Continuum (2012)
There aren't "good guys" or "bad guys" here. That's the point.
A lot of reviews here have argued that Continuum show advances a pro- corporate, anti-democracy viewpoint. It doesn't, but you could be forgiven for thinking that. Most American shows have a clear good guy (the protagonist) and a clear bad guy (the antagonists).
This show, however, follows the Canadian tendency to operate in shades of grey. Continuum presents two opposing factions, and asks the viewer to make up their own mind whether they agree with the protagonist or the antagonists.
I'm not speaking from my own interpretation, but the official stance of the people behind the show. The "choose your side" mentality has been presented repeatedly in an explicit manner, most recently on the Continuum Facebook page, where a post recently asked, "Which side are you on? Team Kiera or Team Liber8?"
The show doesn't choose a side, but instead presents an interesting challenge to viewers which some won't be ready to meet:
The Freedom Fighters (antagonists) use brutal methods to accomplish their goals, but their cause is just.
The protagonist character Kiera operates within the law, uses non- lethal force, does what she thinks is right, and tries to protect people... And yet she champions the cause of despots.
Do you believe in the righteous champion of despotism, or the brutal champions of freedom? ...Or do you side with neither?