Based upon the popular pilgrim's memoir. Hape needs a break from his busy schedule or he risks a total collapse. Kicking his heels at home, his thoughts return to his childhood, his mother's death, the breakdown of his faith in God. He decides that what he needs is not sun sea and surf but instead dust, sweat and tears. He dons a backpack and makes his way to the Pyrenees.
Hape is going to try conclusions with the pilgrimage road to Santiago. Used to being onstage and seeing people smiling up at him, now he finds himself alone, ignored, even shunned, except by autograph hunters. He's a big fella and it's a very long road to Santiago. Has he bitten off more chorizo than he can chew?
Ich bin dann mal weg (2015) or, I'm Off, is a backpacker-themed movie that strikes a good balance between introversion and situational pratfalls. Hape tells a few jokes, and we see him in flashbacks developing his talent as a boy, but much of the comedy comes from trying circumstances. He keeps running into two women who only seem to tolerate him, but as the walk becomes a journey their feelings for each other begin to warm and grow, and as that happens honesty replaces defensiveness.
Whilst not intended to be a cinematic marvel, I'm Off manages to be both purely entertaining and thoughtful. It is character driven, suitable for all except the very young, and I'd say it will repay repeat viewing.