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The Surface (I) (2014)
I so wanted to like it
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy films like Open Water and The Reef so I really thought I'd like this but sadly it wasn't to be. ****MAJOR SPOILERS****Sean Astin plays a character who thinks he is responsible for the deaths of two people so goes out on Lake Michigan with the intention of killing himself. He runs over a small aircraft, damaging the boat, finds the pilot and drags him aboard. The propellor on the boat is gone so they are stuck and the pilot is injured. So far, so good. Then..well, not a lot really. We are told their stories in flashback. The pilot is delivering a backpack to some dodgy guys who he insists will kill him. In the end they popped up, got the backpack and left. Possibly the biggest anticlimax in film history. There was no real sense of danger with them being stuck on the boat as, well, they were on a lake, a big lake granted but still not the middle of the Atlantic. The two deaths that Mitch felt responsible for were laughable and overall the story wasn't really well thought out. The acting went between okay and ridiculous which disappointed me as I watched Sean Martin in Stranger Things and thought he was great in it but I suppose some blame has to be attributed to the director. The ending, I'm assuming, was supposed to be uplifting and inspirational but I don't think it would be too long before he was back out on the lake for his next suicide attempt if his big life turn around was a new fish and a job in a care home. These kind of films that don't have a lot of action need to keep us gripped with good storylines and solid acting but I'm afraid this one was just blah. Change the reason he wanted to kill himself, take out the ludicrous gangster story, add some actual tension and much better dialogue between the two men and it could be a decent film. As it is, I gave it a four for the funny dog story and...sorry, just the funny dog story.
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Tear jerker
13 November 2020
Not a lot really happens in this film. Guy finds dog, keeps dog, dog waits at train station for him to come home. That's why I was so surprised to find myself having a complete emotional breakdown towards the end. I was literally crying so badly that I was too embarrassed to go into the other room where my family were to get a box of tissues and ended up giving myself a sore face with the only thing I could find which was sandpaper like kitchen roll. I don't cry at films yet this one has me destroyed. It has also partially destroyed my face.

I'm not even going to bother commenting on anything else because any film that makes me cry has got to be worth watching. I'm going to go wash my face now.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Season 2 is even better
25 May 2020
I enjoyed the first season of this show, it was a slow burn that kept me hooked although a bit confusing at times. Having just binged the second season, I have to say it is even better. The acting is great, the camera work and directing excellent and the story moves along at a good pace. Even with what we already knew from the first season there was a good mystery element that played out from the opening scene as we went backwards to find out what happened. Would definitely recommend!
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Life on the Line (I) (2015)
I honestly don't know where to start..
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a mess. Before watching it , I read that a former lineman and founder of a charity for fallen linemen was behind it so I had high hopes. These were quickly dashed. I would have preferred if the film had shown what these men actually do but other than climbing a couple of poles, moving some cables out of the way and someone re-enacting titanic on the top of a pylon, we see not a lot. From what I understand, the technical stuff is mostly wrong and the plot is something we've all seen before. The two lovelorn "kids" in the movie must be in their mid to late thirties and John Travolta's various wigs were more convincing than most of the actors. I hate slagging a film that has been made with a good cause in mind but this was one of the worst films I've seen in a while and probably does a disservice to the men and women who do this dangerous job. I do think this is an interesting subject and I hope one day someone makes a film that does these people justice.
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Not the usual Tarantino
30 November 2019
I can see why people were disappointed in this film, but I loved it. It's not like Tarantino's usual fare with action and violence woven through the entire film. In fact the only real action lasts a few minutes at the end but that was fine with me. A lot of people seem to be saying there was no story and I think this is perhaps because they were expecting it to focus on the Manson murders which turn out to be a sideline to the real story of a Hollywood actor who's star is fading and his employee/best friend. For me, this has got to be the deepest, most touching film Tarantino has ever done. Brad Pitt is brilliant in this, probably his best work. Even though I'm a huge DiCaprio fan, I think Pitt outshone him. I do agree that Margot Robbie could have been used more but I understand in doing that, it would have put the murders to the fore rather than the story that was really being told. Go into this with an open mind and I guarantee you'll be drawn in as much as I was.
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The Maddening (1995)
4 stars for Burt's toupee
2 October 2019
This film is not good. The acting is awful, the pacing is awful, it's only redeeming quality is Burt's toupee as the only reason I kept watching was to see if it would actually jump off his head. Don't get me wrong, I love Burt Reynolds but I can only assume his star was waning by the time this came along. The main problem I have with this is that I have no idea what it is. Thriller? Horror? Comedy? Absolutely no clue. The only thing I do know is that it's not good whatever it's supposed to be. I'm just sad to see Mr Reynolds doing his best in this Turkey.
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Stan & Ollie (2018)
A surprise
18 September 2019
I didn't go into this as a Laurel and Hardy fan and wasn't expecting too much. Imagine my surprise twenty minutes in when I was absolutely engrossed. Reilly and Coogan were excellent as our 2 leads. I've seen enough Laurel and Hardy to know they really nailed it. The film itself was about their later years when their stars had faded a bit and they were on a tour of the UK. I can't comment on how factually correct it was but it was certainly a moving and touching account of two friends in the autumn of their lives. Its not often you can tell how much love has gone into a film but it is obvious with this one.. it's not been made as a money maker or a vanity project, its literally a labour of love and it comes across as such in every scene. Loved it.
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Peacock (2010)
Strange but a good watch
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cillian Murphy plays a man, John, who has been abused by his mother and, after her death, creates an alter ego "Emma" to look after him. After a train crashes into his backyard, Emma is revealed to the local community and slowly begins to become the dominant personality. She becomes involved with the community in a way John has never been able to. Thus ensues a battle between both personalities for dominance. I have to admit that, I'm not entirely certain that that everyone in the town really bought that Emma was John's wife or if they were just going along with it. Prior to Emma being discovered, people seemed to be very patient with John and his strange ways so it is possible that some were playing along. Murphy played this so well that after a short time I fully accepted them as 2 different characters. Great support from Susan Sarandon and Bill Pullman too. Overall I enjoyed this, it pulled me in and I was engrossed to the end.
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It'll not be everyone's cup of tea
21 July 2019
This mockumentary is not going to be for everyone but I enjoyed it. It kind of reminded me of an episode of "Inside No 9" with its off kilter humour and the addition of Alfred Molina was a real treat. This was obviously a real labour of love for David Harbour and that comes across in every line. As I said, not for everyone but it worked for me.
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All She Ever Wanted (1996 TV Movie)
Who cast this?
13 July 2019
I have to admit to not making it all the way through this and the main reason was the casting of the two leads. Marcia Cross is a good actor but in this part she honestly comes across as her husbands mother or at best very older sister. Apparently she's only 5 years older than the other actor but she's just one of those people who are more mature than their years, not in looks but in mannerisms and just generally how she acts. Unfortunately the actor playing her husband seems a lot younger than his years so it's not a good mix and put me off what could have been an okay film.
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Brightburn (2019)
I liked it..
26 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"What if Superman was evil?" An interesting question and I kind of felt like this film answered it. Warning! Spoilers ahead! Okay. I've seen a lot of reviewers complaining that there was no reason for the kid's acts of violence and destruction but that's not what I saw. I saw a twelve year old who discovered he was invincible, had a hell of a temper and clearly had more fun being bad than good. There were basic reasons for him killing everyone he did and once he started he couldn't stop. I really enjoyed this take on the anti-hero. The production was good, the acting was good and the effects were good. Nothing to really complain about. I gave it an 8 because a film has to blow me away to get more but this was solid and I would watch a sequel. Also the closing credit music by Billie Eilish was great.
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Wild Bill (2019)
I hope it picks up
14 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An American police officer moves to England for a fresh start. So far, so good. Its only when he arrives does it go a bit pear shaped. The plot holes in the first episode have literally no bottom. A weird guy who didn't realise the head in his freezer was human. Someone jumps off a wind turbine but a body was never noticed by workers? A missing person case that was never investigated. One policeman who decides exactly what had happened based on no evidence and informs the family. The list goes on.. On the plus side, I like Rob Lowe, the concept isn't terrible and I can't think of anything else, sorry. I'll give the next episode a go but if it's more of the same then I think that'll be it for me.
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Us (II) (2019)
30 May 2019
I must admit that after watching Get Out, I went into this with high expectations. I wasn't quite as disappointed as some of the other reviewers but I was slightly disappointed. First of all the good stuff. The acting was good to the point that I forgot sometimes that the same actor was playing two parts. The overall feel of the film was good and I never felt bored. I enjoyed the basic story and the soundtrack was excellent. Now the not so good. I was confused, even when the story was spelled out in an explanation near the end, I was still confused. I think my confusion arose from the quite massive plot holes that were apparent throughout. I got the beginning and I got the very end but a lot of it must have went right over my head. All in all, I don't agree that this film deserves a rating of 1, there are some very enjoyable elements but I hope for Mr Peele's next film, he tries to be less of a smarty pants and just makes a solid film with a lot less holes.
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Strangely heartwarming
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across this fairly short documentary on Netflix and I'm glad I did. The filmmaker is a gay Chinese man living in America with his partner and soon to be two children while his very traditional family still live in China. The film basically documents his family coming to terms with his homosexuality and surrogate children. The parents (his mother in particular) are loving but outspoken and have clearly struggled with having a gay son. When the children come along, his mother is clearly a doting gran but still worries about the children being brought up without a female parent. As the documentary moves along I felt sympathy for his mother as she clearly struggled with her love for her son and her traditional views but I was delighted when she started being honest both about her sons sexuality and her grandchildrens conception. We didn't quite get to the stage of telling grandpa but I think he knew more than they realised. All in all, a lovely little documentary and well worth a watch.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Some good points
11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start off with the positives. Stanley Tucci, playing possibly the only character that I would care if he died. The effects for the creatures were fine. Yeah that's about it. Now for the bad stuff. For a family "used to living in silence" they seem to find it extremely difficult to live in silence. By day 2 it would appear that the government or any authority are not making much of an attempt at killing the creatures. Religious nuts wanting your daughters seems to happen remarkably quickly. Then apparently the only way to survive these quite easy to kill creatures is to head north cause they don't like to be cold. Overall, I would say this is watchable once but prepared to be annoyed often.
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This is way too long
8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If this was an hour long and just told the family's story, it would have been fine. As a four hour long investigation to get to the bottom of what happened to Carol Packman it was ridiculous. The only new piece of evidence as far as I could see was that it was established you could burn a pig on a bonfire. Other than that, the investigator (I use the term loosely) was just rehashing evidence that was already known and framing it all as revelations. This included the revelation that people committed a crime that they were convicted of decades ago. As far as I can see the only person getting any pleasure out of this investigation was Russell Packman, the killer, who seemed to be enjoying the attention as it no doubt broke up the monotony of his life in prison. If the daughter really thought this so called investigation would give her answers then I feel sorry for her and the makers of this programme should hang their heads in shame for giving her false hope in the name of entertainment.
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Ill Behaviour (2017)
A bit of fun
16 March 2019
I'll not bother going into the plot as you've probably already read the synopsis, I'll just jump straight into what I thought.

First of all, it's not believable and there are more than a few plot holes along the way. In saying that, it's fun, the acting is good and the characters are likeable. I doubt if you'll be sitting with tears rolling down your faces at the comedic elements but there are funnyish bits and at three episodes, it's not long enough to get boring. I watched all 3 episodes back to back. Overall, I'm glad I watched it even if I wouldn't go for a second viewing. Worth a watch.
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After Life (2019–2022)
No work of genius
9 March 2019
The thing I have always disliked about Gervais and his work is that I always feel as though I am being slapped around the face by the storytelling, there is literally nothing subtle about it. I had the same issue with Derek where we were constantly being preached to and this is no different. Gervais should get himself a pulpit and be done with it. There is some real talent in the cast of this show and the concept is fine but in the end its nothing we haven't seen before. Its not funny enough, not sad enough, not clever enough. It's just not enough. I've seen the word "genius" being bandied about on other reviews and I'll have to respectfully disagree. This is like his other work, a vaguely watchable time passer but more than a bit annoying in its obviousness.
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I've given this a 5 to be kind
8 March 2019
Where to start? This started out fairly promising, a dysfunctional family getting together for Christmas when things start to go awry. Although most of the characters were unlikeable, the acting was okayish and the script was vaguely believable for the first 15 minutes or so. It then went into what I thought was some kind of compliance experiment, fair enough I thought. Then we started to head towards the ending and it all went pear shaped. The ending was farcical to say the least. The effects were laughable and it all turned into a weird comedy. I can't really say much more except I can't with good conscience recommended this to anyone. This could have been an okay time passing film if the writer hadn't dropped an acid when trying to write the ending.
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Roma (2018)
14 January 2019
I'm a bit confused as to how I feel about this one. Many reviewers have said they felt bored, I didn't but at the same time I wasnt engrossed. It was beautifully shot and the characters and their stories held my interest but in the end I did feel as though I still didn't really know them. Some scenes(the protest, the fire, the training) felt as though they were shoehorned in so the director could showcase his talents. I did feel sympathetic towards Cleo and her employer and their respective struggles but not to the point that I actually found myself caring what really happened to them. I get that this is a beautifully made film and I can appreciate it for that but it is not perfect. I'm glad I watched it but it's not one I'll be rewatching in the future.
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14 November 2018
Some films are such classics that remakes are doomed to failure before a word is spoken. This is one of them. In its favour, Lynn Redgrave seems to have enjoyed herself and her version of Jane was a lot less cruel than David's. Vanessa Redgrave seemed to be sleepwalking through the entire film. For me, trying to modernise it while also attempting to keep to the original film just didn't work. This is a picky point but the Redgrave sisters are very tall and watching Lynn trying to run about like a child was probably unintentionally hilarious. I'd say just watch the original.
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Inside No. 9: The 12 Days of Christine (2015)
Season 2, Episode 2
It still gets me..
19 October 2018
I love Inside No9 but this has to be the standout episode. I can't exactly put my finger on what makes it so perfect, maybe it's the writing or maybe it's Sheridan Smith's natural acting skills. It could just be the song interwoven throughout the episode, who knows? This starts off as classic No9 then turns into something so much more. This first time I watched it I was mainly confused for the first 99% of the episode until it clicked into place at the end. The second time, even though I knew what was happening, I enjoyed it just as much for the brilliant piece of television it is. As I said, I don't know why it's so great, it just is and it gets me in the feels every time. If you only watch one episode of this brilliant series make it this one.
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20 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This man's story is definitely tragic and I feel for him and his family. In saying that, I'm reviewing this as a film and it's not great. The problem with making a true story film about a person who had a fairly ordinary life until one event happens is that there is not enough material for a full length movie. I had the same issue with 127 Hours. The writers have to find filler and, in this case, it was John's early relationship with his wife and, as someone previously said, a weird Benjamin Button remake with his unborn son. I feel as though if the makers of this had just kept it in the period he went caving and was stuck with perhaps more focus on how he, his family and rescuers were dealing with it, it would have been a more powerful telling of his story. Instead, I spent the first part wondering who the strangely dressed man was that kept popping up. The acting was okay but the underground scenes were confusing and you couldn't really get a sense of what was going on when he got stuck and afterwards. Although it was good that John's story was told, I feel it could have been done better.
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Oh my god
9 November 2017
First of all I am going to put my hands up and admit I never made it to the end of this film and I would normally never write a review unless I had watched the whole thing. I am making an exception because I know many people, myself included, have great fondness for the Jeepers Creepers films and must be warned. This is awful and I mean really awful. The first film was quite scary, the second less so but quite fun but this is a giant turd. The acting was questionable at best, the creeper was laughable and the plot was pretty much non existent. It kind of felt like the cast and crew were just turning up at different places and making it up as they went along. It had the production value of the video I took of my kids school show. If you like the previous films as much as I do then please don't watch this, it will spoil your fond memories. I really wish I had read the reviews first.
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I don't get the hate
11 October 2017
I am a King fan but not of this particular series of books although I get why fans of the series may be disappointed that it was condensed into one film. In saying that, if you just take this as a fantasy action film then I really don't get the hate for it. It was well acted by all involved, the effects were good and the story kept moving along. One reviewer described it as the worst film of the year and all I can say to that is that is you need to watch more films as there have been some howlers and this definitely isn't one of them. I would agree with the person who said this was "inspired by" rather than "based on" the books and I do think people who haven't read the books so aren't expecting a straight adaptation will enjoy it for what it is. In summary, I would ignore the hate for this and if you fancy a good action film give it a go. You could do a lot worse.
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