Most Recently Rated
I Wasn't Scared (1977)
The requisite safety film from my younger years
This film is a Department of National Defence safety film that aired in classrooms all over Canada in the 1970s. The film is about two boys who venture into a military training area, find some unexploded ordnance, and nearly get blown up. If it were not for the fast reaction of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team, the ending would not have been as happy. It was made in CFB Borden in the mid-70s and most of the actors/actresses were taken from the community. The main child actor was in my circle of friends.
The lessons taught in this film are real and well portrayed, as tragically, more than once, someone has been injured by venturing into the training area.
The film is a safety awareness film, not likely one to rent for a good evening of TV viewing.
Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004)
Not bad, but my kids enjoyed it
While the premise of the movie, the acting, the action and the story fall well below the entertainment threshold for the adult audience members, my kids enjoyed it quite a bit. Three girls, one 5 and 2 are 7, completely enjoyed most of the film. And why not? The kids are cute, the villain is villainous, the line between good and evil is clearly marked and the good guys win. They particularly liked the "toys" and the personalities of the children. Without spoiling it, the ending was plenty exciting for them. I am glad we took them, regardless of what I thought of the film.