A Perfect Day (2011)
"A Perfect Day" for one person can be a day of hell for another.
"A Perfect Day" delivers the persona of a perfect life....the cookie cutter family. Yet the layers are much deeper. Turmoil, Sadness, Sickness and Deception are some of the traits within this suburban family.
The writing and cinematography go hand in hand with creating a roller coaster ride of emotions. Although this is a short, it stands strong in development of the characters. I actually felt sorry for all of them. In particular my heart connected to Kelly Perines character (the mail man).
I give a standing ovation to Kelly Perine. Immaculate and well executed Kellys performance stole the show. It was real, raw, truthful and honest.
-Denise Glass
Blood Diamond (2006)
Gritty Truth Yet Remarkable Film
I've watched this movie at least a hundred times. It is one of my all time favorites and no matter how many times I watch it the dialog between the characters effect me emotionally.
Its hard to see children with guns or witnessing families being torn apart. Its hard to see the battered up villages when I know that I am sitting comfortably on the couch with pop corn and a blanket.
The scenes in this movie show the gritty truth in life. I am fortunate enough to be born in a country where there is freedom and opportunities of fortune. What about those who are not? How do they overcome such obstacles? Where is the fairness in societies? These are some of the reasons why "Blood Diamond" is such a great movie. It demonstrates that there are still pockets of goodness and obstacles can be overcome.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou have some breath taking moments. My favorite scene is when Solomon has a monologue moment with his son Dia. It is so powerful.
Charles Leavitt, thank you for writing such a masterful piece. To the producers (Kevin De La Noy, Len Amato and others)...thank you for being so inspiring.
-Denise Glass
First Dog (2010)
Fantastic heartwarming film with great morals!
I just saw "First Dog" at the Newport beach film festival. It was a precious film with great morals and a wonderful story line. Normally I am not a crier but for some reason I was effected. That is what a great story and great actors do. They effect human beings by shedding light on subject matters that are going on in the world.
It is amazing how Danny, Big Mike and Teddy all become inner connected by one thing. They all have lost their family in someway, shape, and form. By uniting as a team they are able to resolve obstacles that lie ahead in order to "Do the right thing" and return Teddy to his owner...the President of the United States.
If anyone has not had a chance to see this movie at the festivals it is available at Walmart and Netflix. I can not wait to share this film with my family, friends and even strangers!!
Thank you cast and crew for putting together a great film.