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Sappho (2008)
sappho? no
27 November 2008 - 29 out of 39 users found this review helpful.
I couldn't watch this movie without cringing at the lead girl. She really was hard to watch. I felt like it was like playing dress up for her.
This was apparently 1926 and I couldn't tell how old she was or what. She walked like Paris Hilton, Not Greta Garbo. She didn't seem to know anything about how an upperclass girl acted in 26. Also, did she have an accent? did she not? I really hope I don't see any more of this idiot.
The lead actor though wasn't too bad. I felt like he really carried the movie for me.
It was an OK movie over all. I won't watch it again. I can't bear the audacious acting.
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