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Snowpiercer (2020)
Season 4 Episode 7 AntiClimactic
Season 4 Episode 7: A Moth to a Flame
Three years ago, Captain Milius poisons the residents of Level 3 -- including the previous admiral and his own wife -- and seizes power. Melanie returns to the Silo with serious concerns about Gemini's safety based on her data. Working together, Layton and Wilford manage to escape from Level 3 and link up with Melanie, revealing the recent events to her. As Layton rescues Josie and Liana from Headwood, Melanie reunites with Alex who reveals Bennett's death to her and her study of New Eden's anomalous weather. The alarmed Melanie realizes that Gemini is causing atmospheric erosion which will lead to the end of all life on Earth if the launch isn't stopped. However, Nima refuses to listen to reason, gasses Melanie, and hijacks Snowpiercer. Wilford confronts Milius and, having taken Headwood's cold treatment, overpowers him and causes Milius to freeze to death. Cornered and with Layton intending to kill him for his crimes, Wilford chooses to commit suicide using a poisoned blunt, revealing that Nima is the creator of CW-7 who caused the Freeze. Nima has the cars carrying Layton's family cut loose, leaving them to freeze to death. Big Alice arrives at New Eden, which is nearly out of power, but the train is stopped by a booby trap on the tracks. Javi attempts to disarm it, but the bomb explodes.
TV - Wilford confronts Milius and, having taken Headwood's cold treatment, overpowers him and causes Milius to freeze to death.
My Scenario - Layton overpowers Milius and pummels him to death.
TV - Cornered and with Layton intending to kill him for his crimes, Wilford chooses to commit suicide using a poisoned blunt.
My Scenario - Surprise, surprise, Wilford actually sacrifices himself to save Snowpiercer, Melanie and Alex from the bad guys.
Ultimate Shocker!!! LOL.
Dark Matter (2024)
Was Great Until Episode 7
Lovin' this show so far until that last last scene in Episode 7 where we see, who I assume is, the Real-World Jason enter a Gun Store and tries to purchase a gun but he cannot and just ended purchasing a knife and pepper-spray. Then a few minutes later we see, who I assume is, the Fake-World Jason enter the same store with <WTF.> the same exact clothes and back pack. It makes sense the the Real-World Jason would buy a weapon but not sure what motivation the Fake-World Jason would do the same. Could be the previous scene we see, who I assume is, the Fake-World Jason eavesdropping on his Real-World Jason's Wife talking with somebody OR this could also be the Real-World Jason eavsdropping on his Real-Wife talkng with Fake-World Jason. I'm just speculating at this point but if this is all jsut an attempt to misdirect, it fails because now the Finale becomes predictable IMO. Real-World Jason confronts Fake-World Jason but since they have the same get-up, it would be up to the Real-Worlld Wife to decide which one is which and if there is a Season 2, one will get hurt at the end, but we won;t know till Episode 1 of Season 2.
The Acolyte (2024)
Master Jedi's Easily Picked Off by a Sith Trainee
1st Episode - Jedi Master Indara, if she had the Force should have blocked the second knife thrown at her with the other hand while her focus was on the first one thrown to an innocent bystander. Makes me think she's the Newbie here.
2nd Episode - Jedi supposedly Super Master Torbin, impenetrable to say the least and oblivious to his surroundings and from the dialogue revealed that he has not said a word for 10 years. And then WTF??? Suddenly opened his eyes after 10 years after being offered a WHAT absolution??? And a super Jedi Master fails to detect the poison in the potion. LOL. Something's wrong with that picture.
Them (2021)
Real Life Situations Ceate Nightmares
As an Asian immigrant growing up in LA in the 90's I understand that stressful environments create noghtmares. It was a rough adolescent growing up in a gang infested neighborhood, being bullied, chased, beat up sometimes for no reason. I had nightmares of Black Shadows chasing me which always ends up with me falling into a deep dark abyss and waking up cold and sweaty. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw what was a caricuture of a dark tall being with blazing red eyes at the corner of the room staring at me. I found myself frozen with fear, paralyzed, couldn't move a limb, struggling to get out of bed and flee. I had that distinct feeling of drowning. And the weirdest thing happened. Somehow I snapped out of it and found myself waking up to catch my breath and it was only another nightmare which seemed so real and lucid. After watching this series I understood immediately what those Black people in that era were experiencing.
Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (2023)
A Season One 8-hour TV series condensed into 90 minutes
"Round 'em and then let's go kick some ass"
Although they spared no expense in the combat and action scenes which to me were the only thing I enjoyed in this movie. Though, they went overboard with the Slo-Mo and freeze shots during the combat scenes.
Visual effects and creatures (the Big Bird and the Arachnid-Woman) were excellent.
The Robot and the Alien Bar more than likely plagiarized from Star-Wars Disney movies.
Would have liked the supporting characters back stories expanded more rather than just having an inkling of who they were during the 5-minute monologue when they were captured.
Speak No Evil (2022)
This can happen to you if you're not careful!
Most of the reviewers gave it a 1, but I don't find it a really bad movie as far as acting. I like the way the movie flowed from the simple nonchalant family going on a vacation trip to the gradual there's something really wrong going on here (makes you want to watch what's going to happen next) to the final act. Although the finale didn't go well with me. It would have been better if instead of just giving up and expect the inevitable, the victims could have put a fight but will lose in the end. I think that most viewers find this movie disturbing because there are deranged people in real life that commit this heinous acts. And you find yourselves a victim. Soo be careful!
Westworld: The Absence of Field (2020)
Confused About Hale
Last Season the Real Hale was shot in the head by a supposedly Host that looks like her. In this episode she is seen crawling naked in a pile of bodies to leave a message behind???
Another thing, she is seen at the end talking with Serac, who doesn't seem to have a clue that she is not the Real Hale. The all seeing Serac/Rehoboam???
Does anybody have any explanation or I could have missed certain segments while binge-watching this great series. Thanks.
Barbarians (2006)
Humorous but filled with a lot of BS
I agree with some of the reviewers here that Terry Jones was out to bash the Romans and he gave biased view of against them. For example in the "Primitive Celts", he wants us to believe that the Romans tried to annihilate all of Celtic culture. But, historically in fact, the Celts and their culture were assimilated into Roman culture. The Celts or Gauls adapted into Roman civilization. Again, he alleged in "The Savage Goths" that the Romans went on a genocidal spree against the Dacians but I could not find any account of this in historical and anthropological writings? What I did find enlightening is the way he went about this whole "expose" thing in very humorous way.
Elysium (2013)
My version of Elysium...
Liked the action and special effects. However, due to the enormous plot and story flaws pulls these movie down the trenches. It would have been more plausible if let's say Elysium was actually the middle America and Southeastern States e.g. bordering from North Dakota, Wisconsin, parts of Indiana, Michigan (excluding Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, and northeastern states like NY, Boston) Iowa, Kansas, Coloroda, Arizona (excluding Texas, coz they have their own Texium, lol) down to most of Missouri (excluding New Orleans), Alabama, Florida, SC, NC, Virginia, etc... All the others will be the ghetto third-world states. Now this should be more plausible I suppose. Then there is Elysium Europe which includes most of Germany and the Scandinavian States, parts of France, and all the others like UK, Italy, Spain etc are the ghetto third-world Areas. There also could be Elysium Russia (Russia proper with the Balkan states, Poland to be the ghetto third-world areas), Elysium China (Central China to include Mongolia), Elysium SE Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, all others Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines are ghetto third-world SEAsian countries which most of them are right now, I guess), Elysium Middle East (Most of Saudi Arabia only, Israel Iraq, Iran are all ghetto third-world and that includes the whole of India, lol) etc... The Future Reichstags. All these Elysiums will be surround ed by great walls and super high tech security, whatever with a centralized satellite in space that serves as the command an control like in the movie. Or maybe more radical would be an artificial land mass created in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans to serve as the Elysium. I believe this would provide with more substance to the story plot. Just saying...
Pacific Rim (2013)
70's Gigantor vs. 70's Japanese Monster Baragon
Nostalgic. This film really brings back memories of those old Japanese monster films (Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Gorosaurus, Anguirus, Kumonga, Manda, Baragon, and Varan) and not to mention those Japanese robot anime's like Gigantor or Voltes V. Even the background music was similar and probably re-scored from those films. The monsters maybe and are actually digitized but I can't help thinking that these are actually played by human actors in monsters suit like they used to do back then. Really neat! Gypsy Danger really reminds of the remade 80's Gigantor and the other robots is kinda similar to those robots found in that anime cartoons Voltes V. I hope they make sequel to this film.