This movie is horrible and how anyone could have enjoyed this is beyond me. The costumes are terrible and at times you clearly see the actors lips and eyes moving inside the horrible costumes. The script is terrible and the ending is so predictable a child could have told they were going to find there were a bunch more of this phony looking Abominable creatures to deal with. Another creature out of control can not be killed bloody gore movie from sci-fi. I'm beginning to think the people who run Sci-fi these days would love to try a Friday 13 series where you tune in each week to see the body count grow. This movie is no different. How about trying a plot that goes beyond another creature killing spree.
7 Reviews
Flash Gordon
SCI-FI has finally hit rock bottom bad.
20 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Just when I thought Sci-Fi couldn't get any worse. They proved me wrong. I didn't expect much when I heard there wasn't going to a rocket ship. Flash Gordon without a Rocketship is like Tarzan without a vine. It just doesn't make sense to make change that strays away that much from all previous Flash Gordon's. The acting is terrible and the scripts made me want to throw up. Ming has all the badness of an accountant. Charles Middleton Ming from 1930's is still listed in Hollywood 100 top villains of all time. This Ming should be Number 1 worst actor of all time. Zarkov is joke given his importance to Flash Gordon. They dig up this wimpy actor who in turn plays a wimpy Zarkov. I thought Cleoparta 2525 was bad. This makes that look like a Classic Sci-fi series. Sci-fi, do us a favor and pull the plug on this before you ruin a classic Sci-Fi hero Flash Gordon for generations to come.
(2007 Video)
Another waste of two hours
16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sci-fi keeps getting worse with these so-called original movies. PU did this one ever stinks. They must use the worse CGI, as their monsters are looking worse movie after movie. They take gator and mix his DNA with a Dinosaur. Did they mix in a mass murder as well? The so-called Supergator is not eating the people in the movie. He just killing them and moving right on to next victim. Don't insult our intelligence in these movies. Gators are not on the move right after a meal and since gators are from the dingo age. I'd say whatever dinosaur they mixed in would be relaxed right after killing and eating as well. Not Supergator. He kills one victim and two seconds later he's on top of another and another. The plot was terrible using an active volcano and people checking that out and getting killed along the way. The volcano blows at the end. Made no sense and if you missed this piece of crap. I recommend missing it the next time.
King of the Lost World
Plese do not waste your time
15 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big sci-fi fan who has a bad habit of sitting through just about any sci-fi movie once. This one was another in long line of those movies I should stop after the first five minutes. This movie is beyond terrible it's so bad. The acting and I use that term very lightly is downright awful. This is one of the worst scripts I've ever seen and this is very lame attempt to cash in on King Kong. The big sorry looking poor CGI ape in this movie is pathetic. You also see all of about two sorry minutes of him. This is trash and Sci-fi channel is really scrapping the bottom of barrel showing this crap. I loved the old big white movie far better then this crap. I can't believe someone got money to make this and I'm shocked Bruce Boxleitner is so hard up cash he take this sorry role.
Alien vs. Predator
Alien vs. Predator
5 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was very disappointed in this movie. I had heard there was supposed to be five teenage predators. They only had three. Not nearly enough fight scenes between the Predators and Aliens. The few they had are why I didn't vote this lower. I believe had there been a couple more battles of Predators Vs Aliens. This would have been a far better movie. I also don't get the lone survivor. This is far too predictable having just one lone survivor. This appears to be a running theme throughout Alien and Predator movies with the exception of Alien resurrection. I see nothing wrong with a couple of survivors you get to relate to throughout the movie. In my opinion this movie still left many unanswered questions for me in terms of the dreaded company. Charles Weyland is killed and it doesn't explain how "the company" learns of the Alien creature from this supposed before the time period of the original Alien movie. I hear they're going to make a sequel. I only hope they learn from their mistakes in this movie.
Children of the Night
This movie is horrible
13 June 2006
A complete waste of time. Bad story and poor acting and about as much suspense as watching paint dry. Pass on this one. I usually watch most horror pictures as I've been a big horror movie fan all my life. But, this one with the Mother and daughter locked up and Priest blaming himself for the Mother curse and feeding the daughter slugs and the Mother biting her own daughter neck and drinking her blood after she's eaten the slugs. Yuk!!!! I've seen better special effects in most High school play production. The overall movie shows they didn't have much of a budget on this one and I can't believe Peter Deluise wastes his time with this one. Karen Black I can believe as she's done more then her share of turkeys over the years.
Flash Gordon
One of the best cartoons of all-time
8 June 2006
The 16 episodes are without doubt one of best cartoons of the late 1970's. The graphics sometimes repeated themselves as you saw the same ship getting hit over and over again during some of the battle scenes. But, they had other scenes that were great and the overall story line was great. I only found out later that some of the great facial expressions were the actual actors who did the voices. It should have run more then just one season and the movie they made later. I don't count the 2nd season run later in 1980's as the new episodes were not as good as the ones from 1979. Being a Flash Gordon buff like I was. I loved this cartoon and wish it was available on DVD. I have videos of the originals from the 1930's and Movie made in 1980. I wish I had a copy of this. This was true to comic and the original story and deserves the 10 stars I gave it and two thumbs up.
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