Makin' Baby (2002)
Triflin and Trae Rock!!!
Those two guys Trilin and Trae rocked in this movie - they were hilarious. I wonder why they don't give them their own film to be in? And who would have thought that Mystikal can actually act? Well, if you liked Vatos or Tailsting, then you will love this movie!!!
Vatos (2002)
More Great Mexploitation!!!
This is another classic Tanya York film - jam packed with everything we have come to love and admire from York entertainment - Girls, Guns, Ganstas, and a little violence thrown in for good measure. Ana Alicia Palma does a great service to this film (and reportedly to the lead actors also) by getting sweaty, nude and abused. Gary Kruz has a great performance also.
Two Coyotes (2001)
Great Mex-ploitation Flick!!!
This film is an excellent example of what an independent film can be. The director does an excellent job of riding the line between emotional and physical violence. But in the end, he remembers what so many indie-films forget - he tells a good story. When watching this film I was reminded of how timid and mundane most big-budget Hollywood films really have become.
Especially notable, is an exceptionally strong performance by the film's lead - Jorge Cordova. As an villainous thug (on his way to the top of the crime heap) Cordova plays a conniving, brutal, conceited, devious, and sleazy S.O.B., but he is so likable that he keeps you entertained the whole time.
I read somewhere that these guys were part of the New Wave of Latino Filmmakers in Los Angeles - called La Nueva Obra, or something like that. Either way, this film makes you look forward to seeing more of their work.
La otra conquista (1998)
Time for Another Conquest
This has to be one of the most boring "films" I have ever seen. The producers of this film were somehow able to take an exciting premise for a story and completely ruin it. If watching paint dry is your idea of dramatic and original entertainment, then this pathetic excuse of a movie may be just the thing you need to push you over the edge.
Poorly acted, horribly directed, and with the production value of a bad student film, this movie will stand as an embarassment to legitimate Mexican filmmakers for generations to come.