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Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Poster

Alden Ehrenreich: Han Solo



  • Lando Calrissian : I hate you.

    Han Solo : I know.

  • Han Solo : Since when do you know how to fly?

    [Chewie howls something] 

    Han Solo : 190 years old?

    [Chewie howls again] 

    Han Solo : You look great!

  • Dryden Vos : You need an incredibly fast ship, and a brilliant pilot.

    Han Solo : We've got the pilot.

  • Han Solo : Just did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs!

    Chewbacca : [howls at Han] 

    Han Solo : Not if you round down.

  • Han Solo : I don't know if he said "tribe" or "family."

    Tobias Beckett : What's the difference?

  • [from trailer] 

    Han Solo : I heard a story about you. I was wondering if it's true.

    Lando Calrissian : Everything you've heard about me is true.

  • Han Solo : [to Nest during standoff]  You happen to notice that freighter down there? You know what's on it? About 30 hired guns. All I gotta do is give 'em the signal, you're surrounded.

    [the Falcon takes off] 

  • Qi'Ra : What should we drink to?

    Han Solo : Let's drink two and see where it goes.

  • Beckett : Sorry I punched your face.

    Han Solo : Happens more often than you think.

  • [from trailer] 

    Beckett : Hey kid, I'm putting together a crew. You in?

    [Chewbacca makes an affirmative growl] 

    Han Solo : That's yes.

  • [from trailer] 

    Han Solo : I thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it's fine. We're fine.

    [the Falcon dodges gigantic tentacles] 

  • Han Solo : How did you get out?

    Qi'Ra : I didn't.

  • Chewbacca : Rrraarrrghhh.

    Han Solo : You think everything sounds like a bad idea.

    Chewbacca : Rrrawwwrrggh?

  • Han Solo : So what's your name anyways?

    Chewbacca : Rrraaawwgghhhyyy!

    Han Solo : You're gonna need a nickname cause I ain't saying that every time.

  • Lady Proxima : Well, what happened?

    Han Solo : I'll tell you what happened. They double-crossed you and tried to kill me.

    Lady Proxima : The money?

    Han Solo : They kept it.

    Lady Proxima : And my coaxium?

    Han Solo : They kept that, too. But we learned a very valuable lesson. We cannot trust those guys.

    Lady Proxima : So you expect me to believe that you walked away with nothing?

    Han Solo : Well, I... I ran away with my life. I think that's something. I mean... to me, that's a lot.

  • Lando Calrissian : Han! You're alive!

    Han Solo : Yeah, no thanks to you. I should have Chewie rip your arms off. In fact, Chewie, do it.

    [Chewie roars at Lando] 

    Lando Calrissian : Hey, Han! We are friends. You know that. We're friends. All right?

    [Han pulls Lando into a tight hug] 

    Han Solo : Oh, look at you. You thought he was gonna rip your arms off.

    Lando Calrissian : I knew you were kidding

    Han Solo : No, you didn't.

  • Han Solo : I'm gonna be a pilot. Best in the galaxy.

  • Imperial Officer : We're almost there!

    Han Solo : Almost where? Where are we?

  • Han Solo : I've got a good feeling about this!

  • Han Solo : [to Chewie in Shyriiwook]  Me have plan of break out. You and I freedom make... by secret battle of pretend.

    [points to supporting column] 

    Han Solo : Look... big... stick...

  • Qi'Ra : [holding a vial of coaxium]  This, this is worth...

    Han Solo : Five, six hundred credits. That's more than you said we'd need.

    Qi'Ra : To buy our way out of the control zone. And off Corellia. Han, this could work.

    Han Solo : This is gonna work. Qi'ra, you always said one day we're gonna get out of here. This is it.

    Qi'Ra : What are we waiting for?

  • Han Solo : I ran away with my life. I think that means something. That means something to me.

  • [Chewbacca has Han pinned to the floor of his muddy cell] 

    Han Solo : [Growls something in Shyriiwook] 

    Chewbacca : [Looks puzzled] 

    Han Solo : Yeah, I speak a little. Now just listen to me you dumb Wookiee!

  • Han Solo : Beckett, we're .8 from the bridge! Val's still on the track!

    Beckett : Val, you gotta get off that bridge! We're here!

    Val : They've got me pinned! I'm gonna have to finish the job from right here.

    Beckett : What?

    Val : It's been a ride, babe. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  • Han Solo : Drop the landing gear! When I tell you, flood the intake and sweep to the bi-lats. A little something I picked up from my pal, Needles, best street racer in all of Corellia... till he crashed... and died... doing THIS!

  • Han Solo : Mining colonies are the worst.

    Beckett : Yeah, well, "the worst" is where the money is.

  • Han Solo : Great, more mud.

    Mimban Lieutenant : What was that?

    Han Solo : Just wondering what our objective is, lieutenant.

    Mimban Lieutenant : Bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy, install a regime loyal to the Emperor and eradicate the hostiles.

    Han Solo : It's their planet, we're the hostiles.

    Mimban Lieutenant : [Mimban Lieutenant steps closer to Han Solo]  You got a problem, trooper?

    Han Solo : No problem, sir.

    Mimban Lieutenant : [Mimban Lieutenant steps away from Han Solo]  Moving out.

  • Han Solo : [Han sits down for the first time in the Millennium Falcon next to Lando and reaches for the steering yoke] 

    L3-37 : Excuse Me. Get your presumptuous ass out of my seat!

  • [from trailer] 

    Han Solo : I'm gonna be a pilot... best in the galaxy.

  • [first lines] 

    Han Solo : [trying to hotwire a speeder]  Come on! Come on!

  • Han Solo : Everybody stand back!

    [holds out a rock pretending it's a weapon] 

    Lady Proxima : What's that supposed to be?

    Han Solo : This is a thermal detonator

    [makes clicking noise with his mouth] 

    Han Solo : That I just armed.

    Lady Proxima : That's a rock.

    Han Solo : No, it's not.

    Lady Proxima : Yes, it is! And you just made a clicking sound with your mouth.

See also

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