Episode one is out and it quite impressed me. A good take on Aztec and Mayan mythologies with Zapotec deities too and a pretty nuanced and realistic take on human sacrifice. If I have one complaint is that using Mictlantecuhtli as the main villain is a bit boring.
6 Reviews
Severely flawed but still entertaining
20 May 2020
Scooby Doo going "how do you do fellow kids" is nothing new, but it feels especially egregious here where half of the jokes are pop culture references. However Dick Dastardly is a joy to watch and pretty much the source of not only funny but memorable jokes, so it's not a compete waste.
Twelve Forever
Witty and charming
30 July 2019
Twelve Forever is an expansion of the pilot of the same name, and surpasses it in having well-rounded and complex characters and an intriguing mixture of slice of life and deeper plot. It is a pretty serviceable examination of the psychology of growing up.
My main complaint is that Shane and Tristan aren't there. They were pretty fun characters in the pilot.
My main complaint is that Shane and Tristan aren't there. They were pretty fun characters in the pilot.
Super Drags
Surprisingly deep
16 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off as an extremely camp drag show, but gradually we get examinations on serious topics like conversion therapy, self-esteem, child abuse, suicide and even (spoilers) closeted religious leaders.
Its always extremely camp, and the humor may be a bit gross at times, but overall its a pretty awesome show.
Its always extremely camp, and the humor may be a bit gross at times, but overall its a pretty awesome show.
Extremely fun
6 July 2018
This show is spectacular on many fronts. The animation, though t is flash and occasionally wonky, is vivid and fluid. The writing is witty and wacky, being a true return to form with Disney duck cartoons and comics in sheer insanity and snappy jokes without relying on the irony and cynicism that plagues the Ducktales reboot. But most spectacular of all are the sheer amounts of extremely obscure Disney characters peppered in through.
This is a show made by fans for fans of Disney, and its a shame how abysmally Disney has treated it.
This is a show made by fans for fans of Disney, and its a shame how abysmally Disney has treated it.
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