To cut a long story short, a Japanese girl begins to wig out when she is subjected to repeated sexual assaults by a gang of vicious thugs. There are moments of real suspense and the blackest of black comedy here, but overall the film is simply too vile and depressing to be remotely enjoyable. Although none of the rapes are particularly explicit, scenes showing the heroine nude in the shower make the viewer feel uncomfortably like a voyeur.
The apparent theme, that violence begets more and greater violence, has been done before. And remember, this is brought to you by the same country that gave you Pearl Harbour, P.O.W. death camps, sadistic game shows and Manga cartoons.
Enough said.
The apparent theme, that violence begets more and greater violence, has been done before. And remember, this is brought to you by the same country that gave you Pearl Harbour, P.O.W. death camps, sadistic game shows and Manga cartoons.
Enough said.
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