A series of mysterious, disjointed scenes that never add up to a concept.
Is this a small town conspiracy situation? A mind control situation? A time slip situation? A ghost situation? A psychotic break situation? A fevered coma-dream situation?
You'll never know.
A couple travels from Korea to some Minnesota north-woods town to experience the northern lights.
They're unable to get a rental car so end up in a rideshare car in which a young female is already a passenger.
The couple arrive at a remote rental cabin that turns out to not be stocked with anything, including towels.
The woman gets in the shower and the man goes off to fetch her a towel. Weirdly, every drawer and cupboard is empty.
While looking for a towel, the man hears knocking on a door but finds no one on the other side of said door.
He then discovers that the woman and all her belongings have suddenly vanished, mid shower.
The local redneck sheriff blames the man for her disappearance and throws him in jail despite the fact that, at this point, there's no evidence she ever even existed.
A female deputy sheriff sneaks the man out of the jail cell, opens the front door and tells the man to go find the woman.
The man (who, remember, is from Korea) wanders off into this totally unfamiliar, rural landscape.
Somehow he finds the AirBandB cabin. But when he peers into the window he finds it's a very a lived-in home.
He sneaks in, hears the shower running and, thinking it's his girlfriend, opens the bathroom door. But it's not her.
He bolts.
In town, he runs into the rideshare passenger from the night before and, without asking questions, she volunteers to help him.
They end up at the home of the rideshare driver and find him bloody and dead in his bedroom.
The sheriff arrives at the home so the man and the rideshare passenger hide. Sheriff sees the dead driver and begins looking under beds and behind doors. Just as he's about to open the closet door and discover the man, the rideshare passenger pops up out of her hiding place, deliberately distracting the sheriff and allowing the man to get away.
Off he goes again.
I'm going to skip ahead a bit here ...
Through a series of events the man tracks down a plumber who, for some reason, has his girlfriend's red hat. The man follows the plumber to his home and, wow, there she is! His girlfriend. What's more, she is happily married to the plumber!
There's a fight and the plumber gets shot. The girlfriend doesn't seem to know the man or (and this is floated) may believe he's the ghost version of the dude she dated way back in high school and, whom she's heard through the grapevine, had died in a car accident. In Korea.
Anyhoo ...
The man drags the girlfriend kicking and screaming out of the house, past the worst hostage negotiator ever (it's the redneck sheriff, BTW) and into the plumber's truck.
They drive. It's raining. There's an accident. But it's not the plumber's truck that gets hit, it's a different vehicle. The couple get calmly out of the plumber's truck and walk over to the other vehicle. Inside is ... them! They're looking at the bloodied, unconscious bodies of themselves.
Next thing you know we're at the local hospital. The man and woman have both fallen into comas and have been placed next to each other in the same room.
Now we're at the crash site and the plumber (who appears to have not been shot) is looking for something. Presumably the woman's hat (which is some sort of MacGuffin).
Update: I thought about it more. The plumber is looking for his hubcap. (We never hear from the red hat again which seemed to be significant. Oh well).
The sheriff arrives at the hospital and is saddened to hear a woman has died. But you, the viewer, aren't sure which woman has died. The rideshare passenger? Dunno. Then the sheriff goes to the couple's room. The sheriff is much softer now. Kind and compassionate. "Keep fighting guys. Hang in there," he says softly.
Now we're back at the crash site, in the rain. EMTs don't seems to be able to see the spectral couple as their non-spectral selves are pulled out of the car.
The spectral couple looks at the northern lights and agree that it (whatever "it" is) was all worth it.
Then, as the credits roll, you, the viewer, exclaim, "You've got be kidding me. What???"
If you make it to the end, you'll find that, of the many weird questions posed, not a single one has been answered.
Is this a small town conspiracy situation? A mind control situation? A time slip situation? A ghost situation? A psychotic break situation? A fevered coma-dream situation?
You'll never know.
A couple travels from Korea to some Minnesota north-woods town to experience the northern lights.
They're unable to get a rental car so end up in a rideshare car in which a young female is already a passenger.
The couple arrive at a remote rental cabin that turns out to not be stocked with anything, including towels.
The woman gets in the shower and the man goes off to fetch her a towel. Weirdly, every drawer and cupboard is empty.
While looking for a towel, the man hears knocking on a door but finds no one on the other side of said door.
He then discovers that the woman and all her belongings have suddenly vanished, mid shower.
The local redneck sheriff blames the man for her disappearance and throws him in jail despite the fact that, at this point, there's no evidence she ever even existed.
A female deputy sheriff sneaks the man out of the jail cell, opens the front door and tells the man to go find the woman.
The man (who, remember, is from Korea) wanders off into this totally unfamiliar, rural landscape.
Somehow he finds the AirBandB cabin. But when he peers into the window he finds it's a very a lived-in home.
He sneaks in, hears the shower running and, thinking it's his girlfriend, opens the bathroom door. But it's not her.
He bolts.
In town, he runs into the rideshare passenger from the night before and, without asking questions, she volunteers to help him.
They end up at the home of the rideshare driver and find him bloody and dead in his bedroom.
The sheriff arrives at the home so the man and the rideshare passenger hide. Sheriff sees the dead driver and begins looking under beds and behind doors. Just as he's about to open the closet door and discover the man, the rideshare passenger pops up out of her hiding place, deliberately distracting the sheriff and allowing the man to get away.
Off he goes again.
I'm going to skip ahead a bit here ...
Through a series of events the man tracks down a plumber who, for some reason, has his girlfriend's red hat. The man follows the plumber to his home and, wow, there she is! His girlfriend. What's more, she is happily married to the plumber!
There's a fight and the plumber gets shot. The girlfriend doesn't seem to know the man or (and this is floated) may believe he's the ghost version of the dude she dated way back in high school and, whom she's heard through the grapevine, had died in a car accident. In Korea.
Anyhoo ...
The man drags the girlfriend kicking and screaming out of the house, past the worst hostage negotiator ever (it's the redneck sheriff, BTW) and into the plumber's truck.
They drive. It's raining. There's an accident. But it's not the plumber's truck that gets hit, it's a different vehicle. The couple get calmly out of the plumber's truck and walk over to the other vehicle. Inside is ... them! They're looking at the bloodied, unconscious bodies of themselves.
Next thing you know we're at the local hospital. The man and woman have both fallen into comas and have been placed next to each other in the same room.
Now we're at the crash site and the plumber (who appears to have not been shot) is looking for something. Presumably the woman's hat (which is some sort of MacGuffin).
Update: I thought about it more. The plumber is looking for his hubcap. (We never hear from the red hat again which seemed to be significant. Oh well).
The sheriff arrives at the hospital and is saddened to hear a woman has died. But you, the viewer, aren't sure which woman has died. The rideshare passenger? Dunno. Then the sheriff goes to the couple's room. The sheriff is much softer now. Kind and compassionate. "Keep fighting guys. Hang in there," he says softly.
Now we're back at the crash site, in the rain. EMTs don't seems to be able to see the spectral couple as their non-spectral selves are pulled out of the car.
The spectral couple looks at the northern lights and agree that it (whatever "it" is) was all worth it.
Then, as the credits roll, you, the viewer, exclaim, "You've got be kidding me. What???"
If you make it to the end, you'll find that, of the many weird questions posed, not a single one has been answered.
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