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Implanted (2021)
A well made independant movie
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: A well crafted sci-fi that has some clichés, some moments that should have been cut, some really well made scenes and a raw feeling to it. If you like low-mid budget movies this is however a must see.

In longer: Don't get me wrong there are some clichés, so it kind of stumbles at times. Neither is this a new concept that has long since hit mainstream (Jexi 2019 being one example) and has been around quite a while where an unknown voice directs it's target to do different less appetizing jobs. But the storyline kind of holds together well, there are some gaps, but not as big as you canno't logically bridge them to continue to appriciate the movie.

The cinematography is on point most of the time, the camerawork and lighting is above anticipated, the location scouting is well done and it all feels well suited for the story. The message concerning how big data makes most of us targets (which has been exposed to be the case all the way up to the top) except those politicians, military and "grey" area workers which aren't abliged to do so is on point. How easy it is to flip a person/target is also on point as this has been shown to happen - but basically censored off the web.

SPOILERS AHEAD End notes: Things that should have been cut; The b-movie ending, cut scene at the zoom in moment.

The red eye effect, didn't really ad much other than semi-decent cgi - the raw feeling would be better served without it.

The standardized voices (even if this cutts across the underlying critique of the massive surveillence apparatus and their wetwork employees and contractors.
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A good first episode
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most surprising is that a network didn bow down totally to the plutocrats behind the scenes and rejected him. Then again he will draw people as long as the script is on point.

As some have pointed out the focus in this show is NOT on comedy but on actual issues in society - you know those things that news are supposed to give you the short version of.

The blame is never put down here though, the focus is on a solution - i guess this is where the bowing down part comes in - the republican wars based off the PNAC "think"tank setting the agenda (good luck finding an original document of it now btw, scrubbing ftl).

This series seem to focus on the way forward, by also taking on the perspective of those that are getting r*ped by plutocratic greed. But then again these days cointelpro attacks on the congress to justify fierce methods IF uproars of the people take place, so the plutocrats are allready preparing for that to take place.

Hopefully it'll continue on this path, but teaching dogs to sit might be hard if you're not their normal trainer - for this show to gain ground in the more corrupt regions is not a big chance - which makes the middle ground more of a hope than a goal. A good hope to hold, as long as reasoning keeps the sight on action.

First episode and some political insights.

In the first episode the oil wars are in focus as "burn-pits" are discussed - DoD somewhere pushing through large pharma and hospital companies agenda to cram out patients of their military servicemen/women. The common interest is likely to be corruption, none functioning "free" (oligopolised) markets under the hands of the rich few and a willingness to kill off the servicemen/women to stop any longer remembrance that USA really is a fascist nation that utlimately ALWAYS works in self preservation of the agenda set up by the few and powerful (the hidden elite behind that fascism). They got the neo-imperalistic war they wanted, they got destabilisation of the middle east and cutting future ties to EU, which was followed up by the Erdogan debacle, the masonry run at seizing power - not to try and help Turkey usher in a new time through public pressure, debate and gradual change but by forcefully grabbing power led by USA and their puppet (who ran sub-par schools in USA to drain money into the casuse - one of the larger exposures of military corruption of public values that didnt reach the lime light).
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Life Beyond: The Museum of Alien Life (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Well produced but doesn't stay within it's field
25 September 2021
Could have been an 8.

Nothing out of the ordinary, a decent amount of facts (wo fact checking), good enough CGI and a narrator that is on point. That is, until the monologue starts confusing the search for extraterrestial life with the search for personal enlightenment. It goes on pushing that a human canno't possibly know who it is until it sees the reflection of itself in another (intelligent) living entity's "eye", While it's cute to pose the question as such to get people possibly intrigued by the scientific endeavour and seti (pun intended) even those early on in the search for enlightenment, inner peace, awareness and clarity of it all know that you do not search for answers outside your target of interest but within it. No one can answer questions you have yet to ask yourself in a meaningful manner.

When you ask questions you also ask for specific answers, this is as important of a step to the scientific endeavour as within the search for enlightenment, ignoring is is not good. That alone took this from an 8 to a 6. Enlightenment is something you reach through overcoming ignorance and arrogance reaching awareness and clarity. Neither will it show discrepancies versus the human (context - if you believe you are the result on an environment only; a fatalist) resulting in a disparity that will lead you to the answer.

It was never a 9 as it kept within the frames set up by others long before, if you have read up on this subject you will have seen very similar projects 20 or more years ago.
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The truth behind the "syndrome"
4 July 2021
Jag är svensk och följde detta när det år efter avslöjades vad som faktiskt var felet. I am Swedish and followed this when it years after was exposed what was actually the problem. A stronger hand was used later on when this was studied. Then the parents were seperated from the children, and magic ensued where the previously comatose-like condition seized to be. Parents were exposed to be the cause of the problem, it was a try to stop extradition as Swedish law won't let the state extradite to a harmful place to the individual or under some other circumstances (was too long ago to paraphrase a close to exact paragraph of law) to avoid returning to none harmful nations.

Politically speaking about the surrounding immigration problems: Swedish citizens have started to turn against the rightwing concept of a multicultural society which was introduced by the right wing think tank Timbro in Swedish mainstream discourse. The moderates (conservatives) wanted the cheap labour (to put pressure on unions) and to disrupt the socialdemocratic side (voting tendencies of immigrants favour regressive policies due the leap from their own nations norms to a progressive nation is large - so a backlash is commonplace) who build Swedish wellfare and has had more or less monopoly on the power (excluding later years when they have become social liberal by not being strong enough to stand against EU).

The socialdemocrats are for immigration for the increase taxes an increasing population brings, this is needed due to debt being stacked onto Sweden (the overwhelming majority of the debt 1200 miljarder kr) as Carl Bildt locked the exchange rate of the krona so that currency speculation could occur (early 90's), a person that has had the support of american agencies since his youth days and is involved in big oil. Oh, and the left is in it for the moral reason (which is partially akward due to it draining the nations from political will to change), while the greens support vast immigration to get a seat at the table of real power (behind the scenes in "monteaskewing", if u cath the pun). So overall this has lead to Sweden Democrats (who started out using an old socialdemocratic platform as base for their political manifesto) gaining alot of votes early on, then swapping over to the right wing fascist side as conservatives agreed to cooperate with them while social democrats did not (and yeah most likely due to undercurrents within the party aswell).

The immigration also causes tention because immigrants tend to use wellfare in an alot higher degree (on average around 80% more than the general indigenous population) which puts tension on the wellfare system (causing the state to decrease medicines prescribed and things like that), with the added poverty as immigrants have previously been able to choose where to settle (causing detriment to the actual immigration of the personas into the culture) overloading city suburbs and causing areas which corporations and stores avoid which results in less jobs, higher poverty and with poverty comes increasing crime. Ontop of that crime syndicates have both formed and immigrated to Sweden wholesale (families who are dedicated to crime and can't yet be extradited due to legal demands on extradition measures of groups).
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A braindead, clichéridden plotdriven b-action
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A weak 4.

In short: IF you do like any of the classic zombiemovies, you know those that actually makes sense, don't have plotholes big as ravines in them and has good chemistry/actors. Well this isn't it.

Regarding the cast; 2 actors did well, 1 did ok (the latter was Bautista, who considering his range did an ok job). A few characters were over the top and the story was plotdriven with small hints that it could have been character driven.

Effects were all on point, action was decent, gore was aced (excluding CGI).

But honestly I'm suprised all the zombies weren't dead dead, the cinemascape was riddled with plotholes deep enough to swallow sanity.

Pro's The idea behind the storyline Some good underutilised actors Costume, makeup, scenography, fireworks team who all did an ok or above job

Con's I usually compensate well enough to enjoy movies despite plotholes, but this one is just too riddled with them.

Some bad overutilised actors A most likely cut saw scene

End notes: Having access to most hardware and going on a stealthmission -doesn't bring one silencer, nor any effective melee weapons...
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Xiao Mei (2018)
Slowpaced subversed character study.
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: Warning; this is a slowpaced mystery with a clear focus on subtle drama and silent human suffering. Don't exspect anything else. Protagonist is know as Qin Ren Mei/Xiao Mei (some symbolism here?). This could have been a strong 8 or a weak 9 if only a handful or minor things were better/different.

So the story is built up around a subversed character study (from the outside looking in), in of itself nothing new but done realistically (yes, also on a string budget afaik) and feels real capturing the despair of the protagonist through alot of it. Especially the train journey is good cinematographical candy for those working with movies.

If you do not care for serene movies with despair in them (that rely, as trance do, on bringing a state of mind to the viewer/listener) this is not for you.

In longer: Around the hour mark it explains the notion of ghosts, spirits and the looker on from a "modern" perspective.

After that another Journey is shown to begin as a woman enters a train and then exits a black tunnel simply to enter another one and exit that and so on. -An analogy of life's inner up's and down's, this is also shown more clearly when the woman on the train has been instructed not to talk when they pass within the tunnel, but to wait for the light before "being extrovert" by communicating. The trainride ends with a red horizon covered by heavy clouds above, the sea and some few lights in the darkness shown before it fades to black and a white and black photgraph of Xiao Mei is shown sitting in a concrete tunnel with a thin light at the end. A tunnel that is gradually faded into black. The thin light remains to last as an "I" before also fading.

A photographer's story is then told and how he comes to follow her to the same concrete tunnel (culvert) - and the picture we recently got is subverted where she's walking toward the light and as it grows she becomes a black line on the bright background. -A yin and yang symbolicism for the inner journies - denoting a comment on their impact on the outer journey. The black line ("I") then fades into white. As the photographer follows he also fades into white. Possibly a note that you need to let go of your subject at some point (as in the real ending of Xiao Mei's story was also the ending of the photographers tale).

Pro's Classical plotline done well and realistically Cinemtaography Symbolicism

Con's Doesn't use environmental sounds enough to strengthen the emotional setting Some of the scenes feels a little forced The meta perspective where the director breaks the 4th wall actively doesn't really ad that much to the story (as example watch the short Here from 2012).

End notes MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD: "Faust is dead." is written at a house near the incident in centrum for the movie, the incident which the missing protagonist went missing after. Denoting either her state of mind or that her trade with the devil was not to be and she had broken it off.

The fading phography can be viewed as the ending story of Mei, until then the photographer is found - when they both then fade that could be explanatory of the "real" end to Mei. The 4th person breaking interview does this ex post (after the event) meaning that the photographer made it out of the tunnel, creating an uncertainty around Mei - possibly implying what happened.
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Taeter City (2012)
2 Stars for some of the gore effects
5 May 2021
In short: This is a gorefest, under some psychotic rambling to set the mood there is a story that with some help could suit a Judge Dredd movie (it's basically; what if Soylent green was commonly accepted and pushed by the market mixed with Judge Dredd). The saving grace of this movie is what also can make it hard to watch at points (atleast if you have seen real gore from real life or experienced it) the gore and those effects. It's a mix between Evil Dead and top notch effects that are hard to distinguish from real life injuries (and in that perspective I hope i haven't watched a movie sneaking in pieces from snuff films).

So in conclusion: I would not recommend anyone to watch movies like these before theyve passed 18 years of age, or even then. It'll stay with you in the subconscious for a bit and that is the disturbing thing, not the movie of itself. -This is not great cinema, there is however a story, but the thing that can draw you to watch this is the effects (especially as they are on a budget), that goes from aced to classical Evil Dead.
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If you like fantasy it's a must watch!
4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: For a low budget this is really well done. It's clearly reminiscent of Skyrim (the game) in style. If a D&D movie was made with this cinematography but scaled up I would be ranking it high. Yes, the dialogue is basically missing and the brighter moments not that many, but if this together with LoTR was used a a precursor the stylistic would be set.

Pro's Visuals Style Lighting

Con's Effects (which counting on the budget was still really good - used sparse and real effects over CGI) Sharpness of the weaponry Lumberworks - that's not how it works.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Slightly ahead of an average action...
1 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...but far behind the good ones.

In short: This is Jason Bourne inspired warstory that has been done before more than once in simialr fashion. For a friday night with some mates it's a good watch, though be warned there are some propaganda pieces in there that are supposed to muddy the waters regarding topics changing the perception of reality in USA (afaik).

In longer: Not utilising Guy Pearce properly when you signed him on is allmost a crime in and of itself, some tones of what he can offer as bad guy shone through but he wasn't given enough time to truly loathe the audience (that being said he does good roles allmost as well).

When it comes to the cinematography some things do stand out - the explotion work stand out together with costume and gore, backdrop lacks in a key shootout scene but is otherwise acceptable. Music is tones down and keeps a close to noneexitant life in the back. Sound is decent, nothing that really stands out.

When it coems to the martial arts and firefights its above what can be exspected from Hollywood but there is still more than one moment of conquering all odds when you shouldn't (or atleast not by the actions used).

The propaganda: First propaganda piece: Just before the 40min mark the notion is made that after the exposures of how corrupt USA warfare is/has been (neo-imperlistic fascist empire) they fought for what USA could be (not for what was good or "correct" intel) - obvious lies in generalisation, army fights for what the plutocrats behind the empire wants. Yes, lower ranked soldiers might not know geopolitical schemes to assertain or cosolidation of power (but it would be dangerous to accept that notion right off as soldiers can be anticipated to both be kept away from news that would hurt morale but also try to assertain news whereever it is from to gain increased knowledge of the situation they are in), elite troops who do advanced recon, waterwork or similar should have some insight and anyone above those position defintiively would have.

Second propaganda piece: As people around the globe has started to understand who really won WWII for humanity this line is pushed down the line;"the economists" (not russians and communism with scorched earth and the support of USA). Yes that is one reality to combat another - not that it is not a direct lie even though overall the damage war does to trade is more severe than most can make on the wars. Wars are for putting the poor into the meatgrinder when desecent (information about corruption and the wrongs done by plutocrats and informal interest groups in control) starts to spread.

It's followed up by the missinformative piece that WWII left USA bare, many nation shifted their gold reserves to USA and even if they did not give the USA the gold I would be surprised if USA didn't swing it's total weight. Not to mention the importance of being in the centrum of debt consolidation for the world through a hefty impact on gold reserves (it's only recently that germany, officially, has shifted their gold home).

Ad on that that USA was failry unscathed WWII back home and won the race to the Nazi treasures (a fair bit stacked in a lime or salt mine) and they also captured most scientists - giving them the nuke more or less in the process.

The third propaganda piece: Half the people thinks the other half is their enemy, because they have no one left to fight. This is people vs the ruling class of plutocrats, masons et al. Those who today worship mammon and trash everyone/everything else and those who don't (people/keynes and informal interest groups & religious group/Friedman). Even if you can argue that it's passively on behalf of masons by upkeeping markets on areas where markets are counterproductive (fields efficiency kills profit or even hampers it).

The religious notion: Atleast we know what writer/group pushed those messages in: "There is a heaven - yes." If you believe this world is real, the little world will be what "we" make of it - thus you create your own heaven or hell.

Pro's Effects Lead Gore and grit

Con's Propaganda pieces pushed in Cliché ridden Shortcut (should ahve been given longer to grow properly and the viewer to invest more)

End notes: Michael B. Jordan shows he's allmost ready to carry blockbuster action movies on his own, he simple needs to work on his performance when it comes to everyday scenes (resting face an casual relaxation level).

Hollywood shows it is starting to wake up to a new world of realistic effects when it comes to explotions, gore, fight sequences and grit.
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A movie for the movie buff
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Recommended for the moviebuff, if you're not it'll pass some time for you while watching solid performances from most of the cast.

Pretty sure this is a showcase: There are many threads to pull in where movies are referenced; one of the more clear is Sin City (2005), one of the less obvious ones are Happy Accidents (2000, a great low budget movie). The disparate storytales or chapters are woven together as in many other stories, I canno't really nail that overarching storyline down either though i probably should be able to. This seems allmost like the guild or parts of it coming together to celebrate cinema. The strong cast would suggest that could be the case. Either way, as a movie buff there is plenty to see here.

Too late at night to review movies tbh.

End notes: The ending dance has been seen - which has also been done, but i can't recall if it's A perfect world, 48 hours or some Dolly Parton movie which has it (or even if it's somewhere else), as has the stealing of the wallet (Sting 1973?).
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Adverse (2020)
Riddled with clichés still keeps the interest up
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1 star for being close enough to make a solid movie

In shorter: The at time horrible acting mixed with solid moments or moments where the bad acting makes it feel a tad more realistic makes up for an overall ok experience.

If you are looking for a mid-high budget action, this isn't it. This is a decent low budget crime/thriller with cliché ridden plotline that still doesn't feel that unoriginal somehow.

In longer: Some of the effects (some of the gore and most of the lighting) is ok or even good and costume feels on point. It also tries to use the sound to convey the mixed emotions of the lead (as done better in many other movies; like spun 2002 with Rourke in it, but still strikes onto that tone clearly enough), which would have worked better without the dialect that in some scenes strangely work but in others simply doesn't work.

This lacks a tad in most departments from being really good, but theyre close to reaching over the hump and on a low budget that isn't bad. This movie feels a little rushed at some parts (CGI parking house?), but if the director is helped with time management or given more time the end resault could possibly have been better.

Scenography overall is quite good as mentioned for a low budget movie. This movie needed some nicer shots though, with drones being inexpensive that could have given it a feeling of being a tad higher in the budget department.

Pro's Not that far from being over the hump in several categories, shame it didn't reach it Bad acting and weird accent choice makes some scenes over the top enough to feel realistical.

Con's Acting; up and down with a strange accent choice Capturing the moment, some camera angles could have been picked better.

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Trigger Point (2021)
Still a 7, suffers from clichés though
24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: Some reviewer wrote it was a 6.5 and that is about right. Cast makes a good enough performance, Barry Pepper and Colm Feore carry the movie most of the time. If you want a more accurate portrayal of agents this is a decent movie to watch, the plotline stand one foot apart fromt he clichés, at times it works well at other times it's too close.

In longer The gunfights are somewhat ok, though the distance shots and some of the work with angles are not good. Seems like they one minute has someone coreographing them well while at a few points they simply wing it. Though the drone use looked like proper modern city warfare and was a nice addition. This movie does have that, some really nice additions, like the home versus how he manages tracking & interplays with the phone. Or how file movements are managed.

The "ending scene" is also one to keep an eye out near the sea, its well coreographed and should be watched if you are into movies for that alone.

Pro's Mostly accurate behaviour of an active field agent (imo) Uses a clichéridden plotline that still doesn't bore you to death Some nice camera shots and one really nice

Con's Light gun, some gore spray effects could have made sense to make the intense firefight more intense (i don't mean extreme) Some scenes in the firefights regarding angles Sound/music could have been done better to push the states of the movie and build momentum

End notes: One agent in the cast doesn't fit the role (though I have to admit I've missed a characteract like that since the Boondock Saints where he delivered well) though I have to ask myself how is he not getting more voice acting work???
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Some things were great, others not so much.
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Recommended for the potential of the sequel. With better editing and some minor changes it would have been a solid 7.

This had alot of potential, but ebcause of bad editing (seems like a re.-edit possibly that ruined the initial edit?, or re-edit for a possible sequel - aka to save some shot material?) it falls apart more than a few times. The CGI isnt top notch aswell. I had hoped for a more huamn version with the nice landscape shots that can be seen but are too far and not well enough phased in. While downplaying most effects to emphasize those of the warriors (which was also done).

So to the good parts; they got Sub zero right (even though humanising him wasn't the richt choice imo). They got Kano (also his eye) and Kung Lao right, aswell as the fire and purple effect. Scorpion's effect not so much. The trailer also milked the one moment they really nailed down.

They got the panoramic views somewhat right, maybe some greenscreen work and ruined cities could have been added if budget allowed it.

For me overall this seems like they were doing a good product and then got rushed to finish it, with a second editor isntead of increased budget and the result suffered. This was alot closer than a few other tries have been, but still some distance away, maybe in the sequel..?
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Could have easily been an 8.
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a glassy finish on a sometimes brutal underlying crimeworld.

The overall storyarch is a classic one, the "son" comes of ages and wants to take over the "pride" in a manner of speaking.

The gory effects are decent even if they're over the top at times as some injuries would be fatal in a more rapid way. The cast is good enough and complement the storyline mostly. Possibly a handful of out of place faces in the supporting cast.

I was hesitant about the lead, but he delivered an aced performance more or less, carrying the storyline.

So what was lacking? - Editing for one, tying the story tighter together with classical music would have been an easy and straight forward choice for a movie such as this. Giving the moments breathing room aswell. For me this mixes drama (which should have been at the front throughout) with action (which should have been put on the backburner - look at Brother (2000) as one example of how to make both coexist better). Thetransition from the shiny exterior of the crime world could have been done quick and brutal to short bursts of severe and brutal action or in some smoother (and consistant throughout) transition that signified the other side of the coin. - I think that that would have complemented the cinematographical style first presented to the viewer and on which the movie ends. A much prefered style as far as I am concerned and one that should ideally been upkept throughout.

End note: What i loved with this movie was the finish, which is well done cinematographcailly, i don't mean the ending of the plotline but the actual finish where he shadowboxes infront os a window; a shadow of a shadow (the under world). Which disappears and then the lights do part by part - when a person dies a world dies. This is a signifcantly symbolically speaking depicting the passing of time for one person and the inevitability of ending for all things.
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Half Brothers (2020)
Some problems, but good chemistry/cast saves it
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: If you want a low- mid budget feelgood movie that will warm up your heart as a brother, this is a good pick. The cast, the scenography and the costume department was all above anticipated. The camerawork was allright but given the great scenery could have been better (one example being using some drone shots to mix it up).

Not too far from hitting a 9 with some smaller changes.

Pro's Chemistry Hits the emotional highs Lead

Con's Forced accidents The dads message seemed more of a defensespeech than anythign else (otherwise acted/written well) No one puts a large machine ontop of small haybales.
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Well crafted horror with real thrill momentum
14 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: Similar to what has "finally" happened to the horror movie genre, some have picked up actually scary elements to make horror movies not gore fests but actually scary subliminally, creepy, using the pauses and the sound of silence to create well crafted horror movies. This short falls into that category, similar (to give one example of another similar short) Night Swim or the longer movie Deep Dark (2015) which isn't a horror but has a similar (possible) use of the black hole.

End notes (spoilers) The subplot which could/oughta be introspection into your own history (making the person in the box be someone key in his history, or related to some child hood trauma, and the family'esque shadows would then be his previous family members who might have passed on - the light going out is then depression/suicide after loosing his last light in his life - the gf).

The black hole (the abyss) is something often related to in movies, and can symbolise everything from at large the struggle as a whole within, infinity or glue to hold together plots for those who aren't that careful about wha they put out.
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Comedy/Feelgood movie that suprisingly works well
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short: As others have mentioned and i agree, I am no fan of Will Ferrell, excluded Old School (2003) and possibly parts of Semi-pro (2008) most (oh right allmost forgot Stranger Than Fiction 2006). And in fairness he's been in a few cult movies. But this is a warm movie with a handful of laugh out loud moments, it keeps it warm even when the characters are having trouble. Parts of this working out is a stroing supporting cast and the second lead Rachel McAdams doing a performance worth ot taking note of. Will Ferrells scenic comedy is put on the backburner and allowed to be released at times with buildups beforehand which works in his and the movies favour. He's never been subtle, but here it's reigned in until the moments where it is needed, which is something he and anyone planning to cast him should take note of.

Overall this is a warm laugh out loud (at times) comedy that is sure to brighten a day or a couple for you if you decide to watch it.

Pro's Supporting Cast (music and Eurovision stars participation) Rachel McAdams Editing

Con's Swapping out the leads voice does not work well, it's clear when it goes back in, in the final moments (espcially as the first performances were sounding better) Could have used a big laugh out loud moment in the post movie scene.

Some evening/nightime CGI would have been better replaced with actual footage )which is possible with todays advancements in cameragear)
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Disliked it the first time i watched parts of it, the second time it started to come alive...
8 April 2021
7-8 ...and the third time i liked it quite a bit.

Few movies these days "gets better" with more viewings, this is one of them.

This isn't a review, this is a recommendation to watch it a second time when you got nothing better to do.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Another Frankenstein movie that could have been good IF it was a spoof.
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short Too focused on the storyline to be a spoof, as a spoof it could have worked. As a movie on and of it's own it won't work as it's filled of clichés, this is basically the regressive white version of the equalizer. (2014) and has elements that are reminiscent of the structure in Falling Down (1993) . Cliche´s on it's own aren't necessarily bad, but making them worse than in contemporary movies where they are allready bad is not good (John Wick, The Accountant, Jack Reacher and whatever movie that gimmicks McGyver'esque techniques and apply them in killing - similar to Shoot em up).

This movie badly needed a Jet Li'esque main character or a down toned plot with less violence and stealthier methods.


The cinematographical homage to the shining (possibly as a pre-shooting confirmation for those looking for easter eggs in trailer which isn't unheard of - Locke and Key taking it to the extreme in theire trailer where a badly hidden secret link led to another clip from the series in which certain frames on the lock you could read a simple 4 digit code and on the key another word - i did not go through the whole thing and left it there), in a clear shot of the pan out within the corridor.

Pro's Gore effects If you like b-actions, this is for you (doesn't get ruined if you chat with your mates watching it) Christopher Lloyd, Connie Nielsen

Con's Frankenstein movie Clichés all over The martial arts advisor should have set UNDER the possible gun/rifle arts coordinator (or whatever name it is filed under) - angles often get screwed up but a a few times it's clear that someone has helped them reading and adjusting angles.

End notes: Token black guy is played by RZA.

Yes some of the hand to hand is quite nice, but you need a faster and more atheltic guy to make it feel realistic so that the punches hit when they need to and the supporting cast does not need to hold back. That is also a sign of bad stunt coordinator or the like, if the supporting cast has to hold back from what is realisticaly viable - decrease the number of people in the fight scene, simple as pie.

So could i buy Bob Odenkirk as a retired stealthy assassin, sure. Could i buy him as a war machine/assassin that ends organisations for a living - no (he has the face for it, just not the body or movement that comes with it).
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The Dry (2020)
Slow burning crime/mystery/thriller that continously keeps interest up
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you like this genre this is a solid watch, it's not perfect but its above average of these kinds of movies. Ad to that a up to date and excellent study of the australian outback and a solid supporting cast... Eric Bana shines aswell, but with a strong supporting cast that feels all to real at times it doesn't come through as much as it would with a worse off cast.

If it hadn't been for a plottwist towards the end the movie would have been furfilling but semi-predictable to those watching crime/thrillers. The twist both makes it feel more realistic but also ignores some of the actions previous in the movie (calves etc).

Something i was missing was also some chitchat on how to reapropriate ground efficiciently - excellent backdrop to easily push it in (like smaller fields, higher strawheight after crop is taken to inscrease shade, increase soil value etc), also grabbin what you can from flashfloods or heavy rain to retain it to increase the ground water table. This could have signalled a little more progression of the countryside aswell to negate the complete black outlook and raise the farm trace in the movie.
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Seeworthy "Frankenstein" movie
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a mix of two previous movies (possibly 3); Castaway (2000) - easiest to spot, The last life in Universe (2003) and possibly The Extreme Sukiyaki (2013). Some would see some similarities to Swiss Army Man (2016) which allthough a great character study (there is an asian original to that one) moreso has a similar wibe at times.

If you haven't seen the three first movie mentioned i recommend wathcing this movie. It's a slow low paced drama about a castaway of sorts, connecting back to life through the tiniest actions and human connections.

Pro's Lead actors The unapologetic tidying of the logical flaws away early and openly by the director (instead of weighing down the movie throughout) The try to make the subplot an overarching story of being

Con's Unoriginal Doesn't allow the story to "breathe" at times Too "fast" to really be slow drama, these very slow paced movies grow given more time rather than fall apart

End note (SPOILER AHEAD): The ending is ambigous, or straight forward if you read the subplot as heaven and hell on earth, as the characters then both are in their own purgatories and once she leaves the apartment and the white episode happens that is a denotation that she has reached her own heaven.

If you are a synical both end up dead, she once she understand what is going to transpire.

Though the latter isn't in line with the previous subplot (which clearly contains layers from bad to good) - more a continuation on the hell reference which would imply those making that conclusion has then created their own perception of hell (thought that little nifty rhetorical tidbit could make someone chuckle out there).
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Feelgood story with good chemistry and emotional highs
28 March 2021

If you are a moviebuff, work with cinematography (lighting especially) or simply like christmas movies; its a must see.

Watch it for Mackenzie Davis, who with a good performance from Kristen Stewart and solid supporting cast really hits the emotional high notes. Alison Brie is a little missplaced due to the connotations her very recognisable face has to Community (2009-2015), but here it's evident that she is starting to break off from that role and can deliver a good enough performance for good movies. If you like emotional feelgood romcoms this is one not to miss, its very well produced. Something it touches on is the twinkling lights of christmas, it catches them more than many movies successully does and the cinematography here regarding capturing that essence of christmas is highly skilled work.

This drama romcom doesn't simply play up the christmas notion as is common for christmas movies but lets it play out in the beack without having it as the main focus, this works well. The sound and lights have also been aced aswell as scenography. Keeping the camera shots simple and straight forward (allowing the story space) even though maybe one or two more fancy shots could have elevated the story (and i dont mean a cheesy camera pull away but maybe some stars or wide shots with a drone panning out/over the close proximety - tha ltter requiring shooting in a real life setting) means the story gets the room it needs.

Pro's Cast Mackenzie Davis & Kristen Stewart Overall production

Con's Could have been given slightly more time and character growth on view IF it were possible some wider shots should ahve been had The semi ending of the politicans choice could have played out more realisticly (towards the same goal but not with a no)
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Netizens (2018)
5, -2 stars for blatantly not being well researched
28 March 2021
Regarding a documentary that features Sarkeesian as a hero should really have made their homework better. An individual that brought nothing but discredit to the gaming world which she tried to smear after failing to produce as a game developer (after collecting alot of money to do so from everyday people) and some less positive personal affairs. IDL for some reason decided to support her and traffic from their servers were logged in massive amounts to the mostly unknown new (to the online community) voices that were suddenly raised. Trying to discredit a whole group of people so that you can look slightly better, when that group contains tech savvy people isn't that bright and IDL's theocrats got exposed.

Regarding what Wilard12 writes, those who don't know masonry, the tribe (two of the largest plutocratic informal interest groups, that share plenty of ground) can visit their local libraries and track down the open member lists of the freemasons (what is here referenced as the patriarchy - which is a plutocratic group more accurately), women are or have been accepted in at two points (one which is the present and stretches back a good two decades or more if i recall right).

Large amounts of marginalised (in the offline society) spoke out on behalf of gamers/the gaming scoiety and against Sarkeesian, including heaps of women gamers. There will still be plenty of videos covering youtube unless google has caved there to IDL.

When you play and spend time with gamers online all you need to do is play by your skill (dont be a newb and join high skill games and then complain), be willing to listen and learn - other qualities really does not matter much even though a positive attitude gets you a long way.
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Voice cast quite good, rest quite bad.
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mystery/thriller/horror/sci-fi and or fantasy

These kinds of mystery movies depend on being unpredictable and have characters with depth to lean on to give an emotional investment by the viewer - it's alot easier to peak thrill momentum if the viewer is invested. This simply falls flat on character rationale, monologue and dialogue. The animation is also over the top in expression and badly synced to represent a realistic view of what is happening (dialogue and emotionally) given me the notion that the voice actors tried to compensate for this which ended up salvaging the movie a little bit but not enough. This java'esque animation style could have worked and would have been a good way to save money on animation, but several misscalculation regarding the cinematographical relation to the story made it miss the point. One obvious is light, "using correct lighting" (colours) would have gone a long way, as would putting more effort in syncing the storyline to the characters and not vice versa (making it trule character driven and not plot driven).

Regarding the subplot it simply seems like someone with a slightly underdeveloped understanding of the world with a dark childhood or interest to boot. Fatalism went out of style as information and philosophy took the step into the 2000's... And as it ends - yes, the game is rigged, but its by old fashioned hidden plutocracy behind fascism through USA and its military not by creatures from another realm.

Pro's Concept Animation could ahve worked (some "camera angle" scenes did quite well) Voice cast

Con's Character depth Character rationale Syncing the animation to the storyline

End notes: Some of the inpsiration is clear as day, the animation series Archer, the movie The Game (1997) and/or Rogues Gallery (2010).

Budget of a $1000k feels a little steep for this regarding bang for buck.

Regarding my preconception I don't view that many animations (excluding shorts with high end or near to, animation), it has happened a few times though.
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A Taxi Driver (2017)
Fascist personas in charge of military uses it to kill all that demonstrate, including those who don't.
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short A former military taxi driver uses his wits to guide a reporter to Gwangju as he steals a big ride from a collegue to be able to pay off his debts. Both the reporter and taxi driver does not share common political grounds.

If you like political dramas you can do alot worse, but also a little better, this is however an important history and deserves a viewing, it is well made and I do recommend watching it.

Cineamtographically speaking there is not much new, there are some REALLY nice shots though; as the ones on the roof of the spectators of the military violence and the shots when people march united and the persons there.

There are also some smoke shots that were obviously supposed to be more war'esque but ended up with smoke completely blocking the shots, which in my opinion even though wasting some nice shots worked better with the storyline.

The pacing is a little off sometimes and some moments feel forced. But overall it retains the thrill momentum and emotional high which means my heart kept pumping and emotions shining through.

Pro's The moral backbone of all participants (black listing probable) The importance of history (a would have been another paranoid disillusion if the news didnt get out) Effects and gore

Con's Some of the acting, mostly good though Some of the editing and dragging some moments out for thrill momentum Unclear on numbers dead etc - which should have surfaced after the event

End notes (spoiler and political info below): Gwanghwamun (the location of the last ride is a white royal palace gate (the largest), white in asian cinematography (atleast chinese) is to denote heaven, which would explain what really happened to Kim Man-seob after making it out.

In the end the humane angle, seing normative structures of fascism in action makes the right wing taxi driver see reality through a realistic perspective and connect to his fellow humans. A good key.

Something strange is that Japan is considered a safe harbour, even though their economy is built off milton-friedman (forever increasing debt - controlled by those who own the debt) and not keynes (stable economy, smaller swings in the national economic cycle) and should be closer to the fascism by relation and thus against the spread of information that hurts the veil that covers the global plutocracy. Though that is indeed easier with todays available technology than 1980's.

Some of the emotional moments are moving and Kang-ho Song & Hae-Jin Yoo with a couple of small seeworthy supporting appearances that leave a mark.

Sadly these facsist things happen even in nations that pre 2000's had managed to keep freedom (social democracy) alive like Sweden (these days more or less fully dismanteled public secotr by or overlords in USA, thus the organised crime, maniac teocrats and masons behind it - overlapping groups) - this can be easily induced by how much influnce EU top politicians had over TTiP (which is basically none) - thus denoting who's "in charge" (those who fill their currency with empty paper - the USA, CDO & release of new currency is a good place to start if u want to step through that open door and really enlighten urself).
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