Most Recently Rated
Evil Lives Here (2016)
This documentary series has taught me one thing...
Believing in God (or praying) does not at all help to stop a psychopath destroying your life if you are among the unlucky ones who happen to end up with such a person in your life either as being a child to one or a partner.
These men (and few women) are not possessed by demons or any other theological entities they are clear-cut psychopaths or in some cases sociopaths with some truly twisted fetishes they gets them off.
The series overall very well made with the actual victims telling their side of the story. Most often when it comes to these kind of perpetrators the focus is on them and then only and their messed up stuff while the victims gets forgotten.
This series brings the victims front and center end we can get their side of the events. What happened to them.
Many stories are insanely heart breaking.
Tokyo Vice (2022)
Absolutely fantastic series
I went into this series with not expecting much at all and was blown away a few episodes into season 1 just how well made it is.
From character development to the overall story being really interesting.
The acting is also very good from everyone involved.
If you have max (former Hbo max) I can highly recommend giving it a go.
My only real complaint does not really have anything to do with the show itself but whoever hard coded English subtitles during scene where they speak japanese (which is plenty) should never been allowed to go through with it.
This results that is who are not native English speaking and how uses subtitles of other countries gets our subs on top of the screen in every scene where hard coded English subtitles are present. This ruins the entire picture in those scenes as it often results in character faces being behind subtitles.
Really stupid decision when they could easily have implemented English subtitles as they implement it for other languages the you choose from a list.
Cobra Kai (2018)
A show that just keeps getting better and better
I don't think many thought that a show that started as a youtube premium show would end up being this good, honestly, and on Netflix of all places.
I at least did not think so but here we are, season 3 has come out and what can I say.
Wow, just Wow, This show is one of the best things Netflix has to offer right now.
The mix of humour, drama and action just blends so well together and it's kind of crazy to think that this is a show that builds off the old Karate Kid Movies that were, well, something special .
Some other review here stated in its title "Way better than it has any right to be" and I can so resonate with the writer of that review. It really don't, yet, it is.
The acting is top notch, the story just keeps on going and when you think this show can't possibly throw anything new at you, they find a way to do so to keep the story going.
Highly recommended.
The Saint (1962)
There is something magical with older tv shows
The title of this review might be a bit broad as this is a review only for the 60s show the saint, but I want to get out of the way that I am currenly rediscovering old classic series, as well as movies, and I realise that I find myself more often than not to get more drawn into their stories and plots than I do with most modern shows.
And with the saint this is very much true.
I saw this show on TV as a kid and recently I found the entire original series on sale so I bought the whole DVD box and oh have I been watching Roger Moore shine on screen.
The Saint is as good, if not even better, then I remember it. I just can't stop watching. The music, the acting from everybody involved, the plots and the locations are all fantastic if you ask me.
I love every second.
As other have said Roger Moore IS the true saint. This truly is 60's British TV at its best.
I remember being a young kid watching it and how much I wanted to be Simon Templar, travelling the world being drawn into mysteries and saving the day and today many years later as an older man I still want to be Simon Templar travelling the world haha.
That is how good I find this to be.
Do yourself a favour, if you not already have, and check this TV show out. Chances are you too start daydreaming about being Simon Templar travelling the world solving problems big and small :)
The Queen's Gambit (2020)
One of the best Netflix series ever made.
I have never been a fan of Chess. I played it a few times as a kid never understanding the depth of it and when I started to understand the depth of it I lost interest.
It is simply not my kind of game.
With that said. This mini series about a young woman who as a girl starts playing chess down in the basement at a orphans school with the local janitor and her way into the world of chess is simply one of the better things I have ever had the luxury to watch.
I think what drew me into this mini series was that while it is focused a lot on the world of Chess, it is so much more. Her own personal journey through her early life from being a young girl to becoming a young woman and how to navigate a world where you have a troubled past was really well made and emotional.
I honestly started thinking "this has to be based on some real life person?" but no, it is a fictional story. It is that well made. It is that convincing.
If you want to see a well crafted Drama with good acting, a superb script, well made editing and everything you can think off.
Nothing is left behind even minor characters are given enough time that you actually get to *know* them, their personalities and so on. That is a luxury that we are not treated with all too often in tv shows or movies these days.
Don't hesitate to give this one a chance. It just keeps on delivering all the way to the end.
Game of Death (2011)
Come On Snipes
Even in this horrible movie you show that you got talent. Why do you lower yourself to work with people that seems to know nothing about making exciting movies? The editing is horrible and there is not real feeling in the action scenes either. guns that sound "pjuff pjuff" along with horrible editing is not a good way to go.
This one had an exciting idea of making an exciting movie but its all just washed away during the course of the movie.
The end fight is worth looking at though so for all that hasn't seen it fast forward to that one for some good old Wesley Snipes action! Otherwise its not much to look at here.
But again, this is not due to Snipes 'cause he seems to be doing the best he can making it exciting but with bad editing and directing overall - noting can save this movies face.
It Felt Like a Kiss (2009)
wow, what a ride
This was one of the best things I've seen in a long time, after 10 minutes I was so absorbed into what was displayed in front of me that I couldn't do anything else than just sit there and get sucked right in.
I am a human being that has questioned the western world's terror like behavior and often asked myself why we are so violent and builds everything around violence? This movie kinda just connected the dots between various things that has happened up 'til now and it follows the same agenda thru the history of our society.
You are not being controlled and lead by a voice, this movie only contains pictures and various clips (and in some places text to help you along on this ride) and its just a brilliant piece of work.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
The ending ruins it all
Long awaited movie hits the big screen. How does end up? well, Its a damn good movie all the way to the horrific ending parts that made me go "wtf?!?!?!?"
This movie has everything a Indiana film should have and also some stuff that should had been left out completely.
I almost hope that they can re-cut the DVD/bd release of this film and make the ending fit the rest of the film. It could be done, as I can't really talk about the ending here without making spoilers, you should go see the film and judge for yourself.
But I can assure you from start to those, damn you writers, last scenes this movie is a fun ride, all actors do their roles really good and even shia, that I don't really like due to his more or less silly humorous characters, are here being given a more grown up character to play and have been toned down on the bad onliners he usually spits out.
Caves are being explored, dungeons, mystical writings, great action scenes. It's a really good Indiana movie for sure
Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)
Well, not in the good way if you get what I mean and I think that you do. This movie is awesome in its own way, its on par with other smash hit movies like Troll 2 when it comes to be the best if you start the list from the bottom.
acting is abysmal, cgi too, story is bad, dialog ha ha.. yeah well, not good if I may say so.. so why should you see this movie? well it all comes down to one thing; entertainment, because it is soooo entertaining! all this bad stuff makes it just so cool and funny to watch. You will get tons of laughs along this movie as you will witness what so many other "followers" of this film already has laughed too. and please give it a one so it will join the bottom 100 worst films ever for a long, long time. It deserves to be down there with the other smash hit films!
Rush Hour 3 (2007)
no more please!
What a waste of time more or less! This movie was by far the worst of all three in the series. Jackie seems to be nothing more than a tired old man and Chris tucker seems to have no glow in his comments or acting. They both seem to be "just in it for the money"
I really hope this will be the last Rush Hour film, the first and second was both really really enjoyable with fun comments, good comedy and good action scenes this third installment has nothing of it.
For some good Jackie action stick with his older films and those made in Hong Kong, for Chris tucker films watch any other film he's in besides this one.
Pistol Whipped (2008)
Better than many of his later flicks
To say the least, I can't understand how this movie have higher scores than let's say nico, out for justice and other older steven films here on IMDb, since the fact is its a looong way for steven to actually make films in that class.
Comparing this film to his later work; into the sun, black dawn, attack force etc. this is by far a step in the right direction. This movie has a decent plot, a decent steven (yeah, it has actually), and decent action scenes that doesn't look stupid, nothing fancy like out for blood but they work.
I sure hope Mr. Seagal can push himself a little more in the right direction in his next film and maybe, JUST maybe, he might have a chance to actually make another action movie the way we all enjoyed back in the days.
Earthlings (2005)
Really Informative and horrible
As many other have stated about this film. I still wonders WHY isn't a film such as this up on regular television?
Humanity showed its faces in our more modern world during world war II and how the Nazis treated jews, gypsies and other people that didn't fit their kingdom. Stalin showed his way of tormenting his own people with starvation etc. estimated losses under stalins rule comes up to 40 million people.
Now this we air on TV's we read about it in school and everybody are horrified how humans could do such acts of terror well take a look at this film and you will see that we are still doing it the only thing is we have turned to other species than ourselves. But everything from what we saw in world war ii is here and even worse things than that in my opinion.
I simply can't understand how we can ignore these slaughter houses anylonger. It makes my blood boil when I see the people working in theses places, if someone where to die in pain it should be the human doing what he/she does.
I fell ashamed to be among humans when I see that we are so many that are capable of doing theses sic things. OF COURSE I must add that NOT all slaughter houses do act like these but there are many and they are totally legal... its insane!
I hope that someday this film ends up on TV everywhere and that humans will say NO! We did stop what happened during the nazi regime. Stop this as well!
Great Performances: Shaolin: Wheel of Life (2001)
Shaolin Power
This is not a good documentary about the Shaolin style nor is it a movie with some fancy storyline
What this is is just a spectacular show by Shaolin Monks doing things that are just unbelievable.
If you like martial arts movies and "crazy" Asian stunts, this show will show you lots of this stuff happening in real time.. Some fights these monks show up is just like looking at a great martial arts movie =)
The only real bad thing about this is the slow motion effects and some bad cutting here and there.. but don't let that come in your way
Its an fantastic show made by fantastic Monks showing off what they can do with their bodies.
How they handle different weapons is just fantastic.. you have to see it to believe it.
Some things I strongly suggest that you NOT try to attempt at home =)
Zhong hua zhang fu (1978)
Just awesome!
This movie is awesome!
don't let the old year scare you away! This movie truly has it all, nice scenery and exciting fights.
Shaw Brothers did have a nose for great martial arts flicks and this one is one of them (one of the better they have released I would say)
the film centers around man named Liu that marries a Japanese girl. They early in their marriage argue about which martial arts styles that are the best; Chinese or Japanese. He of course speaks for the Chinese arts and she for the Japanese. He insults here that hard that she leaves him and goes back to China. In an attempt to win her back he writes a letter and sends off to her, but are misunderstood and so he insults HER family so they seeks him up to have a duel.
Now here is where this film becomes really interesting; Every Japanese that he fights has different styles and weapons so this movie really shows off various styles in Martial Arts.
And it shows it off well. the actors really knows their stuff; they all move and fight AMASING!
don't hesitate to wait, rent/buy it know!
I shall also add: IVL (Intercontinental Video Limited) has re-released this film on DVD with re-mastered video and sound quality! and it truly looks good! so I recommend looking this version up.
Jackie Chan: My Stunts (1999)
If you are, like me, a Jackie Chan fan (at least of his older films) and wanna know more about "how he has done his films" and so on. This is a great film to watch. Jackie explains how many of Asian movies are made (at least were made back in the days) and how they in "cheap" ways came up with ideas on camera work and lots of other things that makes a movie look good.
Also you get behind the scenes of various stunts, how he performed them and how he comes up with those action scenes we all love to see with Jackie.
All in all I really liked this Documentary. I will also point out that if you can find the HK release of this film you can watch the documentary with Chinese voices and eng. subtitles for some things jackie showcases that are NOT in the English talking version.
Best of the Chris Rock Show: Volume 2 (2001)
Very fun
If you are a fan of Chris Rocks kind of humor, to bash society and make fun out of "everyday" situations in his raw style. You will find this best of vol 2 very funny.
On this one he has collected the rest of his unforgettable parts of his Chris Rock show.
It ain't as good as the best of Chris Rock show part 1, but nearly as good.
by both and have them in your collection and you will own two discs with great spoofs, of TV shows & movies and more.
they are truly worth it.
The Island (2005)
Action Flick With A bang
Well, I've heard very different opinions to this movie. So when I went to see it last night I didn't know what to believe really. but boy was I impressed? yes, I surly was. before me a very neat action flick ran on in about 2 hrs and 12 minutes (or something close) Its nice that we are given this long action movies now days so it can build up a story and also have a lot of action and make it balance throughout the movie. I never felt bored during the film.
so the first 20 minutes or so was rather slow going but it gave us a good story and was interesting so I was more "cool, now what are they going to do" suddenly it all changed into action climax. Cars exploding, A lot of running and hiding
all with awesome special effects and really good sound.
I will not spoil anything for anyone that might read this but I can assure you if you go see it you will get a 2+ hr movie with a story worth telling and action worth watching
rate: 9/10
I can't see why the producer has made this ugly statements about the two leading actors (Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor), that they play their roles badly etc. if he really thinks that, why didn't he say so why they were shooting the film in the first place? plain stupid. Frankly I think they do a very good job in keeping their heads up in this movie. Maybe its just a media trick to, I don't know, lure more people into the cinemas to watch it.
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
A very good flick
This is a really awesome war flick. Which I think has a rather interesting focus in it. I mean to focus on a sniper guy what is being hunted by an German sniper is a dangerous move to do, its real easy to get it all just being dumb. But the director manages to keep the movie in line and interesting at all time.
There is really only one major thing I dislike with this film and that is the fact that both the German side and the Russian side is very very good in talking English. Its very sad that Hollywood flicks mostly has this all out-good cast of English talking actors.
that is the reason I lower the rate for this film. It would have been more interesting to see it if Germans spoked German and Russian side spoked Russian.
Pi li shi jie (1985)
Amasing Shaw Brothers Film
This is the story of Fong Sai Yuk. I guess some of you will come to think of Jet Li now which is right, this movie is about the same guy as Jet Li plays but with one major different thing. It isn't Jet Li that plays Fong Sai Yuk its the fantastic actor Hou Hsiao which I must say kick Jet Li's butt in most areas. Hou Hsiao would probably win the vote for "best underrated martial artist of all time". You have to see this guy move to believe it! Amazing!
This movie has everything a good martial arts movie shall have. Exciting fights, good acting and its fun moments as well.
I guess this film is one of the best Shaw brothers movies I've seen in my life. And as even Gordon Liu is in this movie, its almost written success all over the title. And now when its digitally restored on DVD (Deltamac or IVL release) it is just even better.
Fong Sai Yuk is the utterly incorrigible young troublemaker who is nearly invincible due to his martial arts abilities. His parents and teachers can't discipline him, and he continually gets into trouble; until one day he messes with the wrong people, and the local rulers decree that he be decapitated. Devastated, his parents secretly send him and his brothers to the 36th Chamber of Shaolin Temple to avoid the beheading, and his mother selflessly agrees to face the consequences of her son's actions.
Once in Shaolin Temple, monk San Te works (played but Gordon Liu) to exhaust the young boy into submission. However, Sai Yuk handles his training regimen easily, and has plenty of energy to spare for his various dirty deeds. Sai Yuk gathers his fellow students in attempts to sneak out of the temple. On his night out, he visits the governor's estate to witness the lantern festival, where he gets into more trouble and earns the wrath of the governor himself. It's not long before the governor begins to plan an elaborate plot to bring down Sai Yuk and all of Shaolin's students with him!
Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
The Best In The Series
Lethal Weapon 4 is in my opinion easily the best of them all! for one thing Jet Li does a great job in his role playing bad guy. the sad thing is he is in the movie Way to short.. there should have been more scenes with him. Also I would like to think that his role is the best he has made ever in Hollywood. In some way it feels like they have used Jet Li's performance in the right way . though, again, he should have been more into the movie.
Chris Rock also makes another amazing role, I just love the loud Chris walking around talking nonsense... and in this movie he does that A lot and Well! other thing..the plot is not much to talk about but works for that this is; an action movie. the action is good! very good =)
it was indeed a great end to a nice series of action films...
Da zui xia (1966)
Another SB masterpiece!
Even if this film goes way back in time (back to 1966) this film is very well shot indeed.
And from what I have heard this was the film that kind of set the standard for future kung fu flix in this particular style. Flying ppl, big battles and beautiful action style.
No need to really lay so much upon the story on what happens in it. as it can be read on the main page.. but I do wanna announce that if you wanna get this one on DVD you should look for the re-mastered version released/made by the Asian company Celestial Pictures/ IVL (Intercontinental Video Limited)
They have done a great job in shaping up this film.. so ti more or less looks like it could have been produced today.
Also comes with lots of Xtras like interviews with the cast and other fun stuff.
Well worth having in your collection
The Ring Two (2005)
Better Than American The Grudge
It seems to be popular by Hollywood now-days to do re-makes of foreign classic films. This time ring two has been re-made and I must say even if it doesn't really live up to the first one it's still far more better than the grudge (with I think they just totally blew into the pan with the American version) oh well this is about ring two and not the grudge.
the effects ain't that bad that some ppl might say. they are creep and just looking at the audience sitting in their chairs go "aw.. oh.. iih" it doesn't take a master brain to understand that this film goes under the skin on most people. story wise its a bit mediocre comparing to the first one.. though I believe its kinda hard to really make a film like the ring to have a good follow-up anyway, they deal with a subject I kinda of like. supernatural in a weird TV way =)
Ming jian (1980)
Nice Swordsplay Movie Of The Old School!
the Plot:
Swordmaster Wah acquires Chi Mud, the famous sword expert, he is advised to destroy it or he will be killed by this very sword. Wah does not believe. Suddenly he retires. but many young swordsman try to find and challenge him. Lee a young swordsman saves a girl by accident from a professional killer. Upon hearing that Wah's daughter Ying has been kidnapped, Lee goes to her rescue only to find that Ying is the girl he had rescued before. But Lee still wants to challenge Wah in spite of his love for Wah's daughter. The strikes and vengeance is revealed now...
about the film:
Personally when I first saw this film I didn't really bother that much about it. I though "ahh..sen this so many times before" but the second time I watched it.. I began to understand that this is actually a very beautiful film. the story itself isn't anything new but still gives a good purpose and meaning to the film, the fighting is of the old school, fun to watch and nicely made, locations are beautiful shot etc. so in all this film is actually worth looking up. If you like the old martials arts stylish films I would recommend to look this one up.
I give it a 7/10
Ong-Bak (2003)
Incredible Movie!
This is one of my top 5 favourite asian movies of all times!
This movie is kind of lowbudget but still the director manages to capture and pull off some really neat things in the film. The story is kind of mainstream but its not the story you are after when you are watching this movie. Its the fighting scenes!
Tony is one huge ass kicking guy and Im pretty sure that if he manages to maybe try and act a bit better between the fighting scenes he will make it huge. In the fighting he is equal to Jackie Chan and jet Li in my opinion, sometimes better. This guy pulls off moves that I have not seen before, also as he is a thai boxer he surly likes to beat up his foes with elbows and knees. Its a messy movie but omg I loved it so much
I can't wait for this to be released on DVD, Im gonna buy me a copy the first thing I do when I see it in the shops.
UHF (1989)
Give us another movie AL!
If you like Naked Gun, Top Secret etc. you will love U.H.F! if you are a fan of "Weird" Al Yankovic as a person, music artist etc. you will love this movie.
U.H.F is a great comedy with Al's type of humour taken from his lyrics onto the screen.
I just say.. Al pls.. Give us another movie! 10/10