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Pandora: Jojakdwen Nakwon (2023)
Cheesy Dramatic Soap Opera
Cheesy sequences, whiny dialogue, corny music. It's trying very hard to be intense and thrilling, slapping a ton of dramatic music over every single scene, which gets old very quickly. I've watched only the first episode, but it really didn't leave me wanting to watch the second. It lacks grit and depth, and feels like just another cookie cutter experience that is largely forgettable. Each scene almost feels like a copy of the last, like a soap opera, with the dramatic music building, then cut, rinse and repeat. It just feels super laughable after a while, almost like it's done on purpose to troll viewers. Everything is also too perfectly clean, even the "messy" scenes. Not one piece of hair is out of place. Did I mention the music is terrible? Hard pass.