Goodbye Paradise (1991)
true art director
4 January 2007 - 0 out of 3 users found this review helpful.
Lynn was NOT the Art Director on that film. I was. It was a nice little experience and working with Joe and Christianson was nice. I didn't particularly enjoy the American Japanese fellow tho'. he was extremely arrogant and rude. my friends Paul, Mike and Gordon worked real hard on that little set in the diamond head theater. to tell you the truth i don't even remember Lynn -what'sher name. in any event it was a long time ago and now i am thoroughly en-trounced in china designing and building theme parks and trying my damnedest to improve wetland development. i have written a book. The Tragic Kingdom. read it if you want to know what it is like working for over a decade in china
Broc Smith
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