The Riddle (2007)
20 September 2007 - 41 out of 61 users found this review helpful.
What more can I add? This is without doubt one of the worst films I've ever seen. Terrible acting, a daft script, tediously slow pace - even visible microphones dangling from the top of the screen. I could go on, but I really can't be bothered. I watched this for 90 minutes before the sense of losing the will to live became too great for me.
I can only assume that the first set of comments and votes were from people associated with the promotion of this insult to British film-making.
And worst still, I had to buy the Mail on Sunday to get it :-) The only reason the DVD hasn't now been redeployed as a coaster is that it now takes pride of place in my Top 10 Worst Films Ever collection.
Definitely one to be avoided.
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