Change Your Image
8MM (1999)
If you've got time to burn, go ahead and sit through this stinker.
My god this thing drags along. Was this movie supposed to shock me? What is Cage doing in this film? He is so wrong for the part. Watching him is painful, especially the first time he sits down to view the snuff film. The expressions on his face were so contrived, I thought he was on the toilet. The repetitive sense between Cage and his wife really begin to grind on you as well. Especially after their tenth argument about the same thing. What is up with every thriller, suspense, shock, piece of crap movie coming out of Hollywood, having these endless fight to the death (but no, the psycho's not dead till you stab and shot his sorry ass eight more times) endings? The sound track is poor and over powers the dialog so you're continually readjusting the volume. I was not shocked, I was not entertained nor enlightened to anything my desensitized imagination had not already hatched up. If your expecting to learn anything new about whatever this stinker film is suppose to be about; forget it. You'll be better off wasting a few hours in front of Jerry Springer.
Your Friends and Neighbors (1998)
I loved it.
Your Friends & Neighbors Why can there not be more films like this? This was great. Best movie I have seen all summer in or out of the theater. This even bumps "Happiness", my last top pick of the year off the throne. This movie is about relationships. Bad ones. The nice thing about a flick like this is I can come away feeling pretty good about who I am as a person, know matter how much of a bastard I've been. It tells the story of terrible relationships, affairs gone bad, realistic sex, and good friends. This movie will make you uncomfortable it tells it like it is, and holds no punches. I loved it.
Smoke (1995)
Easy to watch.
Harvey Keitel, and William Hurt are two reasons why this film stood a chance of success. This is a low key slow moving, film about a writer, a cigar store owner, and a youth in search for his identity. What makes this a good film is all of the separate stories going on within the main plot line. This really keeps things interesting. Also again what I like about this is the diversity of the characters and their ability to find common ground. I liked and was able to identify with all the main players in this movie, all were down to earth believable, without overly embellished villains or saints. You of course will not find this one at your local theater; for lack of the gratuities orgasms, and shoot outs.
Kiss of Death (1995)
Kiss of Death (2poo's)
Kiss of Death. Here's the deal on this steaming stool. They stole scene's, from every other movie of this type for the past 5 years, only to come out with a piece of crap. I like Cage in every thing up till now. He played the stupidest part in the film. There was a few attempts at Tarintino style dialog between the lead and Cage but these all failed miserably. Oh yah the other part that sucked was the "Reservoir Dogs" rain coat wearing, interrogation thing stuck in the middle, just to see if they could shock you. Bull s**t. Bad news. I was bored, the character's were pathetic, unconvincing, and the story was old.
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Best flick of the decade
This is the best. The dialog between actors was great. Absence of a single staring role was very appreciated, all the character parts were diversify unique and all were developed appropriately. Every seen had an unexpected twist, yet never leaving you confused or trying to lead the audience astray. I was completely absorbed never finding a dull moment, or having time to try and figure out what was coming next. This is unequivocally the best movie of the decade. I saw it twice.