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Summer Ghost (2021)
I didn't love it, I didn't hate it.
26 August 2024
I saw a trailer of this OVA on Facebook, and it looked interesting so I gave it a watch. I saw that it was solely an animated short, not based on any other source material, so I went in expecting a complete story to be told.. and I got anything but. The story had a lot of promise at the beginning, but ended up being way too short to flesh out any sort of decent storytelling or character development. So I ended up just feeling absolutely nothing from this. It was a very incomplete story, that had the potential to be great, masked by really superb music and animation.

Although it was very flawed, at the same time, it was short enough that there really isn't any reason not to watch it either. The main male character is pretty relatable, I just wish there was a longer duration to show more realistic interaction with the other characters.

I'd give it a C. It's not good, it's not bad. But it is definitely beautiful to look at.
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Why choose such an amazing story if you aren't going to complete it?
9 June 2024
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I found this anime completely randomly as I was skimming titles on my Amazon prime. Even though I'm not usually into this genre of anime, it didn't take long to completely suck me in. The relationship between the main characters is so real at times, with the perfect pacing and dialogue between them, and with the other characters. It has amazing animation, drama, some comedy, and it just makes you root for the main characters so much. Which is why it devestated me when it abruptly stopped after 13 episodes, leaving pretty much everything up in the air.

Luckily, it convinced me to go searching for the manga, and I found the complete, beautiful story from beginning to end, something I know I wouldn't have ready otherwise. So I'm very thankful that this anime was made, even though I just don't understand why they didn't make a season 2, or write it differently so they could at least tell the majority of the story within the 13 episodes they chose to make. This anime stretches from vol. 1 to partway into 4, out of the 8 volumes, and I'd say the 3 1/2 volumes they left out are the best parts of the story.

So even though I wasn't happy with the way it ended, I was very very happy that I was able to find this title thanks to the anime. I still recommend everybody watch this. Like I said, the animation is perfect, so is the dialogue, and the character development. Then afterwards id recommend everybody find the manga online or purchase it somewhere, and read everything that happens after the aquarium part at the end. I would also recommend the Japanese audio with English subtitle version, because that's the one I saw, and adored. I haven't been able to stop thinking about this story since I watched/read it. So if you're prepared to fully get consumed by an amazing story and amazing characters, watch this immediately!
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Family Guy: Boston Stewie (2023)
Season 22, Episode 6
We get it Seth, you hate half of your viewers
26 February 2024
Seth MacFarlane has really jumped the lefty shark. Each episode has more and more references to how much he hates republicans, and it's just not funny anymore. Like South Park, you used to be able to make fun of both sides, and it used to actually be funny. I remember when you made an entire episode with Rush, and it was refreshing to see. Now, it's just terrible, boring and safe plot lines, with random shots at conservatives thrown in over and over again. Both sides watch your show, but I guess you could care less about half of them. Very disappointing. This show has been boring and predictable for years now anyways...
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
I can't be the only person completely lost after season 2
17 September 2023
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The show is so incredible at the beginning. Season 1 might be the best anime, no the best tv show, I've ever seen. I was completely addicted. Season 2 was great as well, some good character development and new people to keep it fresh.... But then they introduced Christa, or Historia... made some royal bloodline storyline... and just threw the kitchen sink in the story telling process and then absolutely nothing made sense.

I'm really not sure what to make of this show now. I am just 100 percent completely lost. I have no idea what anyone is doing, or why they are doing it. I keep hoping the explanation is coming and it never does. It can't just be me. What's happened to this show?
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Been waiting on this kinda of acting and writing forever
20 July 2023
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Glenn is perfect in this episode. Been waiting for this kinda of episode for years... definitely rivals the suburbs episode, or the billboard one great buildup, great music... great acting. Well worth the wait for the final episode. The part where he rips out the dude heart is morbid but funny at the same time. Adds to the psychopath element to his Dennis character and the ending is just perfect. What a great season. The best since season 11 if u ask me.

So glad this show is staying around for a few more years at least. It's not over. But now I get to start over, always my favorite show, actors are incredible. A must watch.
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This season has been a breath of fresh air
29 June 2023
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If you're someone like me, you've been pretty disappointed with this shows direction over the last 6-7 years or so. Ever since the big bad orange man got elected, like every single other show on television, this show started throwing virtue signaling in almost every single episode, and unlike previous seasons where they'd jokingly mock topical issues and take both sides of the debate, it was always tilted to the left, and so on and so on. It got so tiresome with these shows that are supposed to be an escape from the ultra political world, watching every plot have PC plot lines forced in.

It was so much more absurd in this shows case, because the characters are supposed to be low life bums, and it made them go wildly out of character talking about unisex bathrooms, pride events, climate change... just give me a break.

Well this season has been so much better. I had to wait at least 4-5 episodes in to really accept that it's going back to its roots out of fear that after a couple good episodes it would be ruined again... so far, so good. In fact these might be the most hilarious episodes this show has produced in over a decade. Just funny nonsense schemes and gross out Frank humor, and the lovable wildcard idiot Charlie, the best character of the show.

Please please please stay the course. So far this season has been such a welcomed breath of fresh air.
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Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997)
GT, though flawed, is much better than most people say
10 March 2023
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Originally created to be the sequel to DBZ, it immediately found itself in an identity crisis. It obviously was attempting to recreate the original charm of the original dragon ball with making Goku a child again, without losing the action and story development DBZ had, and it ended up becoming a flawed version of both. But knowing it's not going to quite live up to its predecessors, it has some really interesting storylines and creative villains too.

After the release of DB Super, a true DBZ sequel, this show actually became a much better watch. Knowing it's not exactly cannon, and the characters don't actually turn into what is shown in this series kind of makes this into a 64 episode movie, or a "what-if" scenario of sorts.

I recommend this to anyone who has only recently got into the DB universe, and to not skip it before going into Super. If you give it some patience to find itself after the first saga, I think it has something to everyone to enjoy.
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Family Guy: The Candidate (2022)
Season 21, Episode 10
You would think the Republican jokes are just getting tiresome at this point
13 December 2022
Think of some new material for the love of God. I could care less which side of the political isle you lean on, but when there is currently the biggest joke occupying the White House right now and neither this show or South Park has even came close to even mentioning them, it just feels like propaganda. I miss the show that made you feel happy, where you could laugh at yourself, cross the line on occasion and roar with laughter at making fun of current events that take themselves too seriously. It just doesn't happen anymore. All of these shows have one mission, and one mission alone. Attack the right, attack Christian's, attack straight people, attack men, attack whites. And it's just never ending.
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This show has become complete nonsense
22 September 2022
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I've seen every episode, and every episode of these shows get more and more ridiculous, over the top, and unrealistic... but now it's so over dramatic and catastrophic, I could not understand a single minute of the episode. A guys girlfriend dies cuz he accidentally shot her, stays on the job afterwards, then gets obsessed about some other surgery they never explain. I guess there was some fire? Then the blonde girl cant breathe... so many more crazy things happening with every single character in the show.. it's so ridiculous and impossible to follow.

Am I the only one who can't make sense of any of these shows anymore? Where are the medical cases? This has turned into a complete soap opera... one that makes literally zero sense.
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It's funny these episodes are supposedly against hate
21 September 2022
...but it's so completely crystal clear how much the writers HATE all things Caucasian, all things male, and all things Republican. This show used to be able to make these exact same kinds of episodes, with similar writing, but not try so desperately to target the political right at all times.

Every episode since 2016 (gee.. I wonder what happened that year), takes their own spin on a headline, completely warps all facts, and makes it so one sided against white males, straight people, and republicans, and it's really pathetic and unnecessary. The episodes aren't even bad. They're interesting, have good acting for the most part... the unnecessary political agendas sandwiched in the script really ruins what was once a great show, one I've watched for over 2 decades, that I keep on trying to still like, even though it's almost impossible at this point.
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How I Met Your Mother: The Platinum Rule (2007)
Season 3, Episode 11
Good episode, boring ending
8 February 2022
It felt like the perfect episode with a great build up, with another one of Barney's classic "rules". But they had an opportunity for a big funny ending, and it felt like they ran out of ideas. I'm sure other people liked how things turned out good in the end, but it just felt incomplete.
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Way to ruin my favorite movie trilogy
22 December 2021
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This movie was completely unnecessary. Besides Keanu and Ross the acting was horrible. It felt like a B-movie Matrix rip off with a couple originals making cameos. I still have absolutely no idea why Morpheus and Smith were different people, and I have no idea what was going on for the entire second half of the movie, or what the purpose of the climax was. The dialogue and the way the actors carried themselves was absolutely nothing like the original movies. I just don't understand what the purpose of this movie was.
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A very interesting and action packed first half, but a very confusing and unremarkable ending
18 December 2021
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I do really like this movie. I'm catching up on all the movies in the MCU, as I have never seen anything after the first Avengers movie. What I was very confused about, is how can this be in the same cinematic universe as all the other movies, but SHIELD and everyone else is completely absent from all the destruction on Earth in the second half of the film. Maybe they clear it up and tie a bow on it on future films. But as I was watching, not only did it feel like a huge buildup and then just a bunch of nonsense at the end, but the continuity was a huge mess. So half a good movie, 5 out of 10. I'm sure the rest of the movies will be better after this one.
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Family Guy: The Fatman Always Rings Twice (2021)
Season 20, Episode 9
16 December 2021
I notice "family guy" and "it's always sunny" rip each other off a lot. And family guy is always the boring, not funny version of it, just like this was. And the worst part is, this is probably the best episode of the season.
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Watered down and dull
9 December 2021
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You either let cancel culture win and throw in the towel, or you shand up for yourself and stay true to who you are. Instead, this show has turned into the most boring, blah, version of itself, making sure it's the least offensive thing on tv. It's everything it used to hate, and I wish they would of just called it quits.

There's some chuckles here and there, and eps 3 & 4 are a million time better than the virtue signaling woke-fest the first two were, but it's still just boring... and they really should of just went out with a bang after Dennis left to take care of his kid at the end of season 12. What a disappointment....
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Overall rating of 1.1 is still way too high
6 December 2021
Thank you to everyone who rated this a 1. This radical, woke, liberal trash needs to be eliminated from television. The democrats will not be happy until they destroy every part of this country, divide everybody, and make everyone hate themselves. Their new target is Christmas, and it just needs to be stopped. This show is complete trash. The lying, extremist, leftist narrative is trash. These people need to get a reality check.
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Incredibly disappointing
2 December 2021
As I feared, they've turned into another bunch of actors who have decided to shove their liberal propaganda on the viewer. I thought these guys were different, but I should of saw it coming. Like everybody else on tv, since Trump was elected they've become everything they used to bash, trying to fit in and not get cancelled. Comedy is dead, and one by one every single one of these shows have been destroying theirselves.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
A lot of bad reviews here... but give it a chance
24 November 2021
The shows pilot episode is a lot all at once. Episodes 2-4, I agree get pretty silly especially the horrible CGI throughout. But after that the show gets much much better. Way more layers to the characters and the writing and it sucks you in. Please give it a chance, and watch at least 5 episodes before you swear it off. Shut off your mind, and use your imagination.
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Some of these comments are ridiculous, so I thought I'd add one of my own.
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie came out almost 23 years ago in America, and to this day, as a 33 year old man, I still get a little shiver everytime I think of Mewtwo, or this movie. It's not a shiver like being scared, but it's more like that feeling you get that brings you back to your childhood, a place you can never be again even if you tried.

I recently watched this when I was going through my bedroom closet. I had the original VHS back in the day; but I eventually bought a DVD a couple years after, and I popped it in to see what feelings I got from actually watching it all these years later.

It completely sucked me in. The nostalgia I felt was absolutely insane. It brought me back to the days of my youth when I went to the theaters (3 times) to watch this movie with various friends and family members. I remember the music most of all. For a kid, this movie didn't have to have the best backstory, the best plot, or even best animation. If you loved Pokémon (which I still do as an adult), you loved this movie. The character Mewtwo, his voice, the mysteriously dark music, and especially the iconic scene where Ash turns to stone and Pikachus tears bring him back to life, took me to a place I never thought I'd be again.

Now if you're watching this movie for the first time in 2021, I'm sure you aren't going to feel this way. I get that it's a silly cartoon, but that's definitely part of its charm. This one certain passage in the now long, over 1,000 episode and 23-24 movie catalog, brings a different sort of feeling than any of the other movies. (Even though the second and third movies are great as well).

The reviews saying this movie is bad we're either not the right age or it wasn't the right year when they viewed it, and couldn't see it out of the same lense as a kid who just bought a Gameboy Color and his first Pokémon video game, and got happy at the small things, like a great movie, and I wouldn't listen to them.

Awesome flick, and I hope Pokémon never ends.
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Pokémon: Deciding Match! Vs Regice!! (2006)
Season 9, Episode 45
An episode with so much potential....
16 November 2021
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... but it gets destroyed by the mind-numbingly obnoxious narrating they always make the side characters do during every battle sequence. Any viewer, at any age, at this point in the show knows what's going on. But they insist on having to name what every move is, why they chose it, what type it is, which types will have what effect, and basically treating the viewer like they are blind and two years old. The first time I watched this episode I was a small child. At no point is there anything going on in the show that would confuse even the youngest of fans, and like all anime, even though it's a "kids cartoon", the creators know that there are fans of all ages that like Pokémon, play the games, and watch the show. It's just a huge insult on the intelligence of the viewer. It gets even more ridiculous with dialogue such as "ash has three Pokémon, and Brandon has two. That means he has one more than Brandon does!" It just makes you wonder what the target audience of this show really is.
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Huge decline in quality when this season started
25 October 2021
Yes the voices all changed, but it's more than that. The already childish corny show suddenly went overboard with it. Their personalities, the things they say, and even the titles of the episodes are completely different. It's suddenly drawn different as well, sloppy in some places, and better animation in others. It's like a completely different show from this point on. You start to get used to it down the road, this season is probably the worst of this era. Then as soon as the quality gets better in the gen. 6 episodes, they destroy it again in the sun & moon episodes. The classic show (indigo, johto) will always be the best by far.
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Big Sky: Wakey, Wakey (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
I was hoping the writers listened to a few of these comments...
22 October 2021
But I was let down. This show was always extremely unbelievable, which usually doesn't bother me with tv shows. But this one is ridiculous, and almost insults the viewer. The two main characters were the worst parts of season 1, and now it seems like the entire show has caught up to how awful they are by everything just being a collection of awful. Why is the Jenny character overacting SO MUCH?

Honestly this show has been trash ever since the two girls and the guy got rescued. It just feels like a 90 minute movie that got turned into a tv show and they had absolutely nowhere to take the show after the movie ended.
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Big Sky: The Big Rick (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
A good show starting to completely fall apart
18 October 2021
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STOP THE WOKE NONSENSE. It is getting so out of control, and it destroys every show, every movie. Why ruin a decent, interesting action show with the virtue signaling, and insisting on bashing and hating on half the country. Progressives are the hateful bigots. Stop kidding yourselves.

Also the show has gotten completely ridiculous. Why didn't she even try to free her sister and the other mentally sick guy with the wig with the crowbar? A random acid pit? Why didn't he just shoot the girl and not the fisherman in the first place? I'm so confused.
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Rogue Hostage (2021)
Sometimes it's fun to laugh at how bad a movie is... but not this time.
18 October 2021
Horrible, just horrible movie. Low quality, predictable, and boring. The dialogue puts you to sleep, and I turned it off half way through, so unless it miraculously turned into an good movie in the second half, there was no action in sight. Just another woke Hollywood cringefest, making sure they check every liberal box they can in 90 minutes. Just horrible.
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NCIS: Road to Nowhere (2021)
Season 19, Episode 3
It feels like this show is dying a very slow death
5 October 2021
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I just feel like this show has run it's course and now it's overstaying it's welcome. I remember when I used to binge watch this show and be super excited when new episodes aired, but not anymore. The pacing is slow, the dialogue seems very forced, and the characters don't really have much chemistry. Gibbs acts like an entirely different person, and not in a good way. He was always quiet, mysterious, but no matter what had everyone in the teams best interests in mind. But now, he's such a loner it's obnoxious. Instead of mysterious, he just comes off as rude and selfish. None of it is very fun to watch. I was hoping it would get better after a mediocre season premiere but instead it's just getting worse. Let's just hope for a better episode next week.
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