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Project Power (2020)
Interesting movie
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think some of the themes from the movie are familiar, just like how it might have gotten some inspiration from Lucy. But what I appreciate is how they emphasize the ethical issues involved in human experiments, and how the people benefitting from such would try to still get on with experiments through underground means.

They've also shown the reality that most people who are struggling in their finances are more desperate to attain "power", without minding the possible risks. While those who are in the upper class are privileged to see the capabilities of the drugs first on another person, without so much of a risk ontheir side.

It's also interesting that the dad and his daughter have such contrasting powers - destruction and creation.
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A history of humanity during one of the darkest times
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's another movie about Nazi Germany, it is a bit dark because you do know how dark it was for the Jews back in those days. But at the same time, it also gives a picture of humanity. What's even better is it was based from historical events so it was great to know that something like that happened during the darkest times in history.
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Midsommar (2019)
Interesting themes but the whole plot is a bit common.
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The whole of it seemed to be just like any other cult movies which is about human sacrifices, but some killings were beyond sacrifices that it's basically done just to preserve their isolation from the world. It's kinda mehh.

There are themes which are very interesting, though, like how they perceive life as a cycle. When people in there reached a certain age they have to die, then their names will be passed on to an unborn baby, so technically their lives will continue circling.

Their emotions are also like a pluralistic thing, that when someone is shouting because of anger, they will shout along the person too to show that they are feeling the same thing. I think it's some sort of a therapeutic thing, tbh.

Also, they believe that humans are one with the nature to the point that the killed Americans were stuffed with soil or plants and flowers, or even the human will be stuffed inside a bear. Too extreme.
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Simple and very inspiring slice of life
17 July 2021
This Korean drama has such a simple plot with actors who are genuine at portraying their characters. It is a good source of inspiration to every dreamer out there and it does not sugarcoat life with drama but just serves its audience the reality of life and how it could be too unfair and challenging.
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Interstellar (2014)
Simple yet brilliant
17 July 2021
This is one of the best movies about space. It does not merely provide scenic experience of being in the outerspace but also a brilliant imagination of what other worlds could look and experience like. I also appreciate how it somehow provide environmental and social arguments about the state of Earth if uncontrolled human activities continue. The only downside for me is a bit of plainness in its beginning which requires patience for viewers to fully appreciate the movie. Although, it will all makes sense in the end. It was an adventure watching it especially when with other people you can talk about the plot. (July 18, 2021 - Little Planet)
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A thrilling mystery of oneself.
15 August 2020
This anime series is one of the few ones which shed better light to understanding the complex personalities of individuals. It gave us various types of people and the challenges of having identity crisis. It also induces philosophical thoughts and existential questions to its viewers which is a good thing for me as an audience.
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Simple, true to life, informative and interesting
2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sheds a better light in understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Split Personality). It has simply and directly shown to its audience how DID could occur and what it truly is. I like to look at that part when it has clearly shown that the surrounding environment of a person with psychological disorder matters so much for them to recover. This movie also gives hope for everyone who are suffering with such mental health concerns. Actors were also able to adapt with their characters and made us understand clearly the situation of the people in the movie (psychologists, family of the person with concern etc.)
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Thrilling and full of surprises
2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the simplest yet interestingly created among other films in this genre. It gave me a challenging role as an audience to give meaning to the events and understand the characters. Despite its fictional nature, it taught me various lessons in life such as understanding our fellow human beings, appreciating our families, and looking on the other perspective of things before judging. As a psychology student, I have realized some things to think of as well when dealing with people who experiences unusual stuff.

The actors from this movie have given justice to their roles, too. Their portrayals were genuine and relatable. Thank you for this well done movie!
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An inspiring movie for educators
24 June 2020
This movie is more of a fiction in a realistic setting. Despite that, it gives off that inspiration fot educators to become leaders in unifying the youths and being responsible individuals for themselves and others.
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A unique movie about being a human
24 June 2020
This movie gives such ideas about the various types of people who have different means on surviving their lives. The female protagonist reflects the unseen reality that could happen to people who engage themselves too much on the internet; pretension, depression,and such which all rooted from bullying and unnecessary social pressure. On the other hand, the male protagonist shared how people could find meaning and hope on small things which came from hardwork. This is a unique take on explaining the realities among humans.
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Well-crafted psychological movie, worth the watch!
21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie ranks along with other psychological film giants such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. They have lots of similarities with the plot and both have explained well to the viewers how psychological disorders affect a person's life and perceptions.

One of the noteworthy things in this movie is that the backstory of the protagonist has been looked upon well without rushing. Even without the whole story being said, it still gave the viewers the understanding on how Andrew ended up that way.

It was also interesting how social issues during WW2 were tackled during his hallucinations. This includes the psychological trauma that people could suffer upon exposure to violent situations, the uncountable deaths among innocent people, and the inhumane treatment among mentally challenged patients. Overall, the movie has its powerful messages and I believe that all of the aspects in it (actors, characters, plot etc.)had helped in conveying to the viewers what they would like to point out. The thrill it gives was also entertaining and that end was interesting.
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PK (2014)
A daring philosophical movie creatively made to become entertaining and knowledgeable
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a powerful story which reflects real-life events and social issues despite its fictional nature. The characters have developed well through time and their development provided interesting ideas and opinions that the movie wants to convey to the viewers. Creators of this movie were daring enough to voice out an opinion which is usually unheard of because of the criticisms they might receive or the sensitivity of this subject. The actors on this movie have given justice to their roles as well, they were able to adapt to the characters their play and gave me the genuineness on acting.

I can relate well to the wonders of PK regarding religions; true enough, there are various factors which remain questionable on the practice of faith in different religions. The situations they have presented in the movie were also realistic that I have even experienced such disunion and conflict due to varying beliefs.
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