Lives of the Saints (2004)
Sophia Loren proves her brilliance!
4 January 2005 - 5 out of 10 users found this review helpful.
In Lives of the Saints, Sophia Loren proves why she has remained at the top of her game for over 50 years. Her brilliant performance as Teresa Innocente was nothing short of astonishing. Just watch the scene where young Vittorio and Cristina board the bus, and when the mature Vittorio confronts her about the painting. Loren conveys raw emotion that is gripping and entirely believable. If she doesn't receive a Gemini or Emmy award for this performance, it is an injustice. Fab Filippo also gave a remarkable performance. I haven't seen Filippo in anything else but I hope this film springboards him into higher profile roles. He is a performer to watch.
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