The series begins with a profile of Dorothy Stopford Price, the woman who pioneered the introduction of the BCG vaccine and spearheaded the country's fight against TB.
Róisín Ní Thomáin continues to profile Irish women who helped to shape the world of science by focusing on the achievements of Lilian Bland - the early aviator who was the first woman in the world to design, build and fly her own plane.
In episode three Róisín Ní Thomáin focuses on the achievements of Kathleen Lonsdale, whose pioneering work in the field of X-ray crystallography made her one of the most important chemists of the 20th century.
Róisín Ní Thomáin concludes the series by focusing on the achievements of Jocelyn Bell Burnell, a world-renowned astrophysicist who made her name in the late 1960s with her discovery of pulsars, or pulsating stars.