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Remedy for deep hurt of betrayal
8 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My Father's Violin (2022) A Review

Two young brothers were inseparable as children, yet in life, with the cruel abuse by a step-father and the withdrawal of their mother to alcohol, the boys must escape! Yet at the moment they make their move, one brother sends the other on a trip to safety alone, while the other returns to the abuse and their bond is broken forever!

Years later, one, Ali Riza is a local violinist with street performers and while brother, Mehmet, is a violin virtuoso who one day returns to his homeland with his wife. With the chance discovery that his brother has returned to entertain higher class society with his music, the now sickly brother who stayed catches sight of his talented brother as he exits concert hall and their short conversation and explanation for leaving him, is tried but is cut off and is about to walk away, when Ali Riza mentions that he is dying and that he has a daughter, Ozlem, who he has raised on his own as her mother died when she was young. The hurt of the long ago departure of his brother hurt deeply and Mehmet declares that he has no brother and no niece and walks away!

Soon Ali Riza dies and child protective services claims Ozlem as the three men in their street ensemble are not related and cannot continue to help raise her. When all looks lost, Mehmet's wife Suna intervenes to convince her husband that the feud was with his brother and Ozlem was effectively being punished being innocent and in the middle. Ozlem is well spoken for an 8 year old and has been emboldened from earning their monies around small crowds of people until the police chase them away! The perfectionist in Mehmet drives him in everything and Ozlem presents him with challenges he is in no way prepared for as he takes her in provisionally until child services determines they are okay together. Often abrupt with Ozlem, she has trouble adjusting to Mehmet and wants to leave just as much as he is not sure if he wants her or not. With Ozlem hearing a phone call between Mehmet and Child Services, she runs away to the safety of her safe spot in the city. With the help of Ali Riza's friends Mehmet finds her while she is playing a melancholy melody on her violin to his astonishment. Remembering that her dad, Ali Riza said everyone has their own melody, she explains that to Mehmet who asks if that was her melody, but she replies that it was Mehmet's with those lost years of anger at his brother. With Mehmet and Ozlem in her old house, she tells him that her father sent Mehmet away alone to escape their cruel punishment as Ali Riza had only enough money for one ticket for passage. Suddenly his anger is gone and he takes Ozlem to a rehearsal to finalize the concert is a few days. Ozlem is given money for a vending machine and selects an item that has nuts that she has an allergy too! With her health in jeopardy, Child Services takes Ozlem away thinking Mehmet knew she would purchase the item that was so dangerous for her.

As the curtain is about to rise with Mehmet center stage, Child Services calls to tell him that Ozlem has run away from them. Mehmet walks out of the concert to find Ozlem, where ever she is. As the concert ends, Ozlem enters walking down the grand isle playing a Hungarian folk song on her violin with her beloved Uncle at her side. Once on stage the pair continues to play to the enjoyment of the full house!

Perhaps this weighed heavily on me because I have my brother's violin that he pawned often that our other brother paid off then brought home to please our mother who considered the instrument so valuable to her baby boy's life. While I have my own violins I kept his rather than see it disappear from her life, I took it for safe keeping and to give it back to him if he would ever return from his anger at his brothers!
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Nowhere (II) (2023)
Survival in the face of extreme peril
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Caught up in a world of chaos, food shortages and extreme hostilities. An expectant couple is herded into transoceanic transport containers to escape the horrors from roving militia are hellbent on eliminating all stowaways. By the gangs of armed men, the doors slam, trapping her inside as her husband is forced onto another. The goal is than none should escape to make the voyage, but Mia, climbed onto a large crate and went unnoticed as the gunmen killed machinegunned all others; leaving her in advanced pregnancy with few resources for the journey.

In a storm, her container is washed into the ocean and moves with the constant motions of the sea. As the container fills with them ocean water, she scavenges from the few crates inside, she finds a few items that she used to collect drinking water and some nourishment. Soon the seas rise and violently toss her from one side to the other. With the water above her knees and as she stand with no place of comfort, she gives birth to a daughter while standing As the seas subside, she can hear whale sounds and can feel the hard bump as she must steady herself to remain standing. With tape that she finds, she makes a calendar of her days adrift: Day 4, Day 7, 12 and counting. Eventually the line she market as the danger point of sinking is reached and with a few tools she found, makes an escape hatch that must still be pried open.

She can now try to spear fish that swim by, but as that fails, she finds electrical equipment and ties the wires to make a net. With some food she an now focus on her health to car for her child. Eventually, she is exhausted and the container has taken on too much water and she must abandon it for a raft that was part of a larger crate. AS they drift, she sees land birds circling, but is too tired to go on and barely clings to the raft with her baby safely inside. The crew of a small fishing boat sees the gulls circling the raft and investigates and pulls the raft close to find the baby and the tether that was holding her mother to the raft. With all the fight she had in her to save her child, she had no more to give. The crew was heartbroken as they pulled the child's mother on deck and lay motionless under the cloudy sky. The woman of the crew started CPR and while it looked hopeless, she started to cough and breathe the air.

I watched "Nowhere" with a deep sense of urgency in hopes that something would break her way. I was still deeply involved as the credits began to run. Well after midnight. Few movies move me as this one did, but I was focused as a 75 year old man may not !
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A Grinch with a Heart
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A man, Raul, is plucked from his departure for a holiday vacation as far from Christmas as he can find only to be sent to a village where everything is about the Christmas celebration and a plan for the largest "Manger scene" is in the works for a record number of participants. When his car breaks down with the village in sight, he has to walk the snow covered roads to quickly do his audit of the village's major industry. Everyone is cheery and in a celebratory mood and he wants to audit and be done with the town and the holiday. People wanting to make him welcome are at every turn and take his away from his task. He finds one factory woman who is tasked with the "manger" scene and the officials to discuss the special judging event and he explains his childhood failed Christmases and comes to enjoy the situation he finds himself in and even agrees to extend his stay in the village. Sweet on this Manger organizer, Mateo, is the son of the owner, a much older senior. Soon Raul finds that something isn't right and something big hangs over the town and its future. As the two younger men discuss, Mateo dumps Raul from the moving car that he is driving and sends Raul tumbling down the snow covered slope far from the village as the judging is to begin. Raul struggles up to a clearing where a surprise mode of transportation awaits him. Upon his arrival in town, he is thrust into the celebration in a most unusual way and saves the day all due to a Christmas miracle!
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Married at First Sight: The Story Begins (2020)
Season 11, Episode 1
Two judgmental guys hang gliding toward love
6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Olivia and Christina were paired with guys who loved themselves and their positions of "right" on all matters. Where the hell was their self-respect of respect for the women they mostly ignored? Sarcasm & differences in budgeting are not tender words to cuddle up with nor is treating one like an HR problem and your "hammer" judgment with no compromise. Trapped by the Coronavirus it was worse to see Olivia and Christina trapped in a form of torture by the lack of attention overall from two "know-it-alls"! The guys looked as focused on accepting this chance at love as two gliders dropping from the sky and never really seeking updrafts that were all around if they would just look into their eyes, hold a hand or give other than an obligatory hug with some sincerity. With a hearing loss of my own to deal with, I had to use closed captions almost frame by frame in some cases to follow the conversation.

Lies vs honesty demonstrated that the guys were never wrong about honesty, but their expressions and words claiming their virtues rang as hollow as a clay bell, It certainly rings louder than a confession of the needs for one's medication for ADD.

These women ARE NOT pets to tell "Down" or "heel" when "their" guys were brooding over some unfortunate circumstance made of their own disconnect. Perhaps seeing them frequently with a glass of wine in their hands or a pair of dumbbells told of their defect that kept them from looking around the room at the only other person, who was looking for some signs of communications of actual affection. The self-righteous should stick with their cats and stay away from dating real people. In one case, 45 women are luck that they didn't get swept up into marriage with him and have a chance of finding a good man! That 45 number should have kept him out of the final hundred. In the end, these two guys can truthfully say, "I gave it a half-ass try!" and they can make up the stories that exclude the details of how they disappointed a spouse who took the same leap of faith.

As for Miles, one was right to say he had been diagnosed with clinical depression, for his new wife to be aware. Where he went wrong was to mark their first true intimacy on a calendar for her to find out who her man really was! She held strong and he likely saw the hurt. Despite it all I was proud of him in the end!
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Summer Job (2022)
Privilege vs Arrogance!
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I could have given 7 stars, but chose three as I could not determine whether this was a joke or not!

Staged as this likely was gathered a cluster of fun/pleasure-loving people between 18 and about 22 to see if anyone could get a reasonable amount of work out of them in important places to earn their free holiday! Starting from a prize sum of 100K Euros, most voted consistently to waste 1K or 2K that was deducted from the dwindling prize. For most, I have never seen so many work so hard to avoid work. Some jobs were dirty like cleaning animal enclosures but they handled it better than some with the jobs that required cleanliness for public health reasons were slow to catch on to that importance! Safety was mostly absent as 2K PSI, SCUBA tanks were carried without protective the valve stem. A torpedo carried like a sack of potatoes! That was on the Diving School instructor. I am a PADI diver who completed Advanced Open Water Certification!

They all failed to some degree to show a commitment to their assigned task. I had to train to polish an opaque metal to transparency in a highly specialized job! These folks put only marginal effort at most into pleasing their employer. I can only see illness coming from their food prep and resort guests looking elsewhere for their next vacation. What was always pleasing to the eye by their appearance could not be seen as anything but shallow and preferring their disappearance.

The bickering by some as they worked with a teammate was terrible as their partner was verbally abused by a know -t all! A sampling of attitudes was stay for free and avoid working as they made their own free drinks for the length of the adventure! What would they say of others came to this resort to work for them and treated them in the same way???

As "PalmbeachG implied, is this for real or staged. For me, Any other group of people as good looking in appearance would show an interest in such a challenge to do well. Tom quote from a favorite movie, THIS GROUP WAS ALL FUR COAT AND NO KNICKERS!
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Love Tactics (2022)
Electrifying comedy of the sexes
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ladies and guys plot independently to snare a man and a woman into a romantic encounter to be dissolved soon after. As they plot their strategy, as two spiders, they position themselves to catch their prey, they pass so closely to have each is thwarted by each pulling back or an unexpected interruption. It is as if an electrical field is at a point where sparks would strike the other, yet they they remain out of reach of each other.

When their firms place them in even closer proximity, intensity increases and the other more irresistible. As they toy ever so slightly, each interruption of their near encounters exposes their chemistry with each other. In this remarkably funny romance that even a plane departing the gate for a distant location will not keep them apart. I'm going home to watch and it again!
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A Perfect Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Life Changing Secrets at Christmas
24 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A newly wed husband-lawyer is fired from work for refusing an unethical task. His energetic wife heading community Christmas celebration discovers she is having a baby. Each is waiting for the right way and time to tell the other, just as family arriving from distant locations where accommodations are toppled. Each private moment to reveal their secrets is met in rapid succession with crisis of others that they solve only to have the next problem to interfere again. One comical catastrophe after another as his mother, brother's family and her father mix in with this delightful Christmas celebration.
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Selfless Duty
20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We know that even the best of people have problems that others may ridicule them for, so her early moments as a nurse, she is taking responsibility for mistakes of other, which seems a rarer quality these days, but when diseases begin to invade a community, some rise to meet it head on, even against the old cultures that says the doctor is always right, even when he is wrong, leaving others to get an unfair share of the blame.

When she can find hospital work, she found stubborn administrators and doctors who often greeted their patients with the same attitudes of sincerity, but often with dirty hands from their last sick patient. The disease finally strikes the son of the administrator, a younger doctor, seeing the benefits protocols sides with her to change a gloomy hospital into a cleaner and brighter facility to make caring for the patients a more efficient place for staff and patient.

The steadfast devotion and courage Carole's character displays, even in the loss of her sister, leads to the epidemic subsiding and a new attitude among the staff to seek a higher level of care.

Having been in healthcare most of my 50 working years, I have seen Carole's character in others who gave of themselves to exhaustion and leave at the end of the day without a thanks or a well done!
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Rhinestone (1984)
Out of His Element
12 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was likely the best they could come up with to bring Stallone into the music world without tackling opera with the Three Stooges as backup who qualified because of previous opera experience.

No doubt this never had a serious note, except for Dolly, as one incredible pairing in the sometimes hapless world of entertainment. The vocal performance rival that of John Wayne in an early western. Fortunately that was dubbed.

On this Columbus/Indigenous Peoples day the only way it could be worse would be Stallone as a tribal chief. The ONLY place his voice could have fit would have been F-Troop but that was before his time.
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One Royal Holiday (2020 TV Movie)
Finding More Than Hospitality at the Inn
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nurse Anna departs for her family home for Christmas and comes across a mother, adult son and his aide, stranded by an approaching New England winter storm. Without access to their arranged transportation, Anna offers them accommodations at her family Inn. There, she discovers that she brought a Royal Family to her home town and holiday festivities that once had all the loving touch of her late mother.

While the Queen is busy enjoying the people she meets over their time snowbound, the Crown Prince has his royal responsibilities on his mind and writing a speech that he must deliver to his Parliament on a deadline. Finding him troubled by his circumstances, Anna introduces him to different aspects of her family holiday traditions as his tensions lessen and participates in events that royal staff had done for them. Over just those few days, each finds themselves denying their attraction and comfort they find in each other's company.

When the weather breaks and the Royal Family returned home, the Prince reviews the letters the late King had written for inspiration for his speech and brings the last letter to his mother, discovering that they had been in Anna's care even before they met! What he knew in his heart at the Inn, he now knows for sure as he returned to Anna to dance with her at the Christmas Ball! Some movies deserve a 10 for the way their ending might start a new beginning!
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Can't just judge one!
13 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many times I would be captivated by the weekly adventures each show would take and the personal touch of Gabby's set up for scenes between breaks.

One could order, from Gabby, a clear thick flexible plastic sheet that would fit and cling a little you the screen on your TV (Maybe 12" x 10") and with a grease pencil trace over things he's display for us to copy. I was so proud that my mother state of Texas was a featured item and I traced it border to border.

At some point in the show it would be time for one of his sponsors, Quaker Oats". As I think back, I can't figure out what a cannon has to do with westerns in general or what cannons have to do with something like Quaker, their sponsor! When Quaker's spot arrived, Gabby would tell all us kids to take cover until he finished and down behind cushions and chairs as Quaker Puffed Wheat or Rice came flying at us from the TV. Then we'd get the all clear.

It didn't matter that short that played, Gabby's enthusiasm and grandfatherly persona, put him near the top of all western players and in my 70s, I guess I love the old guy still as I never miss any televised performances that I know of!
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Away and Back (2015 TV Movie)
Passion of the Trumpet Swans
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A woman scientist studying Trumpeter Swan populations receives a call from a young girl trying to learn to care for eggs from a banded swan. Angry and highly protective of the birds she has been tracking, she arrives at the girl's home and takes the eggs for scientific incubation to her wildlife sanctuary.

Months later the girl, Frankie and her family take a trip to visit the birds if she can. After some convincing the children are allowed to see where the hatchlings are kept and the excitement Frankie has being near them convinces the scientist that a visit to Frankie's and the nesting ground that is within their land is a great idea and gets her out of her rigid routine..

Together they build an enclosure and watch daily until the young swans take their first flights to prepare for migration. As the season passes Frankie's favorite swan is missing from the migration and she strikes out on her own to rescue the bird where ever it is which causes a stir as Frankie is reported missing. Father, scientist, rangers and volunteers search for her. Finally with the living, but injured swan in tow, Frankie emerges from the forest to safety.

Did I mention there may be some romance?
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A Love to Remember (2021 TV Movie)
A Tide of Calamity
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two social media horticultural buddies for a year decide to meet for their first time, but a bicycle accident puts him in the hospital where his doctor mistakes her identity and has her sign surgical consent paper for life saving surgery, before his thanks her for getting there so quickly as his wife.

Before she knows it, all those close to him flock to his side as the doctor explain that his life was saved by his wife. Dearest Mom, Dad, Sis & best friend are stunned by the news as she tries to explain, but no one gives her a chance as they take her home for a family welcome.

A crucial proposal was in the works with a hard deadline. The best friend is unprepared while she is skilled in most of it as they work to teach him how to wow the grant committee just days away while trust and attraction build each day. Soon an unraveling begins and they part, hurt and alone, until each learns a vital lesson!
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Romance at Reindeer Lodge (2017 TV Movie)
An unexpected destination, brings romance
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nicki's company has shut down for the holidays and the young workaholic discovers a getaway from Christmas from a radio station and she packs for Jamaica, but mid-flight discovers her destination is Reindeer Lodge deep in New England. With the airport closing and a storm on the way she finds herself in the company of a businessman having business at the lodge, a newly wed couple hoping to get photos for the Reindeer, while enjoying the hospitality of an elderly couple who own Reindeer Lodge.

Miserable with her circumstances so far from the tropical shore, the are all waiting for the chance to get back to civilization, to fulfill the business needs or to get those photos as the get to know each other while the future of the lodge becomes more doubtful.

They come up with a fundraiser in hopes of helping the owner and find themselves drawn closer together.

Not every romance starts off traveling many miles in the wrong direction, but reindeer know they way!
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A Christmas Crush (2019 TV Movie)
Humor Blended with Excessively Silly
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Four doors facing each other in an apartment complex hallway provides the setting for a single woman with a wise, supportive neighbor woman across the hall and a man in the next apartment she is shy about meeting. She soon finds herself, after a few moments, planning a Christmas Party for a stickler of a man that her male neighbor is associated with and they begin a budding relationship.

Unknown to her an old classmate moves into that fourth apartment and begins to pursue her. With a Christmas wish that goes awry, the new neighbor becomes extremely forward and silly injecting himself into her life, possessed by the spell of her wish causing him to interfere with the best intentions to win her over, while she still pursues the handsome neighbor across the hall.

I likes the main characters, but the over the top antics of the obnoxious new neighbor, over the top antics brought this funny movie down to a two before somewhat recovering, to receive an over generous five in the end. This was simply too much silly by a man trying to force himself into a relationship and couldn't take a hint that he was not welcome! Could have done without a third of the movie that led to the last five minutes
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Frozen in Love (2018 TV Movie)
Lost Between The Books
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The love of books was the world she knew as her safe place inside the family bookstore. She was surrounded by the knowledge possessed inside of them and told her of many places that she read of and shared with those she knew! A store in decline that she saw ebbing away, she had to find a way to save it.

A Hockey player suspended during a game, he has to find a way back to the ice to play the game he loved while convincing the Team President, a former girlfriend, that he has changed and committed to the team. With a plan devised by a counselor, they are thrown into each others' world with hesitation and much resistance and conflict throw of number of team building tasks, including her sponsoring a youth hockey team while he is to coach the kids to the dismay of their parents!

Cooperation with one another brings them close as they near the date of the reincarnation of the bookstore and he nears reinstatement at the same time that creates a conflict that may not save her store.

Isolation from all but the bookstore, she creates many moments that will tickle the funny bone more than a few times.
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Tells more than a story men and planes, but of Leadership in very hard times
25 July 2019
Many stresses drive men and women in combat situations. Risks, loss of friends, loss of confidence and understanding of the missions and what they hoped to do and what they failed to accomplish and what they must do to get the job done.

This movie was used as leadership training for me many years ago. There are no bad guys here, just men challenged to their limits and still they must press on. Good men, good pilots making either decisions poorly and trying against fine pilots clashing in mortal combat, or building leadership that can take over on a moments notice.

This movie is not just about war as it can be applied in peacetime to build a good team that thrives most anywhere!
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Don't know why I waited to view it!
10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Coming from the medical field, I have seen many who focused on helping people and just pressed on. Someone with a promising future as a nurse, then a bad diagnosis in a time of miracles. A man hoping to find his place, after military service comes, into her life. They had watched each other in passing in different places, seemingly drawn to be friends, then so much more!

I can't understand why I DVR'd from cable in December and waited until May to watch it! I could not stop watching!
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Direct Points taken
29 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While his daughter (O'Brien) is reciting the Gettysburg Address, he must do his civic duty in 1943 as the threat of air raids loom over his community. As he writes his journal for the evening, his mind wonders about other children where Nazis and other Axis powers were breaking through other nations' defenses and attacking their populations.

Segment by segment, Margaret O'Brien portrays the children who were suffering from the relentless bombings and attacks. A six year old was expressive in all the survivor parts and touched my hearts as she portrayed some of those who in those dark days, would not see the next day!

"Just a Propaganda movie"? Perhaps, but her performance underscores the talent of an actress who would make other outstanding performances for us to enjoy!
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Some people's family trees
6 August 2018
The aloof Simon de Canterville accepts a challenge to combat for a slight against another noble. When Simon abandons the field to hide, Simon's father has him bricked into the masonry to die and remain and haunt the castle until a family member commits an act of bravery to remove the curse from the family name.

Advancing through time, WWII is upon England and Canterville and the Mistress of the Estate is Lady Jessica de Canterville, age seven, who greets a U.S. Army unit garrisoned there to train for a mission. Charmed by her brief visit, the unit tries to get some sleep for a busy next day, but they receive instead the regular nightly visitor. Very much aware of Sir Simon is the young Lady Jessica, who soon meets up with him and talks with him as dearly as any niece and uncle. When learning that one American is a de Canterville, Simon tries to fix it so his kinsman is that saving hero, but trips up each attempt to make it happen.

Disgraced and dejected he is about to be shipped out of the unit when danger presents itself in a large unexploded bomb and his unit is in danger. Ready to act, doubts creep in and delays until Lady Jessica arrives and courageously spurs him on!

Laughs abound as ghostly and military antics can provide throughout. O'Brien and Laughton are perfect in their roles. The rest has to be seen to be fully enjoyed!
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All for Love (II) (2016 TV Movie)
A Seal with Flowers on his Desk
21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing captivates a retired military person, like myself, more than a clash of personalities when a hardened highly decorated Seal meets head on with an immovable force he doesn't how to get a handle on. Thrown together by his sister the Editor to fix the disasters in her novel, "Sealed with a Kiss". It is a comedy of standoffs.

I found this funny and full of the Marine training issues I faced as a Navy Corpsman thrown in with an entirely different military culture.

Running a Seal Training Program, she treats the weeks of training as a just tell me how to fix it and he sees it as his assigned mission to introduce her to the rigors the other trainees so she understands the many aspects of Seal life. Her team is taking it deadly serious while she seems to be looking for a participation trophy that will fix her literary slide.

As time goes by, they find mutual frustration over the changes they bring to their purpose together, they are drawn closer together as she stands up to him in ways he couldn't have imagined as she sees the purpose of the lessons and become that team player. Strong wills won't let them admit to anything of a growing attraction to each other. Their time together draws closer to its end as he is scheduled to establish another Seal training center half way around the world and be thousands of miles away from each other and stand immobilized by the fear of what was happening to them.

Who will give in? Will they discover a love or turn away to the life they enjoyed before they met?
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An Uncommon Grace (2017 TV Movie)
Collision of Beliefs
27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While the interchange use of Medic and Nurse throughout describing Grace's combat role which she was pulled away from her unit to help in a time of illness at her stateside home. It only matters that when neighbor Levi cried out to her for help, she quickly responded calling for medical assistance and helped save the life of a wounded mother at the farm next door and her unborn child as Levi's Step-Father lay dead on the floor having tried to save his family against the teachings of his religion Hard working Levi is dedicated to his family that had just seen the murder of his step-father and in direct at odds with the teachings of his Amish Bishop who is a strict on discipline and has shunned a part of Levi's family for marriage outside of their sect. Levi secretly reads books, which the Bishop forbids as they corrupt them. Yet a murderer is in the community and the sheriff is trying to locate them. While they conduct their manhunt, things disappear from Grace's mother's barn, Grace becomes aware that her sister may have been duped into participation with the wanted suspect.

Levi and Grace and bring them closer while she is in conflict about returning to the Army and her Army Unit half a world away, that Levi struggles with her roles in the Army where she aids people with guns, who use their guns for violence against mankind. As their friendship grows, the boundaries for Levi are clear and he knows friendship with an "English" woman is not proper for him.

Levi's mother recovers from wounds the Bishop considers shameful, The Bishop assigns his lovely daughter Zillah, who exhibits a stone cold knifing heart, to run Levi's household so not to include Levi's shunned side of his family. This gives Zillah leverage to force Levi to take her as his wife. Against all objections, she stays for a while. At night and dressed in a sleeping gown and robe, Zillah walks into Levi's room in the barn and catches him reading which she reports to her father that he was improper with her as well and the Bishop demands repentance and marriage to his daughter. Levi refuses.

A stray cow wanders over to Grace and she brings her back to Levi's that night. As rain falls, a gunshot rings out inside his house and they find that Levi's younger siblings found a gun and out of curiosity took it inside and accidentally shot a hole in the floor. Grace's sister had just became pen pals with someone who was just released from jail who seemingly had one of his fingerprints of a shell casing of the gun and the Sheriff's Department and his deputy renew their efforts to find him as their prime suspect.

Grace finds her sister in their barn aiding the escape of the suspect who is also followed by the Deputy who no longer find his once jailed employee useful and is about to plant the gun as evidence that a shootout caused the death of Grace and her sister and the Deputy shot back in self-defense. He just didn't count on Levi doing the uncommon!
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Butterflies (1978–1983)
Elusive Butterfly
16 January 2017
A married woman with two adult sons and a husband who is less than attentive, is pursued by a man who just can't get her out of his mind in his effort not to chase her away. Perhaps bored, frustrated in her middle years, she tends to her family and maintains a home is most of her focus and often gets her into situations that brings out the humor with each frustrating calamity thrown her way.

Ria can often be found driving her son's car to and from town, the British Flag paint job, as it is rather small for her frame.

According to her blunt sons, Ria mostly has no skill sets in the kitchen. In one episode she is watching a cooking show where something is being 'created to top off a tasty meal'. With all her ingredients laid out, and all her effort, she still can't keep up with the TV host who has her fumbling with everything on the counter and she ends up tossing it away before the show is done. It has been 35 years since I last saw the series, but I cherished every episode. I think you will too!
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What Might Have Been (All caps for us old military types)
11 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine you recently discovered that there is a strong possibility you may gave descended from a Viking King. Your history minded self and a band of men are caught in a storm in a Longship that was breaking apart near land. You survive by washing up on a scant beach with straight massive cliffs as your only escape before the high tide returns.

Exhausted, most make it to the top to rest and recuperate, but you have been spotted by a small band of armed men who take you as hostiles and engage you in combat leaving behind a surprise in a horse drawn wagon with a princess inside while one rides away to raise the alarm. The landscape of mountains, gorges, moors and an unusual stone tower created a feeling of a lookout post that could have been seen in the movie "Willow" From this, a series of small bloody engagements cuts down the numbers on both sides as it is apparent the royal princess is in as much danger as you. In a time when people were much more in tune with the nature, certain sensitivities to the earth may have inspired some to read seemingly supernatural signs of the earth as graphically displayed by the princess with hand bloodied, then not as it gave her insight to advise the leader that they must move ahead and out of danger.

No doubt the combat sequences would have challenged the endurance of even the strongest men, but how can one sit there watching without some adrenaline flow, especially when those killed on the bad guy side are replaced from the unknown source as if they didn't read their script as they resume the chase and the fight.

This movie didn't start out so captivating, but seemed to keep me involved each time I started to change channels. Rates a 5 or 6, but since I was dragging my own Viking baggage along in thought, I boost it to a 7!
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Setting the Record Straight
17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Harry, the son of a shoemaker that is about to lose his business to the shoe conglomerate across the way, is expecting a bicycle as he returns home from school. Instead he learns his father must have money to stay in business. His babyish face and deadpan look provide a confused and almost hopeless and hapless appearance with no idea how he will succeed. As he walks around to think and come up with a plan, he comes across a billboard displaying the most beautiful face he has ever seen and is captivated.

He then learns of a big race to prove the quality of the mass produced shoes from the big company and prepares for the event that would provide a prize of $25,000 to the winner to save his father's business.

As the contestants gather for the start, Harry has wandered off to the billboard with the lovely face. As he gazes at her face, he is love struck and is unaware that one pair of shoes has yet to be given to a participant, Harry. As he stands there he is unaware that the shoes are coming his way and for a moment, something causes him to turn around and he sees his love and still does not realize it.

He looks at her as if to remember where he saw such beauty, then turns to the billboard as he finally understands that "she" is there near to him. In his befuddled way he is unsure of what to do or which way to walk and ends up walking in irregular circles and abruptly stopping and changing direction until she asks his to sit beside her on the nearby bench. The talk and she gives him the shoes so he can start of the race.

Harry is now determined to succeed but his hapless adventure is to put him in danger at almost every turn. For every misstep that throws him backwards, something happens to vault him forward and in with the leaders of the race. From the many times he is near defeat he finds a way to win and becomes a hero in the process. But the money is not his final reward. Its only the beginning!
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