Hunting Bears is a dark drama, with also a slight thriller aspect to it. The performances from the leads (Nathaniel Parker and Joel Beckett) is flawless. I would love to see them both perform together again, as there was a real sense of chemistry between them - even in a film of this kind.
There are not many films that touch the subject of carers and how looking after a loved one might affect them mentally. Hunting Bears explores this subject carefully and clearly lovingly, but also in a thought provoking way.
Overall I really enjoyed it (would have loved it to be longer). It is definitely a short that will stay with me for a while.
There are not many films that touch the subject of carers and how looking after a loved one might affect them mentally. Hunting Bears explores this subject carefully and clearly lovingly, but also in a thought provoking way.
Overall I really enjoyed it (would have loved it to be longer). It is definitely a short that will stay with me for a while.
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