Boy Meets Boy is an intriguing blend of reality and horror, self identity and thrill. The tension and balance between these elements are constantly in motion in this fast-paced short film.
All the qualities of a feature film are here in spades in this outstanding nugget of a film. The quality and attention to detail are rare for this form, from the tight script and direction to the cinematography awash in moody reds to enhance the story.
Mike Azevedo delivers a powerful and raw performance. Not many actors could embody a lonely and vulnerable man struggling with self worth, and then someone who lusts for his next conquest, all within ten short minutes. If the premise sounds far-fetched, the final result certainly isn't. It's all the more impressive that Azevedo delivers the transformation so convincingly and effortlessly.
It isn't often that a short film makes such a delicious impression throughout. Think of Boy Meets Boy as that perfect appetizer: completely satisfying unto itself, but leaving you wanting so much more. Blood pudding, anyone?