I'm a long-time Doctor Who fan. And seriously, I don't see what some of the people on here are moaning about. This new series has everything I loved about the old (quirky Doc, great villains, original monsters). The greatest differences between the two are that the new series is funnier, faster, punchier and has an updated look/feel to reflect the times.
I recently dusted off some of my old Tom Baker episodes ('Destiny of the Daleks' and 'City of Death'), and it struck me how much Tennant must have studied up on Baker's mannerisms for his role as the Doctor. Very similar delivery, especially with the off-hand one-liners. It also struck me how low-budget the original series was. Sure, fabulous writing helped (bless Douglas Adams for his brief contribution to the series), but it doesn't make up for poor, cheesy acting and downright silly special effects. As many Whovians will admit, myself included, this is part of the show's charm. But in this day and age, you can't get away with filming on flimsy sets with bubble-wrap monsters and poorly coordinated action scenes. And quarries are completely out of the question.
I love old Doctor Who episodes, despite all this. And I love the new ones as well. Russell T. Davies has breathed new life into a series that may have lain untouched indefinitely, and it's SO much better for the upgrade. The pros - fabulous effects (seriously - movie grade effects for each episode), great acting (Chris and David each bringing something new and amazing to the role) and fantastic writing... most of the time. That would be my biggest con - the new series really shines in its two-parters. Some of the one offs ('Fear Her' leaping to mind) are weak in comparison, and feel more like filler until the action and overarching plot line start up again. My other gripe is that I'd like to see less Earth action. I understand they wanted to keep most of the new series on Earth to acclimatize new viewers, but it starts to feel too 'Cardiff-y' after a while. It would be great to see more extraterrestrial action, which may be something fans of the original series feel is missing.
I know another gripe of dedicated Who fans is the 'soapy' feel of the new series - Rose's emotions, the chemistry between her and the Doctor, etc. To that, I'd say that it would be hard to watch a contemporary television show without those elements. The character development of Rose (nearly unheard of with the original companions), the tension between her and the Doctor, the glimpses of how the Doctor touches the lives of others on a domestic level... all of this adds welcome layers of depth and reality which contrast nicely with the show's fantastical sci-fi elements - and makes for really interesting viewing, in my opinion.
I really couldn't be happier with this new series. The wit, the banter, the action... all of it is top rate, especially in comparison to some of the other drivel on TV these days. I'm really curious to see how the series will continue on with the absence of Rose, Jackie, Mickey and Pete. Mainly, I'm excited to see how Freema will fit into her new role and if they'll try another 'Bad Wolf'-like story arc in the next season. Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be... fantastic. :-)
I recently dusted off some of my old Tom Baker episodes ('Destiny of the Daleks' and 'City of Death'), and it struck me how much Tennant must have studied up on Baker's mannerisms for his role as the Doctor. Very similar delivery, especially with the off-hand one-liners. It also struck me how low-budget the original series was. Sure, fabulous writing helped (bless Douglas Adams for his brief contribution to the series), but it doesn't make up for poor, cheesy acting and downright silly special effects. As many Whovians will admit, myself included, this is part of the show's charm. But in this day and age, you can't get away with filming on flimsy sets with bubble-wrap monsters and poorly coordinated action scenes. And quarries are completely out of the question.
I love old Doctor Who episodes, despite all this. And I love the new ones as well. Russell T. Davies has breathed new life into a series that may have lain untouched indefinitely, and it's SO much better for the upgrade. The pros - fabulous effects (seriously - movie grade effects for each episode), great acting (Chris and David each bringing something new and amazing to the role) and fantastic writing... most of the time. That would be my biggest con - the new series really shines in its two-parters. Some of the one offs ('Fear Her' leaping to mind) are weak in comparison, and feel more like filler until the action and overarching plot line start up again. My other gripe is that I'd like to see less Earth action. I understand they wanted to keep most of the new series on Earth to acclimatize new viewers, but it starts to feel too 'Cardiff-y' after a while. It would be great to see more extraterrestrial action, which may be something fans of the original series feel is missing.
I know another gripe of dedicated Who fans is the 'soapy' feel of the new series - Rose's emotions, the chemistry between her and the Doctor, etc. To that, I'd say that it would be hard to watch a contemporary television show without those elements. The character development of Rose (nearly unheard of with the original companions), the tension between her and the Doctor, the glimpses of how the Doctor touches the lives of others on a domestic level... all of this adds welcome layers of depth and reality which contrast nicely with the show's fantastical sci-fi elements - and makes for really interesting viewing, in my opinion.
I really couldn't be happier with this new series. The wit, the banter, the action... all of it is top rate, especially in comparison to some of the other drivel on TV these days. I'm really curious to see how the series will continue on with the absence of Rose, Jackie, Mickey and Pete. Mainly, I'm excited to see how Freema will fit into her new role and if they'll try another 'Bad Wolf'-like story arc in the next season. Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be... fantastic. :-)
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