Mario Bobino established Debonair Productions, in 1988. With over 39 years in the Independent Film Business. Bobino has Produced and Directed, Several Films. “City Life� 1989, “Characters� 1992, “Consequences� 1995, “Faith Fancher Story� 1999, “Ca- hoots� 2001 Including the Independent hit “TownBiz� 2012, “Female Law Firm� 2013,�Oakland’s Squad�2015, Marshawn Lynch Story�2015. Bobino has also Produced Many TV Programs and Currently Has a show with the Oakland Raiders And California Berkeley Football Team.
Bobino knows how to Produce Guerrilla films. Being born and raised in Oakland Cali- fornia. Bobino attended Saint Elizabeth Elementary, McChesney Junior High, Oakland High, and Merritt College. Sacramento State University;Degree In Media Productions. Bobino has also interned at KTVU Ch 2 for Two whole year in 1987.1988. Bobino knows how to use his resources which has allowed him to get his projects complete. Bobino has also been featured on BET, KTVU CH2, KRON CH4, ABC CH 7, and KPIX CH5. Oak- land Tribune, SF Examiner, Bay Guardian, Eastbay Express, SF Weekly.
Bobino was a student athlete all his years in school, winning many awards, Most pre- cious being elected team captain on Oakland Highs 10-0 Season and being ranked #1 at the end of the 1980 season. Bobino went all league at Oakland High and Merritt Jr Col- lege.
The most important thing about Bobino is he has worked with youths in Oakland for the past 23 years as a Youth correctional officer. Bobino retired In 2015 from his correc- tional officer Job. Filmmaking is now My Life.
Mario is know Teaching filmmaking full time at Dejean Middle School In Richmond,ca. Bobino's class has already won Awards and 1st place in Competitions. 2024 makes Mario's 2nd year Teaching at the School.