A lovely story(with animation)is a documentary presented by Australian/Melburnian author Charlie Hill-Smith of his journeys to West Papua, an Indonesian province.
Extremely educative and eye-opening as a movie dismantles both breath-taken views of this place and living info a reviewer was acknowledged with very approximately. Plus, a steady refugee problems for Australia and other countries
Since 1955 year changing hands over island and 1962 year New York Treaty, a new way of life conquests this pre-historic area extensively. Even videorecording of trips monitoring same area in 1999,2005,2006 used to screening highlight rapid and extensive change of attitudes towards a mere forest existence while younger generations of indigenous population not only resists no clothing but "in trouble" for mere stay in undeveloped archaic lost-in-time-and-forest hamlets as lucky to make it into Australia provided in EXTRAS honestly.
Areas where mining concessions are situated, most notably in the Ertsberg and Grasberg mountains, the Paniai and Wissel Lakes region, Fak Fak, the Baliem Valley, the "Bird's Head" western tip and the PNG border area, are where dislocation and suppression of the Papuan peoples has resulted in the most powerful uprisings and the most brutal reprisals by the Indonesian military. Also being somehow mentioned, the natural resources exploration issues Australian companies are a part of, the data visualised -intentionally or not- quite obviously expressed the main background of a conflict, which is intensifying divisiveness between Islam, an official faith of Indonesian majority, and a growing number of local Christians still attached to traditional ceremonies and stories.
Whereas a similar topic doco-story by a New Yorker visiting a lost world twice decades apart ("Keep the river on your right") is emphasised on ethnic and cultural developments with a twist into same gender affairs, this work is rich of arts and politics expressed lesser than "Bilbao" does. I find information about a white local boy extremely interesting-either albinos there exist like in "last-protuberance"-Africa or a youth shown is a modern remainder of a Russian scientific expedition having described this paradise to a civilized world about two centuries ago.
Well, it is up to viewers watching a segment of Extras concentrated on army stories-as well as a sequence of natural nudity constituting a simple life of pre-Indonesia cannibalistic place.
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