Superbeast (1972)
"Horrible bad" is right.
This was an extremely awful movie.It was hard to pay attention to this movie which involved secret experiments in the jungle.The acting was poor.Ed Wood got better performances from his actors.This movie wasn't even enjoyably bad.It wasn't as bad as Kazaam so that's why I gave it a 2.
Waterworld (1995)
It's not as bad as you've heard.
When I first watched this movie I recalled hearing about it's enormous budget and all the bad reviews,and even though I can't see where all the money was spent I enjoyed this movie a great deal.It had excitement, action and Dennis Hopper as a truly enjoyable villain.It was like a waterlogged Indiana Jones.
I will admit it could have been a bit shorter but that's the only thing wrong with this movie,and even then I can't stand behind that complaint because the next time I watch this movie,and there will be a next time,I will probably think it's too short.
I gave this movie an 8 out of 10.If you're looking for serious drama watch Citizen Kane.If you're looking for scientific accuracy watch The Discovery Channel.If you're looking for nonsense watch Titanic.But if you just want to be entertained watch Waterworld.
Good Times (1967)
Camp classic.
This movie is a classic example of 60's camp.The main story,Sonny's desire to star in a movie and Cher's lack of interest,takes a back seat to the fantasy sequences which satirize various movie generas.
The soundtrack is excellent.Sonny Bono was a musical genius and this film is the perfect showcase of this,and though Cher is talented,I think she did her best work with Sonny.If you are a fan of Sonny and/or Cher this is a movie you shouldn't miss.
The People That Time Forgot (1977)
A great little adventure.
Watching The People That Time Forgot is a wonderful way to spend a weekend afternoon.You can't go wrong in a movie with giant dinosaurs,volcanoes and Dana Gillespie.I'll admit the special effects will disappoint someone expecting Jurassic Park,but for sheer fun these monsters will do and Dana Gillespie makes a very attractive cavewoman.
Robot Monster (1953)
It's not that bad,really.
Yes,the special effects are laughable and the acting is certainly not Royal Shakespeare Company.Yes, it has all the stock characters,Brilliant scientist father,brilliant scientist daughter,brilliant,yet chauvinistic scientist boyfriend and a pair of annoying children Yes, the surprise ending was handled better in another more beloved film(which shall remain nameless so as not to spoil anything).And yes,Ro-man,the gorilla in a diving helmet was a less believable alien than Chewbacca,the gorilla-type without a diving helmet.Put these all together and you end up with a fun movie. But it has a good plot.The last human survivors of Ro-man's attack on Earth try to continue their lives while hiding from the invader,who learns of their existence and begins to hunt them down.This movie shows you don't need a 50 million dollar budget to tell a good story.
The Road to Hong Kong (1962)
An OK movie.
The Road to Hong Kong was the last and least of the Hope-Crosby Road pictures but that still made this a funny movie.Hope and Crosby are con men who get involved accidentally with international spies. Some of the humor could be considered "politically incorrect" in this era but the rest is typical Road picture. Joan Collins takes over the Dorothy Lamour role and doesn't quite have the talent for it especially when compared to Ms. Lamour who makes a cameo in the movie. Peter Sellers is not to be missed,however.His cameo as the Indian neurologist is one of the funniest scenes in any movie.
I can't strongly recommend this movie,but if you like the other Road pictures or are a Peter Sellers fan you will want to check this out.
The Vampire (1957)
Not your typical vampire.
The Vampire is an entertaining thriller with a strong cast. It stars John Beal as Dr. Beecher and Kenneth Tobey as Sheriff Donnelly,who investigate a series of mysterious deaths involving their acquaintances beginning with a scientist who was researching "primitive instincts".A much better movie than I thought it would be.
Pharaoh's Curse (1957)
Nothing very original.
The Pharaoh's Curse is a basic mummy movie. A British captain in Cairo during an uprising is sent to shut down an archaeological dig before the local natives discover it and become even angrier than they already are. The captain,played by Mark Dana,is ordered to escort the wife of the expedition leader to camp to help persuade her husband to shut down the dig.On the way they encounter Simira,a local woman whose brother is part of the expedition.Mysterious occurrences begin and people start to die once the mummy's sarcophagus is opened. I wouldn't plan my day around watching this movie but it's okay for a rainy afternoon.
The Wild Women of Wongo (1959)
Pleasantly bad.
The Wild Women of Wongo is a movie for the connoisseurs of truly bad movies. The story involves two tribes.Goona is populated by unattractive women in fur bathing suits and handsome men while Wongo is the reverse. Omoo,daughter of the king of Wongo falls in love with Engor, son of the Goona king. The other women find him handsome which angers the Wongo men. As punishment,the women are exiled until the Dragon God takes a sacrifice. The acting is horrible and the dialog is worse.There are apemen, alligator attacks and a native dance scene involving the Wongo women.
This movie has everything one should look for in an entertainingly bad film.
One Million Years B.C. (1966)
Harryhausen genius.
The plot of the movie is weak and the lack of dialog makes the film seem longer than it is.However,Raquel Welch in a fur bikini makes the time bearable.The movie's second best feature is the stop motion animation effects of Ray Harryhausen.Harryhausen's dinosaurs are more entertaining than some actor in a rubber suit or the modern computer effects. I'd recommend this film to anyone who likes 1960's science fiction films. One Million Years B.C. gets a 1 for historical accuracy, a 5 for the plot, an 8 for the effects and a 10 for the fur bikini and my thanks to the costume designer.
Shock (1946)
Shock is the story of a woman(Anabel Shaw),who witnesses from her hotel room a woman being killed by her husband(Vincent Price). She goes into shock and is found the next morning by her husband recently released from a POW camp.Because the hotel doctor is summoned to treat her,the murderer realizes he was seen and then tries to eliminate the only witness. This movie is a bit melodramatic at times,but it also runs almost like a Columbo episode without Columbo. If you like mysteries that aren't really mysteries this movie is for you. I gave it a 6.
The Parent Trap (1998)
A great movie.
The Parent Trap (1998) is one of those rare films, a remake that is better than the original, which itself was enjoyable.The movie remains faithful enough to the original so fans of the first film shouldn't feel disappointed,yet updated enough so it's relevant for today's children. This film also has one of the best soundtracks of the past 20 years. I highly recommend this film to everyone.
The Twonky (1953)
A funny movie
The Twonky is a very funny movie about a college professor who has to deal with a television set from the future.It also works as social satire. Imagine if you will an episode of The Twilight Zone a la Roger Corman. Do not miss an opportunity to see this movie.
They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968)
One of the best of the worst.
If you loved Eegah and Plan 9 From Outer Space you will love this movie.This film is classic "bad" as bad was meant to be. In this film there is a kidnapped scientist,a misguided businessman and hidden Nazis with a master plan.This movie also presents a female federal agent over two decades before Dana Scully on X-Files. Progressive or lousy,its your call. I gave it a 6.
Missile X - Geheimauftrag Neutronenbombe (1979)
It could have been worse,but it could have been better.
Set in Iran just before the revolution,this film is a low budget spy adventure,which I saw as Cruise Missile, that wastes a good cast in a cliched movie.Peter Graves plays an American agent sent to investigate the murder of a fellow agent who was investigating an international businessman known as The Baron,played by Curt Jurgens. The Baron has obtained a Soviet nuclear missile with which he intends to attack an international conference being held in the Persian Gulf.John Carradine had a pointless role as a Russian scientist who was aiding the Baron.It was not his finest hour. The most curious thing though, were all the references through background news broadcasts to the Ayatollah Khomeni causing trouble in Paris. I gave this movie a 4.If you're looking for James Bond or Mission:Impossible(TV) don't see this film.If you want to count cliches you might find this funny.
Ghost Riders (1987)
If Ed Wood had a larger budget he could have made this film.
I was disappointed in this movie.I found this movie on a discount shelf and bought it looking for a good "bad" movie. what I found was a bad "bad" movie. The plot was your basic "ghost seeks revenge on family of man who killed him",but it was never quite clear then,why the family wasn't wiped out years ago. Many of the scenes really had nothing to do with the plot and several of the final scenes appeared to be influenced by Night of the Living Dead though not as well executed.The outlaws were not very convincing and Bill Shaw, in the roles of the preacher and his grandson, was not very effective. The sound quality was bad in spots,but that could just have been on my tape.In any case it meant I didn't have to listen to the poor delivery of some really bad dialog.
I can't recommend this film.I gave it a 2 only because it wasn't as bad as Kazaam.
The Screaming Skull (1958)
It's a 50's horror film not Citizen Kane.
I like this movie. The basic plot has been used before,there are better special effects in grade school productions and the over acting was remarkable. The Screaming Skull had everything you'd want in a 1950's horror film.All you need to enjoy this movie is an hour to kill and a bowl of popcorn.
Kazaam (1996)
Please make it stop.
This is the worst film I have ever seen.I was watching this film with some friends and after 40 minutes we had enough. The plot was bad and there wasn't a single likeable character.I could get more entertainment watching static. I gave this movie a 1 only because the scale didn't go into negative numbers. Avoid this movie at all costs.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
Potts,Caractacus Potts
This is one of the most entertaining children's film of all time,ranking up with Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.It has good music, a great plot and an excellent cast. But even better than that,in my opinion, is that this film is a James Bond movie for children.Written by Ian Fleming and produced by Albert Broccoli,this movie provides all the great Bondian elements from the evil villain and her twisted henchman to the gimmicky car and "Bond girl",Truly Scrumptious.It even has performances by Bond veterans Desmond Llewelyn("Q")and Gert Frobe("Goldfinger).
Action,Intrigue,Adventure and Benny Hill too,this movie is a classic.