Loved it. Well written, great comedic timing by the actors. Very funny.
4 Reviews
Well written and well executed.
6 January 2021
Evolution Creek
Evo Creek Rocks!!!
28 July 2012
Evolution Creek is a tremendous creation from start to finish by Lee and Greg Bivens. To see such a huge undertaking by these two brothers culminate into a SOLD-OUT premiere night at the historical Strand Theatre, was truly something special.
Evo-Creek has it all; great acting, tremendous cinematography, beautiful girls, rockin f/x, and much more. The Bivens brothers finished a project that would be considered unfathomable to most.
Watching this movie with an amazing cast and killer special effects does not reflect it's shoe-string budget one bit. A truly original screenplay, I can't wait to see these guys with a budget!
Evo-Creek has it all; great acting, tremendous cinematography, beautiful girls, rockin f/x, and much more. The Bivens brothers finished a project that would be considered unfathomable to most.
Watching this movie with an amazing cast and killer special effects does not reflect it's shoe-string budget one bit. A truly original screenplay, I can't wait to see these guys with a budget!
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