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IMDb member since July 2006
The Rousters (1983)
I loved this show, I would buy the video
2 July 2006 - 5 out of 5 users found this review helpful.
I was so disappointed when this show was canceled. I don't buy videos very often and own no TV shows. This would do it for me, if it was out on the market. Chad Everett was the long-suffering stable brother, trying to keep the family name a respected one, maintain its esteem among legendary names in American mythology. Of course, all other members, friends and circumstances worked against him with comic results. The carnival plot line is just uniquely American and silly enough to put the show over the top. This show gave us the humorous dysfunctional family before we even had a name for it. I never really thought of it as a Western, though I suppose it is not inaccurate to call it such.
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