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DNA Lover (2024– )
I came for Siwon and he was the only thing keeping me there
17 November 2024
If I can sum up this how it would be "one hot mess". I don't know who wrote such an appalling script and cast an over actor as the main FL but they did and they should never do it again.

The series started out with the world"s most annoying woman being utterly ridiculous, with a spray that sent Siwon into "OMG I WILL NEED TO HIDE FROM EVERYONE", to that little weird storyline disappearing without a trace.

The mid section dragged on for a pointless eternity (the only good part was the cameo with Leetuk and Shindong) and I found myself so annoyed by the FL that I realised I had spent a whole episode with my face in my iPad than on the tv.

I suffered until the end because of sheer determination and thank the Good Lord the woman stopped shrieking like a crazy woman finally in the last episode and became somewhat a normal human being.

Points to note: wasp stings do not put you into hospital unless they get you a zillion times. Calling an ambulance was just bizarre. They also don't require a giant plaster and she'd be writhing in agony from just the one, not googly eyeing him.

Also, if he tells you to GET LOST half a zillion times, he does not want you and his feelings will never change. EVER. I've never seen cling wrap that clingy.

Watch it if you like hysterical screeching & stupid women, or for Siwon. He's cute.
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I like this, I'm not going to lie, but....
17 April 2024
This is quite a good show, lots of fun, action, mystery, fantasy, plotting by evil relatives.... it has quite a lot going for it. The actors all fit the parts well and are rather nice to watch. The scenery and sets are beautiful. The plot is great.... (although I still can't figure out how someone with no ID, no experience and no background can get a job in Korea, but dramas always allow it!!).

My biggest issue, and it seems to be growing with plague proportions with kdramas, is the use of what I could pretty much call a Handicam to film. It shakes like no tomorrow. It is supposed to invoke emotion I guess, but all it does for me is invoke seasickness and reaching for the bucket. Episode 4 has it pretty much in every scene so far and I'm reaching for the anti nausea tablets.

A great show I'd like to finish, but probably can't and it makes me so mad.
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Vagabond (2019)
Got thru ep 1... just
2 March 2024
Why oh why do they think shaking the camera like a blender makes things more serious in emotion or action or..... anything? I want to like this. The storyline is good. Lee Seung Gi is great. The nephew is great. Bae Suzy is as annoying as ever. Yet the action scenes made me so nauseous and nigh on vomiting I don't think I can make it to episode 2 without a tonne of ginger and a bucket, which is a shame.

It's nice to see a Korean drama filmed outside of Korea, and Morocco is truly amazing. I want to see more. I'd like to watch the rest and see how this pans out, I'm just not sure I can stomach it.
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I've given it an 8 but is so many flaws
1 March 2024
I like this show, mostly for its comedy and dealing with sad topics and life and jealousy in a good way. What I hate though is the absolute spousal abuse, gaslighting, constant degradation of women and the FL who is such a wet blanket who can't defend herself, apologises all the time and blames herself, when everyone else is just so awful around her. Really REALLY awful. She's book smart but life dumb.

If any job interview actually stated you were too old to apply, their illness might affect them and should go back to being a housewife they would have the pants sued off them. This wasn't even turned into a joke. It was written seriously.

The ML has had all her overdone facial fillers go to her brain, and can't accept she's a human being with something to live for and achieve. Periodically she'll show strength and hit back, but then she becomes all docile and dumb woman again. It's absolutely frustrating and loses 2 stars from me for appalling mysogonistic scriptwriting.
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Utopia (I) (2014– )
They get the script from my workplace
1 February 2024
I will swear until I'm blue in the face they have someone working in my office and write their scripts based on our daily life. I work in a similar government department and everything is so spot on I could give real life names to each character. Even the Minister resembles ours in looks and mannerisms.

It actually scares me that what I experienced at work today could probably be the basis of Season 6. (Seriously? Scriptwriters, seek me out and I could give you seasons 6, 7 & 8 from this week alone).

I don't know how they do it, but this satire is so spot on. May they never stop trying to build.... whatever it is they're trying to build today; and no, the refrigerator still can't chill the milk correctly. Don't even start with the new microwaves....
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Awaken (2020–2021)
A great show!
10 November 2023
I'm up to Episode 11 and am totally loving this series. It's dark, quirky, has lots of very handsome men and a good sense of mystery in it.

It does, however, have the whole kdrama trope that "airbags in cars don't exist" which never fails to amuse me whenever a truck magically times itself to tbone a car perfectly as it's passing in almost every kdrama that requires someone to be killed off or nearly killed off. The world has moved on from not having airbags, it's time they depicted cars realistically. (Seriously the only time you see one in a kdrama is a comical 'slap the steering wheel in frustration" and it goes off.)

Anyway, airbags aside, this is a great kdrama to watch if you want to see everything except romance. Totally recommend it.
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2nd most annoying FL ever
15 October 2023
Why is she so dumb? So clueless? Why the heck does she just scream hysterically at every opportunity? Why does she just do what everyone tells her to do? This could be a very good series. It's interesting. The FL however is a clueless barbie doll with zero facial expression apart from "dumb vague". Why Kdramas can't put in more strong women characters who aren't helpless dolls is beyond me, but they keep repeating the same mistakes.

She is only minorly below the screaming woman in "she was pretty" who screams in every show she's in unnecessarily.

I otherwise like the show, but am not sure whether to continue with the mute button on permanently or just suck it up and watch it. There's not a lot of choice without my neighbours calling the police on me from all the hysterical screaming.
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Witch's Court (2017)
Ep2 is disgraceful
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching this as I like courtroom dramas. Ep 1 was okay, but episode 2 was disgraceful as a poor guy was outed without permission and she floated about it and didn't feel bad.

That in itself makes me want to stop watching. However ep 3 is doing the whole "let's move the camera around constantly to evoke drama and conflict" trick they're using more often now and they've taken it to the max level; however it's making me so seasick that I can't continue watching. Why do they do this? You can't read the subtitles, you can't watch it, you either have to close your eyes and miss it all or switch it off.

This could have been good, but the writers were wrong to allow Ep2 with zero remorse and... I need a bucket.
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A good, interesting show, but....
1 October 2023
I liked this. The story. The plot. The mystery. The clueless slapstick. The art and the quirky people. What bothered me most though was the main female lead. She was expressionless, a robot, too prim and proper, sat up too straight in ann impossible pose and honestly.... her hair just made me dislike her.

That role had good potential, and in someways she played it well, but even in the happy times she had zero expression and was as dull as a boring 16th century portrait.

Also, when she sold her home and moved out she had a single suitcase, for *everything*, yet she had dozens of high end bags, shoes, clothes and products. Unless that suitcase was a tardis it was quite unrealistic.

A good show though, portraying the tackiness of "new money" and how it doesn't buy you class, and working hard to get what you do have. Political corruption is also an interesting theme. Worth the watch, even if the FL kind of killed it.
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Uh huh
15 August 2023
Well I watched it. I enjoyed it at first. I kept watching and the eye candy helped. What didn't help was some poor acting, cheap sets/makeup, some truly dreadful dialogue and the fact that everyone just seemed to forget this was a ROBOT. The FL.... Seriously? A. Ro. Bot. There is no future of any kind with a machine.

By the end I forced myself to watch it, but somehow I made it through and was so thankful at the last episode that I hadn't lost all my brain cells. Maybe the eye candy helped there, and the few funny/good actors.

I've abandoned shows just because I hated someone's hairstyle, but I kept watching this and I am still wondering why.
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King the Land (2023)
Sweet and silly
15 August 2023
Well I was put off a little at first with the blatant fat-shaming of female flight attendants, then by the blatant product placement, but I overcame it with a cute and silly, if somewhat 100% predictable storyline and also the ML being one of my future husbands. (Ok that's a lie but I can dream). Junho is one of my favourite singers so I'm a bit biased, but then again Yuna impressed me in Hyori's Homestay so I kept on watching the series and haven't regretted it yet.

The Middle Eastern Prince eps were obviously not meant to be anything but satire of a really SUPER rich person, so just chill and see the funny side of two enormously wealthy friends bickering for fun. (People all over the world stereotype Australians as all being outback weirdos like Steve Irwin and Paul Hogan, but no one takes that seriously enough to give 1 star reviews when they see the stereotype in shows).

Anyway, a predictable fun show that is really only meant to be silly romantic fun. Don't take it or life too seriously and just enjoy yourselves.
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The coldest woman on earth...
25 July 2023
This show is very slow paced but every moment is important. This is a family who cannot under any circumstances communicate. Seriously they all are the worst and jump to conclusions about absolutely everything all the time.

Somehow that's what makes this work. The only thing that completely destroyed it was the ice Queen older sister. Kudos to her for keeping completely expressionless 100% of the time, but honestly cracking a smile just once might have been nice. Laughing might have been better. She deserves the crap life she got being such a horrible, entitled cow with absolute disregard for everyone else 100% of the time.

Worth a watch, but it's slow. A bit predictable at times (but not in others) and has a good laugh with the second crazy sister. Who steals the whole show.
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Oh! Youngsimi (2023– )
Baffling but good
14 June 2023
I admit I watched this for my favourite K-pop crush Donghae. He of course was adorable, as was the other hot guy who likes young simi, however almost every other character I found to be super irritating (especially the YouTube chick). By the last episode I still couldn't figure out who was who in the females in her family as they all look the same age, and the storyline's were just weird.

The comedy was quite good, the cliches were numerous and the writing was pretty freaking awful but I made it through it (yay Donghae!). If only more effort was put into the writing and the directing it could have been really good. It wasn't bad or anything but could have been way better.
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Excellent series, but...
21 May 2023
This is a fun, amusing at times, cringey at times series that is about a female lawyer with Asperger's Syndrome. She is excellent. The storylines are excellent (except the blatant misogyny and discrimination shown all the time). Yes it highlights people's wrong attitudes to Autism, but sometimes it doesn't explain why it's wrong and just shrugs it off as "well Korea is a patriarchal society so there" kind of message.

Anyway, I still give it a 9/10. It loses one point for the what seems to be more common usage of "very shaky camera" method to try to evoke emotion. All it does is evoke seasickness and vomit. You try reading subtitles while the screen is shaking like it's a bottle cap in a maelstrom. Seriously vomitous stuff that makes you have to hit the pause button way too often. Can someone stop this, PLEASE??!!
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
4 March 2023
Flat, unfunny, typical American bleedingly obvious banter by the host. What could have been a great show was hosted by an overacting weirdo who wasn't the least bit funny.

The cake cookers are quite good, however the guest judges are also a bit fake and I wonder how in the world the can see the cakes when I have a huge TV screen and can't even see them clearly.

This show had promise, but in a typically American style it was ruined by obvious and really bad humour. If it was a UK show or even at a pinch with the right Australian host it would be freaking hilarious.

I've watched 3 episodes and am debating whether to continue. I think I'd rather go back to kdramss to be honest.
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Birth of a Beauty (2014–2015)
what an awful series
25 February 2023
I honestly couldn't get through the first episode. The fat shaming was INCREDIBLY awful. The bus scene was awful. The unrealistic fawning over the beautiful woman was awful. The family abuse was awful. Her husband was awful. The husbands girlfriend was awful. I'm assuming this will go down the usual horrendous story line of "you must make yourself unhealthily skinny, get to total plastic surgery and then you'll magically be happy" that tv studios force onto our screens. Well life doesn't work like that. Even making a series that is probably meant to justify the surgery etc is an awful idea. Women in the whole world can't all be supermodels. There is nothing wrong with the way we are and while looking after yourself is important, getting fish lips and eyebrows pulled up to your hairline fools no one. I'm sorry this was even made and even sorrier if this is the way Koreans treat each other, and then joke about it in a tv series.
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Motion sickness....blergh.
13 February 2023
I just had to drop my rating down a star because of Ep 15. Why any director thinks it's fun, edgy or wanted that you film people while the camera goes around in a circle with people talking for 5 minutes causing motion sickness is beyond me. I am too nauseous to read the subtitles and will have to turn it off.

Otherwise it was slow, funny, sad, horrific and quite a cute show in a way. Their past lives all melded into one curious story which was interesting but kind of an after thought sideline. One of the friends was so freaking annoying I don't know how he remained a friend at all (the tv producer).

But excuse me while I go chuck.
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Love Is for Suckers (2022– )
This could have been brilliant, but is okay.
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this mainly to see my future husband, Choi Siwon. (Ok just kidding but he is so divine!). While it's an ok show I absolutely hate the blind date girl who just mopes and mopes and is such a sad sack she should have been terminated from the series (both the actual show and the reality show) somehow quietly. He doesn't like you-JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!! She would be such a morose person to be with for the rest of your life I'd run far, far away quickly. Overseas if I had to.

The FL, while an ok actor was so distracting with the most awful and unflattering outfits known to tv land and terrible hair. I have no idea what they were thinking. The other PD acts her part well. The characters mostly need to go back to acting school to be less wooden, and the writers needed to up their game a bit as the storyline ground to a halt for awhile in the middle. The larger girl was an interesting plot line and it showed just how awful tv land could be. She, as an actor, was quite good being cast in this kind of role but I felt a bit sad that it was a role that was centred around ridiculing her character. No one deserves that, whether paid or not.

It was ok. It could have been better. I wouldn't prioritise it over any other show, but keep it on your to watch list. And Siwon.... mmmmm. He will always be wonderful in anything.
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More k-shows should be like this
28 November 2022
This was truly up there with the best I've seen. Brilliant cast who pulled off some of the driest humour so well! There wasn't a bad moment!

Hairflick dude needs his own parallel series showing his life transition with the same storyline going on but focus on him and more detail about his story and his meteoric life change to... well... somewhere unexpected.

Aziz.... that guy was FANTASTIC! He needs his own story as Aziz. Or Matthew. Or whoever he wants to be today telling his life story! As a main lead character he'd be awesome!

Poker face lady needs a series where she actually smiles! All the characters definitely need to come back for round 2. Even Mr Anon :)
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Homemade Love Story (2020–2021)
Good but has some really irritating characters
22 October 2022
All in all this is a nice easy to watch (if not excessively long) drama with some interesting and funny stories, however there are some of the most irritating characters ever invented in this, such as the most selfish, self centred, entitled, egotistic, narcissistic character called Seo-a. She does really bad things and never gets punished or learns from them, just giving her more excuse to do more dirty, self-serving deeds. She's seriously unhinged and needs therapy - it's stated so often by everyone you have to wonder why they don't drag her away or even punish her, ever. It's really at the point you just want to fast forward through her unhinged scenes (which is all of them).

Some cute actors, some good actors, a set that really looks like a sound stage most of the time and a fairly interesting storyline somehow works and I'll keep watching. Just not... her.
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Great story, visually brilliant but slower than slow
6 October 2022
I started this in July. I'm now on the second last episode and it's October. This story is so slow that it's not something I could binge watch without my head exploding.

It is a great show with an interesting plot and characters, the acting is brilliant, the actors all very handsome, the costumes are magnificent and I've actually been to that palace where it was filmed which made it even more special, but I could only take this one episode at a time... it was just draining to me.

Hopefully others will have a better experience. It's not bad at all, just..... slow. It could have wrapped up quite nicely in 10 or 12 episodes tbh.
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Youth MT (2022)
2 Days 1 Night with a lot more and younger people
16 September 2022
If you love 2 Days 1 Night this will be a bit disappointing. It uses the exact same format, with food challenges, indoor/outdoor sleeping challenges, but not focusing on the tourism/local food aspects but with more cast members and teams.

The cast are all good looking and fun and saccharine sweet and all are recognisable from various Korean Dramas but there's nothing new in this from 2 days 1 Night and I used the fast forward button quite a few times more than I would liked to have done.

I might change my mind in later episodes but it's more of the same same same old. JinYoung and Kwok someone... mmmm :)
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I like this but..
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I quite like this show. The FL's ex-Fiancée is quite the useless bottom-wipe and proves it repeatedly. Although the FL looks perfect, she's flawed. The good looking guy she's hooked up with is flawed. Everyone is flawed. It shows more real life situations than most other dramas, even if some of it is a bit hammed up for dramatic effect.

The only thing I don't get is the good looking guy's father. I don't know how workers compensation works in Korea, but I'm fairly sure no parent of a grown adult could barge in demanding money upfront from a govt department. There are processes and rules, so to me that was just a bit of dramatic overkill I guess to show how much of a bad person he is more than anything. (I work in govt myself and I know paperwork for even buying toilet paper is endless!!).

All in all a good heartfelt show. Sure, it's slow paced but every moment has deep meaning. If you're bored easily it's probably not the best for you, but I like it!
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Full House (2004)
So much is so wrong but kinda watchable
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
He's an arrogant, self absorbed male paired with a clueless dumb female who can't spot an obvious scam. He's extremely horrible to her. Her friends are even more awful. They all treat her appallingly, she's just too dumb to figure out everyone is just awful and using her and puts up with it like a dumb doormat. Apparently stealing one's house, bank account and getting a credit card in your name is forgivable and not worth reporting to the police? This tripe is only saved by Mr Handsome Rain and well I don't know why but as awful as the story is, it's watchable. So strange that, but it's true.
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Signal (2016)
reminds me of the American TV show "frequency"
18 April 2022
I like this show, plot twists and a good storyline together makes for a great story. It loses points for the plastic female lead and her ANNOYING SIDEBURNS. I know it's petty, but I've come close to grabbing a pair of scissors and lunging at the tv screen. Women should not have sideburns. Ever. Sideburns are nothing personal against her, but she needs a new hairdresser, stat!

Ok now I've got that out, it reminds me a lot of the corruption in the organisation I work that we can see but can't fix for and how deep it can go. Scary stuff indeed. Well worth a watch, if even to remind yourself not to do that kind of stuff. Money gives people an over inflated sense of power and one weird walkie talkie can change everything. I must find one.....
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