Tail Gunner Joe is now available on You Tube 2h 43min.
4 Reviews
Precious Images
Precious Images is on DVD !!
20 May 2017
I just bought a DVD of this wonderful film.
It cost me $90....and was worth it.
It's the best version I've seen.
I got it from the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York Or available as a rental from here: $35 http://film-makerscoop.com/rentals-sales
It cost me $90....and was worth it.
It's the best version I've seen.
I got it from the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York Or available as a rental from here: $35 http://film-makerscoop.com/rentals-sales
Yancy Derringer
X Brands (Pahoo-Ka-Ta-Wah) & his knife
20 May 2017
I've be re-watching the series....and am simply amazed at X Brands. His skill with his knife is extraordinary. Yancy can flip Pahoo's knife back over his shoulder... and X Brands catches it amid spin and puts it into his shoulder sheath in one seemingly effortless move. AMAZING!!! Also his sign language seems to be very accurate.
Maid in Manhattan
2 October 2003
I've been a projectionist for 35 years (so far) & average about 2 features & a few documentaries each week. I've seen a lot of films. In my humble opinion, I found this film to be totally forgettable...except for Fiennes & Hoskins. J-lo is over-rated, over paid & much too much, OVER HYPED.
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