry, or I could relate to them at all. In fact, I found myself thinking, "Really?". Like when Beau is driving with Ravyn after confessing to the coach, he's supposed to be mad but then calmly gets back into the car. How about emotion, make me feel your pain with you?!?!?!? That's just one example. The plot had enough to work with, but the writing and acting couldn't bring the point home. I put all this on the director who should have demanded better writing and acting. Certainly won't waste any time watching the sequel, and I hope to spare you the time of watching its original.
Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018)
Perfect to watch with kids!
I watched this movie with my son, he's 18 and quite the drama king (participated in advanced theatre in high school, taken background roles in several student films), and we can say we both loved it. Does it do well as a sequel? Maybe not as AlsExGal mentioned, but as a standalone it's funny and heartwarming. In fact, I cried at the end as I reminisced about how truly hard it is to say good-bye to someone you earnestly care about.