1 review
This film is nothing but another attempt to serve every anti-Serbian trope imaginable, and to make it easier to swallow by thinly veiling it in humour. Oh, those endearing innocent soldiers, helpless in a trench... And the funny moments every five minutes. And the anti-Serbian propaganda? Well, a foreign audience will eat it up without even realising it, along with all the laughs and the good time they had. I mean, it's a fun little film, that's all it is? It couldn't possibly reveal hatred towards Serbs or be replete with monstrous ideological garbage designed to demonize Serbs, right? This film is a complete and utter lie from beginning to end. Not only is it factually wrong, but it presents muslims, who started the war, as victims of that war, and it presents Serbs as primitive bloodthirsty savages, rather than people who defended themselves against a muslim aggression designed to drive them off their land. Of course, there are countless subtleties here, discernible only to someone actually from former Yugoslavia, and all it takes is about ten seconds to see which narrative the film is serving you. In this case, it is a narrative you would expect from muslims and croats, and if you look at who made the film, you see that these people are in fact of that ethnic background. What a shock... Avoid this stinker unless you want to watch shameless lies being shoved in your face with some pretty lame attempts at humour.