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Argentina, 1985 (2022)
Historical events in an extremely long format
The topic is spot on and grabs people's attention. Unfortunately, the development of the characters is poor at times as it tries to smooth out the complexity of the actual events and crude reality on which the story is based on.
90, even 120 minutes would have sufficed to build a more cohesive and interesting narrative and include some of the melodrama the director wanted to portray. Details about the setup and context are omitted, missing the opportunity for the audience to get immersed and interested in such critical stage of Argentinean history. In an attempt at making it look retro, the plot does not make strong case for its relevance in 2023 and contemporary events.
I can't recommend this movie in the sense of artistic creation but purely as a docudrama, that is, if you're interested in researching1980's historical events in South America.