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IMDb member since July 2008
Sappho (2008)
Crimea never looked so good
4 July 2008 - 9 out of 20 users found this review helpful.
Sappho really is like a modern Greek tragedy - it's set on a Greek island, and it uses all the conventions of that ancient form of drama - it all happens in one place, in one month, with only one line of action, and the characters are carried forward by fate towards an end that they can't avoid.
And it works! It seems new and fresh and interesting in this age when all movies look the same. It's a real tearjerker.
For movie buffs who wonder where the movie was made, it was made in Crimea on the Black Sea. The main location is the Vorontsov Palace. Lots of movies have been made in Crimea, but this is perhaps the most beautiful of them all - the locations and the photography are superb!!!
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