Thinking that there was no way that they could improve on the first one they definitely proved me wrong. One of the funniest movies I have seen all year. They must have had more money as shown by the expert cinematography especially at the party scene with the fancy camera work. The plot twists at the end will blow u away. Hitchcock would have bowed to superiority of these twists to anything he put out. If this movie played in theaters it would have been a blockbuster starting all sorts of important conversations across the world. Everybody should see this movie even if you don't like it just because of it cultural importance. Of course if you want to see the same movie with the same actors making the same jokes with the same special effects in the background while pushing some pointless agenda then just go somewhere else and watch whatever the same studios are putting out. If you want true art and independent film making then don't just watch this movie. Tell everyone else to watch it.