The owner of the company was doing them a favor by saying it was an accident. I guess they were all too drunk and stupid to figure out that they would have got millions of dollars if they just sued the company for wrongful death, Dah! If you can relate to low IQ drunk degenerate fat losers, you might enjoy this movie.
26 Reviews
Other Space
I didn't get through a minute...
24 December 2021
I can't imagine sitting through 4 more minutes of this diversified diarrhea. The only reason why this has a high rating is because people with functioning brains would never waste any of their time on it. You'd have to actually watch some of it to then feel compelled to come over here and write a bad review about it. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"
Population Zero
The Cops Gave It Away
25 April 2021
About 9 minutes in I could tell that the cop was an actor and had to check on the credibility of the story. Total BS. I'm not sure whether to put spoilers or not? I find this being listed as a Documentary to be offensive.
Space Force
Lot's Of Holes, Or...
31 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I got bored numerous times and missed some dialog? I'm halfway through episode 8 and I still don't know why the main characters wife is in prison since episode 1. And who delivered 20 pizza's? Are we supposed to just assume it was the father? And the black chick getting a ride to get some kind of eye procedure with the Asian guy... no mention of where they were going and why. They just cut to a scene with them leaving the eye doctors and she has dark glasses on like she got her pupils dilated or something. Either some bad editing or I got so bored that my mind started to wonder and I missed all this information.
It wasn't very funny either. I've always like Steve Carell but this failed for me.
(I) (2017)
The Actors Were Paid $20 Each
28 December 2019
...and it shows. Jason London ('Dazed and Confused", "Broken Vessels') who is a Hollywood talent and played the dirty cop was paid $40. This story (much like my figures as to how much the talent was paid) was not really based on a true story either. I read an interview that was with the director/writer Michael Sneed, and there was absolutely no mention of this being based on a true story. Ever since "Fargo" did it, now everyone seems to do it. I gave it a 2 because I found the lack of talent and various screw ups in the final cut to be both amusing and humorous.
In the Shadow of the Moon
Stop The Movie When Pigs Start To Look Like Pillows
2 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Then make up the rest with your imagination on how you'd like to see it end, because the route they choose for the last 12 minutes of the movie will totally ruin it for you. It's offensive. I'm giving up on Hollywood. Hollywood, along with the internet has turned into a massive brain washing propaganda machine. After seeing their big reveal during the last 12 min and the message they were trying to get across... I was totally turned off. I get it. It's the usual, "What would you do if you could go back in time?" movie. And after seeing this, and everything else I've seen... if I could go back in time, I'd warn Hitler about D-Day, and I bet movies like this and a lot of the other negative problems in society wouldn't exist. Does this review contain spoilers? I hope so.
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