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4 Reviews
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Slugterra (2012–2016)
18 January 2014
you know, I'm actually really surprised by this fantastic piece of awesomeness, when i first watched the pictures and trailers, i said: oh crap another stupid merchandising piece of crap, i never watched it until 2014 , i watched the first 5 episodes and wow, I'm really really fascinated by this, every thing is so well done, the characters, the plot, the action, the slugs are so nice and cute that will leave you cursing Pokemon for the rest of your life, the dump idea of shooting tiny creatures out of a pistol ( it was dump) is now one of the coolest aspects of this show, the protagonist of this show is a wonderful, adventurer and a noble teen that quickly became one of the nicest heroes of an animated show iv ever seen( and believe me: i watches a lot of cartoons),he is not like those dump, ---k heads of the year(I'm talking to you Ben 10). The setting of this show is really nice and theme is great: keeping your thoughts and beliefs and stay good in a foreign world is a great deal,( with the help of trustworthy friends off course) all in all, this is one of the best 3 adventure/hero TV shows to watch in 2014 besides MAX STEEL and TMNT 2012!!.
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looks like batman is the one of the most adaptable characters in the superheroes history
18 January 2014
for starters, i know that a lot of people hated this show, and it's obvious why, unfortunately, they missed on a lot of fun, this show is a homage to the older silver age DC comics(the brave and the bold comics), the cool thing about this show is that it delivers a LOT of characters, in fact: it is the show that showed the most team ups and characters in DC's history, so , if you are saying that this show is not batman and batman the animated series is batman, go f--- yourself, because in fact this is the batman that was before in the older decades, the show knows what its doing and that's great, its all about action and beating the bad guys for 22 minutes which is fine, as long as it enjoyable, one thing that made me really like this show: THE ART STYLE, isn't it damn cool, awesome, high class, and original, i really, really do like the animation style, now the cool part is that there are just great awesome episodes for batman, like the chill of the knight, the knights of tomorrow, call of the speedsters, and others that are just one of the best batman episodes i have ever seen because of their creativity ,now here is the question:is it better than batman the animated series?the answer is..............i cant find an answer because they are very different and both of them are true to the characters origin, but batman TAS will win because the majority of the good episodes and stories are more, all in all, its a really enjoyable show that is just so cool that they went this far with batman with surprisingly really nice, funny results.!!
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The Batman (2004–2008)
what happens when you change a lot of batman stuff with knowing what you are doing?
18 January 2014
THE BATMAN: is a representation of the caped crusader that we love, the setting of this show is way too different than what we are used to, with a great art style, superior action, terrific voice cast; this show cant be bad, if you are asking where did the plot go?, well, here it is ; the show started a little weak, because it focuses a lot on the gadgets, vehicles and leaves the nice detective work of the dark knight that we always loved, and that's because batman is still young and not at his full strength or intelligence ( that's in the about first 7 episodes),then the show started impressing me with a lot of nice themes and quotations by either Alfred or batman or other guys, and then, the show develops and develops like no show i have ever seen, the incomplete batman that we saw in the beginning becomes a more wise aware of whats going on, the writers showed how batman develops in a fantastic and terrific way when the maniacs and high class villains showed up , it looks like the writers wanted batman to look weak and then made him cooler while developing, (when the batman becomes better the show becomes better ), which makes it a highlighted batman presentation in the batman history and unfortunately, people will not notice that until they watch the entire show to notice the real thing that's going on, all in all : is it better than batman the animated series? not really, but that won't make it one of the nicest presentations of batman i have ever seen.
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Max Steel (2013–2015)
a cool hero thats combined of spiderman and generator rex
4 January 2014
since all the good shows are canceled : young justice, transformers prime, etc: i was looking for a good show to watch and i found TMNT 2012:great, and i found this show:very good, i wasn't too excited about it; but its just so good, its overused, u know,,,,,,,,,,,,,the idea of superheroes, but this one seems original,it has good plot, one of the nicest CGI styles, great voice cast ESPECIALLY for max and good story telling,,,,oh yeah,,,,and superior action,,,, the hero has the personality of Spiderman and the powers of Generation Rex, all in all its a nice combination that will leave u itching for a new episode!!!! GIVE IT A TRY.
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