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Very okay movie with good banter but not much else
26 October 2024
Not a bad movie at all, what really shines in this movie is the banter between Eddy and Venom and that enjoyable in a lot of ways and is a solid step forward to Sony making more enjoyable movies, that being said this movie is quite lacking in a lot of ways compared to the typical superhero flick, firstly there seems to be quite a few plot holes with many things just not really explained properly for things too make sense, there's also a surprising lack of genuine action, most of the movie is spent with Venom fleeing from action with even the typical climax battle not really involving the titular character.
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The Substance (2024)
Was great but lost it at the end
14 October 2024
Was an enjoyable watch but the last 20-30 minutes got kinda silly and dumb, it lost its intelligence and subtlety too say the least and went to pure dumb gross out scenery, completely unnecessary especially when the messaging wasn't exactly subtle and was evident throughout the entire movie, from the very premise itself tbh, point is they could a ended on a much stronger note before the final change as it added nothing too what it was trying to say or show, not that it should turn anyone off from watching it, it's a good movie that will keep you interested from start too finish but should've been 20 min shorter.
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From: Shatter (2024)
Season 3, Episode 1
Good but a little dumb
26 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Good decently compelling episode but the night was based around the creatures letting all the animals out and everyone going outside to round them up which is kinda pretty dumb they took no steps whatsoever from ensuring that wouldn't happen in the first place, why on earth wouldn't they have placed a talisman in the barn at the very least long before now, seems like a pretty obvious thing too have done, I get they need reasons for people to be going outside and creating stakes but considering how precious those animals are too them I find it hard to believe, not to mention the dumb kid opening the door because he saw a did he learn absolutely nothing.
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Freaky (2020)
Excellent movie, Vince Vaughn is top notch
8 September 2024
Very good movie, Vince Vaughn plays the role of a body swapped teenage girl extremely well, and the rest of the cast is also very good but he really steals the show, I do agree with the disconnect between how Millie was portrayed preswap vs as Vaughn post swap, definitely a weird disconnect and she's too attractive to think she was some undesirable outcast, and while the ending is enjoyable enough they definitely made it a bit longer then it should've been for no good reason...kinda like this review as I still need to write 120 characters, well I guess only 35 now and by now I meant when I wrote 35.
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Trap (I) (2024)
Interesting if a bit underwhelming, bad singing
2 September 2024
Not a bad movie, definitely a cool scenario but not much in the way of suspense or surprises, the twist isn't really much of a twist at all, the singing is bad, made worse by the fact this movie was most definitely a facade to try and prop up his daughters singing's not gonna happen lol, Josh Hartnett is pretty enjoyable, definitely carries the movie with a great performance, that being said no other characters have any development or anything to add some depth to the one trying to capture them which you might expect from these types of movies, a serial killer movie without any blood or violence either.
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Borderlands (2024)
Absolutely awful
9 August 2024
Wow so many missteps for what has got to be the worst movie of the year so far easily, the characters are all so bad and ruined, the story is just so bad, feels so artificial and completely suffers from a PG-13 rating, every actor is basically just reading a script, not even Kevin hearts is even remotely funny, and not even remotely like Roland, no organic or remotely enjoyable banter or anything to make them seem like a team, this movie needed a hard R rating, because maybe there could've been real humour from crazy deaths, blood and viscera, and actual banter and fun in relation to that but instead it's just so bad, one extra star because Claptrap was okay, voice sounded a bit off but at least tried to be funny but couldn't carry the entire movie.
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Awesome movie made better by watching in theaters
31 July 2024
Very funny movie and made so much better when you're with a whole group of people all laughing out loud at so many great jokes, many of which are fourth wall breaking but that just adds to the humour in a lot of ways, plenty of cameos from all sorts of characters, that being said there are some weaker, slower moments that stop it from getting a perfect score but still very very good. Glad Disney didn't ruin Deadpool and otherwise allowed it to retain its R rating, probably longer then it needed too be, not unlike this review as I'm just looking for a last extended sentence to get all the required characters.
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The Boys: The Insider (2024)
Season 4, Episode 7
Yet another PC copout
19 July 2024
Good show, not a ton too complain about but seriously this is supposed to be a show where Supes die and yet again, just like how Queen Maeve survived a power destroying absolutely certain death just because she's a lesbian(and were expected to believe no one would ever recognize such a famous hero ever) here we almost certainly see A-Train disappearing into the ether along with his family, let's face it, because he's black, I don't care if they do some good deeds, or who they're aligned with in the end they deserve a satisfying gruesome death because that's what the shows supposed to be about, even The Boys should be getting theres, but now it's seeming less and less likely.
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Pretty good but starts getting more political then funny
12 July 2024
Not much reason too exist but it does and it's still not half bad, tons of parody songs which tend to be pretty enjoyable, maybe tends too lean too much into not so subtle political motivations as if the left isn't swimming in hypocritical billionaires, honestly it stops being very funny at all and just leans into politics, starts taking itself way too seriously, not that it's awful but it becomes, dare I say, generic, living food doesn't take away it's very simplistic and obsessive message with politics, its not about comedy anymore, not about food or random threats or anything of genuine interest at that point.
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Good premise but awful ending
6 June 2024
Basically this seemed to be all a out an obsession with fitting in and being attractive and using whatever you can to fulfill that even if it means an unhealthy obsession with a product that supposed to work wonders but is clearly bad for you, the problem is the payoff was actually completely different and the lesson quite toxic, basically saying that all of that is perfectly good, keep your obsession no matter how unhealthy and you'll end up gorgeous and well liked, I don't understand how that's a good ending for this type of tv show or a desirable ending in general, the end result is very disappointing.
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What you get is great but should've been longer
24 May 2024
While the movie is pretty great from start too finish and the movie is certainly of decent length at around 2 1/2 hours I still feel like there's several threads left unpulled and without satisfactory resolution, and needed another hour or so add resolutions and actually have substance to a certain big conflict that was blipped past. The worst part of this movie actor wise was definitely Chris Hemsworth and his terrible sorta accent and not a character of any substance just really inconsistent, he certainly looked the part but that was it, otherwise the characters are decent and plenty comes through without spoken word.
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How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
Loved the finale, don't understand the hate
22 January 2024
I loved this ending for the simple fact it's kinda the only one that makes sense in the context of starting a story of how he met their mother about 10 years before ever meeting the mother, in any other context it's kinda creepy to be talking to his kids about his 10+ years of sexual conquests, at least all that other context makes more sense since she was always a part of the entire story, also weird to have such a long winded story without any input from the mother in the future, at the children's ages they would've organically heard about how he met the mother otherwise. In my eyes it's a great ending.
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The Curse (2023– )
Much darker and serious then imagined
2 December 2023
The show is okay, maybe only still watching because I'm a Nathan fielder fan, but I feel like they really failed in execution and really just oversold the fact they called it the curse, nothing comes off as supernatural/paranoia driven comedy elements to it, a surprisingly very serious show, none of the plots ever execute in any way that try to be funny or even complete with any twists etc. It's an interesting watch anyway, just nothing engrossing so I feel like it won't have much staying power, they just don't have the right hook to keep most people tuned in I imagine, I'll keep watching probably because Im keeping the faith it will improve and would still like to see how it all ends if anyone gets that opportunity if it's not cancelled.
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Gen V: God U. (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Strong showing so far
30 September 2023
Very good so far, just about everything you'd expect from a The Boys spinoff, crudeness, humour, and violence and just dumb supe actions/consequences. All in all really enjoyed the first episode, also like how they the whole "them" thing....if it's gonna be forced on us then at least this isn't too jarring or insufferable as other shows.

Too summarize the main point of the first 290 or so characters that was my review I will now use the remaining 310 in that summary because without this summary apparently the first 290 characters was not enough, so in summary oh wait only 20 more characters le.
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Poker Face: Escape from Shit Mountain (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Invincibility her new superpower I guess
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This person gets hit by a car and stabbed in the heart and walks away basically fine, ya that's the biggest crock of BS, once again this show is so awful at it's storytelling it's absurd, not too mention how dumb the initial scenario is, you hit her with your car and then even though she's still breathing you put her where there's a hidden body? So dumb, and once again same guy "kills" her....didn't learn your lesson the first time...once again same place still breathing all while managing to clasp an ankle monitor....didn't notice that when dragging the body? Really!! So many logical inconsistencies in this episode that killed what little this show still had going at this point, and it ends with that overarching completely uninteresting narrative.
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Poker Face (2023– )
So contrived and b***s***
13 February 2023
I get there hasn't been any real good murder mystery shows in a while but man this is probably the most unintelligent shows I've watched, first the overarching plot is simply an uninteresting setup that will probably pop up at some point (I'm 4 episodes in) but doesn't matter at all and is not remotely interesting, then the character has an amazing superpower! Always knows when someone's lying naturally, at least shows like Psych and Monk were grounded more in reality and had semi-plausable explanations for their skills, but she's just naturally superpowered...accept it, only reason I imagine anyone likes this show is the protagonist is a dark and brooding female(wow that's original lol) and I certainly like her as well btw, but it's like they took good shows and threw them in an AI plot generator to create one of the dumbest crime shows their are.
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Black Adam (2022)
Fantastic Movie of The Rock...and others I guess
25 October 2022
Black Adam is the best part of this movie by far and he is great, everyone else is just a mix of story fodder and one liners including the generic villain, but Black Adam and the CGI fights and battles were so good that the rest doesn't matter, it makes you want more and that's the best you can hope from the first of no doubt several more movies with this very enjoyable character. Also it was a movie for the sake of being a movie, no preaching or agendas, just a very fun action packed film that delivers on that concept very well, stay until the end of the credits for a great set-up for the inevitable sequel.
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Accurate satire for an okay episode
15 July 2022
Not overly funny, just appropriately targeted satire at streaming, crypto, and celebrities, especially spot on criticism of streaming services not obtaining talent, especially considering I also watched the abomination that was Netflix Resident Evil also today, no amount of properties are gonna matter without any talent to actually make them good.
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Resident Evil (2022)
So much worse then you can imagine
15 July 2022
Welcome to the CW tween drama that is the resident Evil TV show, so boring and filled with teen angst and melodrama, not to mention incredibly political and badly acted, just an awful show, 2 terrible teen characters, and I for one was actually quite excited to have Lance Reddick as Wesker, better a top tier black TV actor then any middling white actor, felt this was actually a good example of logical quality casting rather then PC forced diversity, but even he seems incredibly tame, his talents are wasted.
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So bland and boring
27 June 2022
This is a show for those with simple minds that are either nostalgic for the simple investigation shows of the 60s or those who have never in their life watched a murder mystery show ... Or a comedy show... Or any show that can be considered good. Selena Gomez is just such a terrible actor and she can't even play a character that has basically no character, and then there's the'll never guess who....because they use the tired BS trope of pretending the character doesn't exist until much further in the such a mystery...not, reality is this is just so cliche, bland, and boring, but maybe that's all the gereatrics can comprehend?
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The Boys: Barbary Coast (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
So much unnecessary political BS but still decent episode
4 June 2022
Definitely so many forced inclusive BS moves in this episode, not enough to ruin what is otherwise a pretty enjoyable one but it feels so forced and unnecessary, like the feminism BS smile thing, and the S. K. religious and racial twisting laser focus on that fact, and the MLK reference and just so many not so subtle allusions to left wing bias that are so unnecessary for a show where we want carnage, violence and humor.
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South Park: The Big Fix (2022)
Season 25, Episode 2
Hilarious PC-ness...?
5 April 2022
Hilarious way of correcting something I'm guessing is no longer politically correct (although that was kinda the point of the OG name to begin with) which South Park has done pretty poorly for the last few seasons but this episode was actually hilarious and felt like a great classic episode.
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Great canon episode the finish a mixed first season
24 March 2022
Definitely a fantastic homelander/ black noire episode thats about everything you could hope for, an "origin" story of sorts, this is the best part of the show over the comics, love the backstories of supes.
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Pretty boring and again not unique
24 March 2022
I've been seeing a disappointing trend with last few episodes of generic concepts with minor addictions of super powers and while the gore is fun to see it's all in all an incredibly generic unoriginal episode, you've definitely seen something close to this same actions and same emotionally manipulative "sad" ending.
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Okay but not all that great
24 March 2022
Just a "twist" to an very unoriginal concept, but doesn't really begin or end in any unique or enjoyable way, still perfectly fine to watch it, but mostly uneventful and boring.
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