We're the Millers (2013)
Just a fun, hilarious movie
I was skeptical because I don't much care for Jennifer Aniston but I love Jason Sudeikis so figured I would give it a shot and was not disappointed. Aniston plays the vulgar downtrodden stripper so well and don't get me started on the genius that is Will Poulter. Slow build up to about 30 minutes in and then I just couldn't get enough! Its not a unique premise, however it does give the viewer a sense of what a real family is: whatever you make it. I will personally be adding this one to my rotation.
And to the people giving 1 star reviews because they felt misled and brought their kids to the theater (and also to the ones ranting about morality: Its rated R for a reason, what did you expect?
Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 (2020)
Pretty darned good!
Ignore reviews and watch this. If you don't like it then you don't like it, but honestly I only really watch shows while im doing other things and I was glued to the screen. Fun, brutal and just damned good entertainment.
Will watch again
Artemis Fowl (2020)
The reviews for this film is just silly
I have read all of the books multiple times and I LOVED this movie. Its exciting and fun and beautiful to look at, yes a bit shallow (but thats the result of make a book into a 1.5 hour movie.
Its not Lord of the Rings, but it is fun and entertaining and I will watch again
A Normal Life. Chronicle of a Sumo Wrestler (2009)
Gripping and somber
This is quite a good film about the harsh realities of giving your life to one single thing, and the sobering reality that this one thing may not be enjoyable or ideal. Takuya's struggle, joy, disappointment and desire to succeed is heartfelt. Definitely worth an hour and a half of your life!