Warcraft (2016)
Good movie but not spectacular
I have played Warcraft 1 & 2 and always enjoyed it. I do not know much about War of Warcraft. This is to say that I am a fan. I might add I am a huge LotR fan. I have had great expectations for this movie ever since it was introduced in trailers last year. I was very interested in what the story will be about. I went to the cinema to see the movie today and and here is my take without hopefully any spoilers. First of all, the movie is beautifully done. The animation is great! The music, well, is fine, kind of what you'd expect from Warcraft, nothing touchy. There is a fair bit of magic in this movie. I wish there was more magic in LotR, this movie is packed with action and a fair deal of magic. All great points here! The plot, however, as expected from a movie based on a game, and it comes true, sadly. The plot is not profound and very weak. I am not going to reveal any of that here. Acting and cast. It's a mixed one here, but overall the acting is weak, or rather off. It's all in the Human side. The acting gives a very Millennial feel, not a historical one. The actor playing the king looks well but his voice is weak and his composure is not regal and majestic enough. In short, lots of action, plenty of magic. If you are into profound plots, you might be disappointed as there is a lot of stuff left unexplained. The acting might get to ya as well. Not necessarily by wrong casting, or actors' inabilities, but rather the director's poor choice of how he wanted them to act.
Go and see the movie, not a waste of money, but this movie will not dwell on your mind too long.
Legendary (2013)
It was good to see Scott & Dolph in a movie other than Martial Arts kick-ass action, but the movie was just TERRIBLE!!
Basically, it is a B movie. This movie is just an empty shell. Very poor acting overall. Dolph Lundgren seemed the most natural. Scott Adkins didn't do bad now, but could have done much better. While it was nice to see Dolph and Scott in other genre, the B movie didn't do Scott any justice either. His character was very shallow. Also what I did not understand was: why did he have his office in London and yet didn't have English accent, but used American instead. If you are a fan of Scott or Dolph, then watch it; but don't expect anything at all. If you are a fan of neither, then this film is a complete waste of time, pretty much even if you are a fan — it's an utter rubbish.
P.S. This my 1st review. I'm sorry it had to be a negative one.