The Flesh Merchant (1993)
god awful
this may be one of the worst films I've ever seen. Was this written in crayon? The FX were chintzy, the plot line was stupid and the idea of knocking out girls by putting rags over their mouths is so idiotic I just had to turn it off. A bunch of naked women walking around delivering inane dialogue cannot be much of a turn-on, even for the most deprived of men. If I could rate this lower, believe me I would.
Feast (1992)
hell of a movie
My ex-boyfriend kept talking about this movie so I pulled it off the shelf and viewed it. Now I've seen very many low budgets that I really didn't expect much but this film blew me away. The plot was really very,very good and the dialogue was really excellent. That is what is usually so bad about low budget films...the dialogue is terrible. But in this case, the writers wrote a witty, precise script and the actors, by and large, really did an excellent job delivering it. More importantly, Feast was really an inventive flick and that, to me, is so important and what p***es me off about most low budgets. They are 60k versions of multi-million dollar movies. Why would I want to see that. Feast was something that no studio would touch because it was inventive and didn't follow any formula. That's what prompted me to write. I wish I could talk to the director and writers and I hope more lowbudget film makers view it. It had problems but it was still ome of the very best low budgets I've seen.