I had to watch this in film class, and it completely blew me away. It is still on my mind, a couple of days later. The very tragic story of the vanity filled porter who looses his uniform and thereby his social status and respect hurts almost every second, even up to the wonderfully ironic ending. Emil Jannings plays the poor porter astonishingly well, and you genuinely feel with this man who, due to his own pride and the views of society, looses all dignity. Even though he is definitely "saved by the bell", one cannot help feeling that his could really happen. Moving to the extreme, this one will knock you flat. Don't miss it!
6 Reviews
A Walk in the Sun
Tragically forgotten Swedish masterpiece!
24 September 2004
This film was seen by 400.000 Swedes upon its initial release. Why it has become totally forgotten since, I will never know. Fact remains, this is a masterpiece. Gösta Ekman, in one of his best starring roles, plays somewhat alcoholic sport journalist Tore Andersson who escapes from his ruined relationship to Cypress for a vacation. He drinks to hard, is placed in a small nut-house for a while, returns to civilization dressed in a fur coat, and falls in love with the Norwegian travel guide. But fate wants something else. A movie which moves you like few others do, featuring lush photography, comedy, tragedy and several walks in the sun. Wish this could find its way to DVD someday.
Truly disgusting low-budget porn!
10 March 2004
"Fäbodjäntan" is a both funny and erotic movie. This, however, is nothing but a very poorly made dogma-esque porn film. Leena is as cute as ever, but all the other women are ugly, old and very off-turning. The men are all dorks or big moosey guys. The film is poorly lit(if at all), badly dubbed, shot with shaky hand-camera and horribly edited. Only reason to see this trash is the gotlandic "actor" (who is also in "Fäbodjäntan) and here his long wailing as he comes, and some of the love scenes with Leena are really erotic and a huge turn-on. All others, stay away!
(Note the tough prison-tattoos on one of the other male "actors")
(Note the tough prison-tattoos on one of the other male "actors")
Man on the Roof
Brutal, realistic and exciting thriller!
10 March 2004
Bo Widerberg made many different and exciting films. This one, along with "Mannen från Mallorca", is my favorite. It opens slowly but unnervingly before erupting with a very gory and terrifying murder 5 minutes into the story. After that, the film continues on a very slow pace(although it never gets boring) until the last half hour which consists of very well-done, but not standard, police-action. The film oozes of realism, from everything to small talk between father and daughter to attempts to stop a crazy gun man. The best swedish thriller ever, and damn good even by international standards.
Sex, Lies and Video Violence
(2000 Video)
Funniest and most violent Swedish flick ever!
17 December 2003
Definetly one of my favorites when it comes to splatter-filled humour, Richard Holm & co show that you don´t need a lot of money to create something wonderfully funny and violent. Spoofing a lot of films along the way, Mikael Beckman has to fight off the Clockwork Orange-gang, Frigga from "Thriller", the Alien-monster, a German terrorist from "Die Hard" and Robocop(superbly played by football expert Tony Johansson). And yes, it IS the genuine Brandon Lee in his last starring appearence.
A very hard film to come by, but if you get the chance, don´t miss it!
A very hard film to come by, but if you get the chance, don´t miss it!
A Love Story
Lovely, warming, comical and realistic love story.
18 February 2002
This is not really a teenager-movie, although some would describe it as such. The main story is about two teenagers falling in love, correct, but that is only the shell. The story inside the shell is the one of the parents with their lost dreams and locked positions. The imagery is truly beautiful(the famous Serojoska-scene stands out) and the film also features Björn Isfält`s first venture into composing for the movies. Den Vackre and The Bertil Theme are particularly beautiful. Sadly this film, Roy Anderssons in my opinion finest one, is not available on video.
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