Most Recently Rated
Generation Z (2024)
Tedious tripe
With all of the horror writing and production talent in the UK I would think Channel 4 could have come up with something interesting - reasonably interesting at least.
But this is one of the most boring 'horror' TV series I have ever seen. It is the standard 'zombie' story - but tedious - so tedious I was glad when it was over.
The only thing that makes it anywhere near more watchable than a washing machine are the talented actors - who seem to be trying to do the best they can with very little to work with. After all they can only work with the story and direction they are given.
Really - don't waste your time with this nonsense.
You Are Not My Mother (2021)
A refreshing change
This is a nice indie horror from Ireland that makes a nice change from all the copycat movies that have become so boring in this genre.
The acting is superb as is the production, creating a realistic gritty atmosphere of a story that could well be true.
The only criticism I have is that the story could have gone in to the background of how the characters became the way they were a bit more. That was a bit vague and missing some detail.
But overall well worth a watch, and well worth a higher rating on here than it has.
A good one for fans who like indie horror that is a bit different and engaging.
Bram Stoker's Van Helsing (2021)
A good example of when film skills vaporise
It is rare to see a film in which zero care has been taken in production, but this is one.
It looks like it's been shot on an iPhone and some filters slapped over it.
Most of the lighting is completely illogical in the frame leaving one wondering 'where the hell is that light coming from' and wondering why there is such a difference in hues.
The camera work is truly awful. It's like being forced to watch someone's really bad holiday snaps, with the top of heads chopped off for no good reason, claustrophobic framing - again for no good reason, and then - again for no good reason - using handheld making the already awful framing jump around like a demented hamster.
As for direction - well there isn't any going on here. The actors seem to have been left much to their own devices (not their fault) as has everything else about the film. But that seems to be a trademark of the director/co-writer of this pile of junk.
Give it a miss - it doesn't even generate much amusement - it's just awful.
Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021)
A lot of hot air with little substance
A lot of pretentious opinionated nonsense from people of little foundational knowledge.
When I saw this advertised I thought it might be quite interesting - how folk lore has influenced horror.
Within the first ten minutes it became quite clear that we we being fed very vague opinionated pieces by pseudo-intellectuals.
By the end most of it had become politicised clap-trap often with incorrect information, particularly from a historical perspective.
There were a few good short pieces from some filmmakers who explain the influences on their films. These were interesting but few and far between.
In the end this just drags on and on with a tedious array.idiots with opinions.
There are much better documentaries on the subject worth watching.
Expedition X (2020)
Jessica Chobot is so annoying
This is (yet) another ridiculous show trying to cash-in on the paranormal gravy train.
The so called 'investigators' investigate nothing at all and rely on the usual stable of nonsense technology. Of course, every sound and bleep is 'paranormal' and must be some evil spirit or unwanted presence.
Jessica Chobot has the worst voice I have ever heard on a show - mostly when she is narrating segments. She also talks complete and utter nonsense and rarely backs up any of her claims.
The other presenter is supposed to be some kind of balance looking for rational explanations for the supposed 'paranormal' claims. Mostly complete nonsense because he always also comes up with some kind of 'paranormal' explanation.
This is a cheap and nasty show that has one of the most annoying voices on telly - avoid.
The First Omen (2024)
Not bad but eave your expectations behind
I am a fan of the original Omen trilogy and would say they are among the best horror films I have seen - a very, very hard act to follow.
The first clue to this film not really being in the same league as the original is the 15 rating. It is nowhere near as intense as the originals, and seems to have been watered down to appeal to a wider audience.
It's a shame, because this film felt like it had so much more to offer and was ready to burst at any moment, which is never gets the chance to do.
The film is OK in it's own right, and a perfectly acceptable watch as a suspenseful horror, and there is really nothing to criticise.
Piglets (2024)
A wate of time
This has fallen flat on it's backside from the start.
Ignoring the silly title that seems designed to bring attention to the series more than anything else, I thought I'd give it a go - it's a long time since there has been any really good comedy on UK TV.
Ten minutes in and not funny - not even a little amusing. Twenty minutes - nothing. A couple of episodes - zero. By this stage I am wondering how on earth this got through any stage of the commissioning/production process. Someone somewhere must have recognised this for the absolute rubbish it is.
The acting is mostly awful, with Heap over-playing (very badly) his 'usual' character a la 'Colin', and the rest producing various performances of cringe.
The only expectations I had of this was to be a reasonably watchable comedy, and it can't even manage that.
Celebrity Help! My House Is Haunted (2022)
Familiar face familiar rubbish
Ghai, Harris, and Lawman yet again peddling their nonsense.
They have no credibility whatsoever - well, except for the myth they create of themselves.
Lawman is particularly annoying with his fantastic claims - particularly of being an 'ordained exorcist'. Doesn't he know exorcists are APPOINTED within the Catholic church? Obviously the truth doesn't matter to him as long as he can make some cash from his con.
Then we have Ghai, another fool who thinks he knows everything, but it soon becomes clear he knows nothing as soon as he opens his mouth. Or perhaps he knows very well he knows nothing an relies on the gullibility of the audience.
What to say about Harris. She claims to have all kinds of qualifications, from psychologist to herbalist, and an expert on haunted dolls. She still make claims about being a company owner - one which folded in 2015. Just another chancer.
And all of this really shines through in the programme, which is as ridiculous as the three presenters. It is junk.
Infinitum: Subject Unknown (2021)
Where to start with this?
OK, I get the story, but it's just not very interesting. There isn't enough in it to fill the time this film was given. Subsequently, this totally fails to engage the viewer, who is left as an outside observer to lots of filler content waiting for something meaningful to happen - which it doesn't.
This would probably have made a reasonable short film of about 20 to 30 minutes, or an experiment in making the film with an iPhone (of all things).
And this is the next annoyance - made on an iPhone. The overall technical quality is poor, with obvious extensive post-production to try and make something reasonable. There is no excuse for using such low quality hardware nowadays.
As for the performances. With no meat on the bones of the story it is difficult to give a fair assessment. The cast had to work with what they had, which really wasn't much to begin with.
Overall, one to avoid. It's just not a pleasurable watch.
Conjuring Kesha (2022)
So many fake reviews
Firstly, all of the high score reviews are obviously fake. Even if this show were reasonable there is no way it would be scoring high.
The show is awful. The presenters are completely clueless and walk around posing all the time - which really is all this show is. Even the way they talk is like the brain dead.
The 'paranormal' stuff just doesn't exist - nothing happens even though they try to make something from all of the stupid machines they use - which are interpreted by no-name paranormal wannabes who like exposing us to their ridiculous theories.
Every time something happens (as they interpret it) they run away like silly schoolgirls.
I really don't know why networks are buying such awful shows when there are other decent ones out there.
Death Walker (2020)
A lot of noise - that's it.
I was expecting something at least half reasonable from Nick Groff and was very disappointed when I watched a few (or rather endured) a couple of episodes of this series.
There is so much NOISE in this show. If it's not the intrusive and very annoying music then it is the arsenal of downright stupid machines pretending to catch 'paranormal' activity. Or, even worse, it is both at the same time - which is what most of this show consists of.
Then there is the ridiculous attribution of words to completely random ones generated by the machine, most of which are nowhere near matching what Groff says they are.
I am not sure anyone actually watches the episodes before they are broadcast - they are pure junk.
I really don't expect a lot from these paranormal shows - perhaps a bit of interesting history, maybe the occasional unexplained event. This show is neither.
Nick really needs to think about what he is doing more.
Riches (2022)
Awful and very very dull
10* ratings have to be fake or from people with very, very low expectations.
Having one's teeth pulled without anesthetic would be less painful that watching this rubbish.
Basically it is a fashion show with terrible wooden acting and a bland story-line that completely fails to create interest. The interaction between the characters is typical cliche, predictable, and not very well executed.
The characters seem to be off the shelf and with no thought going in to making them anything interesting for the audience.
The series is one long bore fest and never gets going - basically the same each episode. Very lazy writing and production.
All in all it is low-quality TV with a bit of bling.
Luther: The Fallen Sun (2023)
Brilliant acting very, very shoddy production
The acting by all of the cast was superb, but particularly Idris Elba remaining faithful to the TV character and Andy Serkis' portrayal of the arch villain.
However, the production was very, very disappointing. There were numerous factual mistakes right the way through the film and ridiculous portrayals of some of the events.
Like many other people who have seen the TV series - which was brilliant - this adaption was nowhere near as good and was disappointing.
Overall the story wasn't bad even if a bit far-fetched for a Luther story.
So, is it worth watching? Well, it is certainly watchable if you can ignore forgive all of the mistakes in it. But if you are a fan of the TV series just don't expect the same standard.
Sorry About the Demon (2022)
This isn't a bad film, it just doesn't have anything particularly interesting or memorable about it.
The premise for the story is quite good, but the writing doesn't make full use of it's potential and quickly becomes one-dimensional and stale in the middle. It does pick up a little at the end, but not enough to save it from being mediocre.
It lacks the punch it could have both in comedy and horror, there was plenty of leeway to develop both in harmony that would have made the film much more interesting and appealing.
However, it is watchable - just don't have any expectations of it and take it for what it is.
La abuela (2021)
I liked it
This film isn't going to be for those who are looking for jump scares and gore or for those with a short attention span.
If you pay attention there are subtle clues that fill in parts of the story as it unfolds, which made the film all the more enjoyable for me. Sure, it isn't fast-paced, but that is not what this film is about.
The acting is superb, particularly by Vera Valdez as the Grandmother.
What is interesting is that most of the cast have few acting credits in film, yet they put in incredible performances - better than many other more well-known actors.
This has a strong story, is well acted with realistic characters, an atmosphere that sucks you in, and is well worth watching.
Nocebo (2022)
Well worth watching
I like this film.
Right from the start you can tell that real time and effort has been put in to creating a well rounded and immersive story - something adults will appreciate.
The acting by Eva Green and Chai Fonacier is superb in realising wholly believable characters you can relate to right from the start.
Unfortunately, and this is my only slight criticism, is. Mark Strong's character seemed very one dimensional and wooden. It didn't gel well with the rest of talent displayed by Green and Fonacier and stood out as being under par in the face of their skill.
You may well guess what the general plot is quite early on in the film, but perhaps that is by design and adds to the connection with the characters.
All in all worth watching, and I will certainly watch it again in the future.
We Are Not Alone (2022)
Probably funny if you are 12 years old
When I started watching this I thought I had somehow accidentally turned over to a children's channel.
It reminded me of adolescent shows such as 'My Parents Are Aliens' but on a larger scale. The 'humour' was just a little more advanced in We Are Not Alone, although just as hackneyed.
The production seems to have been done on the cheap, which really doesn't help sell the story.
Overall it was disappointing and a shame that a bit more effort wasn't devoted to making We Are Not Alone a bit tighter and engaging.
I'd say this is something of a missed opportunity because British comedy hasn't had much to offer in recent years.
The Sixth Secret (2022)
High rating reviews are FAKE. Movie is TRASH
It really annoys me when fake ratings and reviews are used to bolster a film the producers know is absolute trash.
This film is absolute trash from start right through the torturous 90 minutes it is on screen.
It does nothing to try and be anywhere accurate to the time the story is set in, the accents are just awful, and the acting more akin to a high school low rate drama class.
The 'story' (for what it's worth) is contrived and forced nonsense which tries to be some kind of murder mystery - it doesn't get anywhere close - which has no mystery whatsoever and such a poor attempt at humour it is ridiculous.
Don't waste your time on this - really - it's terrible.
The Red Book Ritual (2022)
It's not bad
It's an Indie film not a big budget production so if you have high expectations you are going to be disappointed.
Overall, it's not a bad collection of stories, some better than others, and equally some of the acting is not going to win any awards.
Even so, it is perfectly watchable with some interesting twist and turns and enough to keep you engaged (with the occasional groan) for the near ninety minutes it is on screen.
It is certainly better than a lot of the American teen cabin in the woods films that have flooded the horror genre in recent years.
So if you happen to see it is available then it is worth watching.
The Munsters (2022)
Rob Zombie has overstretched his very limited film making skills - and they were not very good in the first place.
This travesty is an affront to the original creators of The Munsters and the brilliant acting that created the timeless lovable characters in the TV series.
The first devastatingly awful thing about this film is the writing. The story is just a piece of linear trash. It seems to have been shoved together from random afterthoughts to try and make the story fill the time frame. There are scenes in this film that make no sense in the flow of what story there is.
This story could have been written by an average teenage in a day or two, and would probably have been better than this.
Next is the awful attempt at 'acting' by Zombie's wife, Sheri Moon Zombie.
Rob Zombie has obviously relied on the name of The Munsters as another vehicle for his wife's terrible lack of talent. She is way past the limits in this film - totally out of her depth. In attempting to portray Lily Munster she displays an obvious lack of ability in creating believable characters right from the first moment she appears.
The only thing that saved this film from total annihilation is the talent of some other cast members.
Getting to the end of this narcissistic vanity project was a relief - not something you want from entertainment having wasted nearly two hours watching it.
Just don't waste your time with this trash. You would be far better off and have a much more enjoyable experience watching the original TV series.
Resurrection (2022)
A dive in to the sinister
I would say this is more of a deep, dark, psychological thriller rather than a horror. If you are looking for jump scares or gore this is not it.
However, if you enjoy the depiction of the more sinister side of human nature you won't be disappointed.
This is no slow-burner and moves along at just the right pace to let you absorb the possibilities, and the characters that come to life thanks to the brilliant acting skills of Hall and Roth, the dynamics of which can turn on their head in an instant.
Without giving away the plot, all I can say is that what you may think this film is about is not necessarily what it will turn out to be.
This is a film about characters - not fancy production tricks.
Well worth watching, and this is one of the better films to have been released this year.
Emily the Criminal (2022)
Worth watching
I thought this film might be worth watching but didn't have any expectations.
What a surprise.
Right from the opening scene to the very end the story was engaging with superb acting from all the cast who really brought the characters alive and right in to your mind, from the supporting cast all the way through to the mains characters.
The pace was just right so you don't miss any of the subtleties of Emily's journey from indebted student through to - you'll have to watch it to find out. It is an ending I wasn't expecting.
So go and watch it - I don;'t think you will be disappointed.
I have nothing more to say but have to write something to make up the ridiculously long six hundred character limit that has been brought in again by IMDB.
American Horror Stories: Necro (2022)
Yet another AHS episode that fails to deliver the quality story lines the franchise was famous for.
The acting was fine, as was the production, but every step of this story was predictable and failed to grab my interest. At halfway through I considered just not bothering to wait until the end, but I did.
I can see AHS being cancelled in the not too distant future if it carries on in a downward spiral of nothingness.
The last two series have not been up to the same quality and high standards set as a precedent in previous series, and it shows.
No doubt die-hard fans will stick with it desperately clinging on in the hope that things will change.
American Horror Stories: Bloody Mary (2022)
Don't know what the excitement is about
Perhaps the high ranking reviews are from desperate teenagers hoping AHS will have at least one good episode this season, but I am not impressed.
It was an OK story but one that has been told in various ways many times before (and far better), but was (yet again) predictable and quite boring - unless one is a twelve year-old.
American Horror Stories: Milkmaids (2022)
AHS needs to up it's game considerably
'Disappointing' is the way I would describe this season, and American Horror Stories started on the downhill slope last season.
Fans told them, but it seems the producers have totally ignored warnings about poor writing - which is even WORSE this season, and so far this episode is probably the worst.
Even the directing leaves a lot to be desired. The 'background artists' are so atrocious I thought I was watching a super low budget home movie.
There is no excuse for the current poor production in the AHS franchise.